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Manic Typist

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Everything posted by Manic Typist

  1. Re: Order of the Stick I'm sorry, I call malarki. Malarkey?
  2. Re: New Hero System Players And Game Masters [quote=RexMundi;2292120 Sticking with Books. You guys like the PDF's, I'm fine with that feel free to pick them up and use them, but my money is for Books, it goes further that way. ~Rex It's fine that you stick with books. I like them too. However, to be blunt, you are mistaken and you are being disingenuous. The money literally does not go further that way. It's the reverse, and it all has to do with the fact that you have access to the book for forever (essentially) and can reproduce it (infinitely). Here's the thing. You already have a computer. That's a default. You're using one right now. So, that means that the cost of the machine is irrelevant. Even if you throw it off a building, you can go print your books (for LESS than the cost of the book unless you're allowing yourself to get ripped off, I managed to print two copies of each volume for free at my school library), and on top you don't have to pay shipping, which DEFINITELY ensures that printing it (and putting it in a binder yourself) is cheaper. The PDF is tougher. Why? Because it's invulnerable. If you accidentally delete it, well, you can download it again from the HERO site or go download it from your email or wherever else you were smart enough to back it up. Trade-ins? Bad business, that. Usually it means you're already losing, unless the item is truly worthless to you. So I'll see your extremely reduced trade-in value and raise you the savings of the PDF initial price and the need to never buy the book again. As an aside, please don't misrepresent me as suggesting that you give away copies. I said table copies. That way not everyone has to crowd over the same book, but you can have them placed evenly throughout the room for easy access of all. You could LEND one for a couple of days to let someone decide if they want to buy a copy from HERO Games. PDFs just literally are economically superior (for the customer) in essentially every way. This isn't a criticism of the books, it just is. The appeal of books? The smell, the heft, the color. That, however, is a personal preference thing, not a quantifiable feature that can be measured. That's why I buy the bundle, so that I can have my nice GM copy and then refer to the PDF when I need to find something fast, or when I'm traveling (they are weightless, after all), etc.
  3. Re: New Hero System Players And Game Masters If you drop it off that building, you'll probably pick up a very damaged book. Whereas with a PDF, you have that forever. You can download it anytime, anywhere, and reproduce it as much as you want. So, you can print off copies to keep for referral during games, for example.
  4. Re: Fairytale Hero ....I really, really partially defined wishes. That is a NICE twist that creates a lot of flavor. Repped if I can.
  5. Re: Sci-Fi Webcomic: Escape From Terra! Because we all know that the only successful scientists/entrepreneurs/people with any moral fabric of the future will be followers of Ayn Rand. In SPACE!
  6. Re: Sci-Fi Webcomic: Escape From Terra! Your reasoning is sound. I object to anyone identifying their view, however, in this exact sort of situation as being "the law" when it is exactly as you analyze it. Don't give yourself airs or a moral pass. Own your actions for exactly what they are.
  7. Re: Falling damage: all the right angles? Well, on the fly I'd let them use it as a bonus to Acrobatics/Breakfall to reduce the damage, either by allowing the Breakfall to occur as normal (more or less) or turning it into Knockback or Knockdown, etc. If you want to get technical, I guess you COULD try and say that a right angle= 100% (so, the full force of whatever velocity they have going for them) and then correlate from there. So a 45 degree slope would equate half damage (45 being half of 90) and so on. Not sure if that helps.
  8. Re: Sci-Fi Webcomic: Escape From Terra! Yeah, but it's still wrong. "Here you go, twelve to fourteen year old girl (who is far from being emotionally or developmentally mature to start with) who just had something truly devastating happen to you, take this gun and decide. Don't stop crying, decide whether this man deserves to live or die, because we know that whatever decision you make now is of course the appropriate one." It's nonsense. First, the reference to Nurmemberg runs contrary to the colonists' philosophy, since they are trying to resist external forces imposing new laws or mandates upon them. However badly those men at that trial got what they deserved, it was still a legal fabrication. They literally invented entirely new legal concepts and procedures to do something no one had ever done before. There was nothing even close to an international trial of that sort before. Human rights, crimes against humanity.... all that was made during the process. So using that as a justification fails because it is hypocritical. Second, there was nothing international about that trial. THEY passed judgment as the wronged party (since it affected the whole society like you said, it was like the victim being the judge, jury, and executioner), and that makes it a kangaroo court. The guy had no chance at a defense, even though in reality he might have had a case. A non-military target was selected, he protested, he was overridden, he executed the order. He had no knowledge of what was inside that building though- that was his commanding officer's responsibility. The man who had JUST been executed by the little girl. It's a weak rationalization for "We did it because we wanted revenge." It wasn't even victor's justice, it was a form of grief written in the blood of another person. If they had just done it honestly "We caught you, and we blame you, and we will take revenge upon you" I wouldn't object to the writing, but the author tries to force the narrative down our throat as if what happened is RIGHT, when it just shows that they are vulnerable to the exact same excesses they see in the Terran government.
  9. Re: Sci-Fi Webcomic: Escape From Terra! Ah, I remember this one. I stopped reading it after the miners gave a pistol to a girl and encouraged her to execute a technician on a military vessel who had technically pressed the button that blew up her home (after he raised concerns about the legitimacy of the target to his commanding officer). Their justification for the summary execution (by a bereaved child) was "Nuremberg," which was an entirely incoherent response to the man's protests. Yeah.... author bias is strong in this one.
  10. Re: M44 offhand @ 500 yards I think I'm talking with a recruiter about that specific MOS next week. And man, 12 Skill Levels? I'd probably award some situational bonus for it being on a range and not combat conditions, I'd guess. Also, we don't know how many takes that took... but I can believe that he honestly did it.
  11. Re: M44 offhand @ 500 yards Marine Intel?
  12. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. There was soylent green in the photo?
  13. Re: M44 offhand @ 500 yards And who knows how many takes that was. I'm not saying he is not necessarily skilled, but it looked to me as if the bullet hit near the edge of the target (not center mass). So maybe if he took the time to consider wind and aim with his... dominant hand? Whatever term is opposite for "off-hand" it would have been a better hit?
  14. Re: Dungeons, suitable for crawling or delving? I know I've seen a dungeon history/layout generator online.....
  15. Re: Creepy Pics. The thing I find creepy about that picture is that I expect there to be eyes on the utensils (and maybe the place mat)..... and I can't find them.
  16. Re: Order of the Stick That's actually a really cold blooded thing for Roy to say.
  17. Re: How long to learn or improve a skill, spells, etc? Very interesting. I might steal for my own use, if I ever get to run/play again.
  18. Re: Secondary stats So, you want to bring Figured CHAR back into 6th, quiaff?
  19. Re: Post your campaign/setting/supplement It is an interesting magic system, and I think I'd enjoy the flavor of it. However, it does need thorough proofreading. It's a bit... distracting.
  20. Re: Bard villain/mastermind: how? Rock star as a ruler, anyone?
  21. Re: How to found a new Catholic Order You're missing the point. Still. He's being mildly tongue in cheek. Sort of like saying "I'm guilty of loving you," you don't actually mean that you're GUILTY of anything. Or, you are "guilty" of using an internet forum.
  22. Re: How to found a new Catholic Order Um...... he said they were guilty of having money. Not whatever charge the king trumped up to get at that money...
  23. Re: Potential Plot/Scenario Concept -- Lock-Out (AKA MS One: Maximum Security) I'll watch that!
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