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Manic Typist

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Everything posted by Manic Typist

  1. Re: MH Kickstarter almost over... I pledged $25. *Stares out of the TV at the audience* How about YOU? Seriously, you could pledge just a dollar if you want.
  2. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I made my first Kickstarter pledge, for $25. I really hope this product materializes.
  3. Re: Bell curve spread? I'm sorry, I don't often participate in these conversations, so maybe this is obvious and just over my head. But, couldn't any one of your examples just as feasibly apply for an Entangled character? The Mentalist, an Indirect Power, Teleportation, Flight (depending on how it was built and interacting SFX of the Flight and the Entangle)......
  4. Re: Hunter's Eye Agreed, but I don't think INT-based PER necessarily implies heightened senses. Rather, I feel that INT is acceptable since it implies that your PER is based, in good part, on how much attention you are paying. Many people can be exposed to the exact same stimuli and take away varying levels of perception of what happened; some might not even know anything was going on! INT can model the person who, DUE TO their experience/wits, recognized that SOMETHING their senses caught is SOMEHOW significant. So in your example, the people with poor PER capacities might just have it described as "He's wearing cologne." Not even "floral," since the association with flowers is so well known (don't want to unduly influence the player). Heck, they might not even get the descriptor that he's wearing cologne, I might just leave it out entirely. Even though the character smelled it, unless someone asks them after the fact (and even then, not always. How many often have you had trouble remembering something obvious that you weren't paying attention to in the first place?), they might not even get that detail. The high INT/PER character..... "He smells strongly of a floral cologne. Give me a roll...." Or even "He smells of the X flower," depending.
  5. Re: Hunter's Eye Exactly. Or, again, a Detect associated with an Unusual/Custom Sense Group- The Supernatural.
  6. Re: Campaign Input Requested Huh, yeah, I dunno why you guys would pass on the Hooded Man sort of scenario. I guess I was just confused by how, if you assume something is happening because of the plot, you don't follow up on it. Unless, you think it merely happens to EXPEDITE the plot, which means it's supposed to not be looked at too closely...
  7. Re: Hunter's Eye That works, or go with some variation of the Unusual Sense group and just let the SFX be different senses depending on what is appropriate for the narrative.
  8. Re: Campaign Input Requested I agree, have them trade the Elder sign for weapons grade plutonium so that there is still that "mundane" threat out there, another faction, etc. Keep the PCs busy. However, how are they supposed to find the dead man's room when he has no ID and his body has been disfigured in such a way that they can't really track anything about him?
  9. Re: Ultra-Tech Punishments? Very interesting. Any idea of what the recidivism rate is for violent offenders in the area?
  10. Re: Order of the Stick Have you guys read the Kickstarter updates page? It has a bunch of OotS bonus comics on it....
  11. Re: Dark New England (A Lovecraftian Potterverse Campaign in America) Better an overt school than a forbidden art... because THAT always goes so well. Modern societies use bodies for all kinds of purposes (scientific research, anyone?) There is no necessary contradiction in the idea of ethical necromancy.
  12. Re: Ultra-Tech Punishments? Interesting. So, the maximum sentence for murder is 18 years?
  13. Re: Boot Blade? Unless you're Jackie Chan, yes it should.
  14. Re: Boot Blade? IIF for sure, unless your character has a habit of not lacing up...
  15. Re: Order of the Stick Must spread rep yadda yadda.
  16. Re: Order of the Stick http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/012/812/tarp-30198.jpg
  17. Re: Order of the Stick Ahem. It's a tarp, obviously.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Huh?
  19. Re: Creepy Pics. Ugh. I was eating my breakfast cereal when I clicked on that. Did she do that to herself?
  20. Re: Order of the Stick My counterpoint- that Epic Level Necromancer was dead. Not undead. Someone killed her dead.
  21. Re: Order of the Stick I understand. But part of the problem with having the bomb is that it makes everyone afraid enough of you to want to see you fall. And unlike an atom bomb, you're not a nation but a single individual who can probably only cast that spell once until you have more time to prepare it. So, you paint a big target on your back. You might be a very dangerous opponent, but nonetheless, you still have a target on your back that everyone wants to hit, for one reason or another.
  22. Re: Falling damage: all the right angles? That's a lot of math. You, uh, sure you don't want to use my system for representing multiple instances of defense due to an oblique impact? Can I use oblique like that?
  23. Re: Order of the Stick .... wow, I seriously hope that Belkar finds out and becomes insanely jealous. I would love that storyline. As an aside, good reasoning by all. I think that spell, however, is a terrible idea as just demonstrated. It kills so many people, randomly, that it would draw in tons of revenge seekers. Also, I can see lots of unaffected parties going after the caster just because that individual is obviously insanely powerful and dangerous, and willing to use it to kill indiscriminately, and thus needs to be eliminated.
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