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Manic Typist

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Everything posted by Manic Typist

  1. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! Eh, I like the series, but the main character (several of them really) have major attitude problems (i.e. they're jerks), and the writing is weakened by the obvious author bias. Still fun reads, but they would be better if an axe wasn't obviously being ground. Grinded? No. Ground. Definitely NOT grounded, though you probably should generally ground your axes instead of grounding them. Ok, I'll stop. I don't want to run it into the ground...
  2. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? Ah, see, I read "Crud" as you saying "Malarkey." Everything followed from there. Sorry.
  3. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? Tell that to him, Christopher. Unless I completely misread him; if so please ignore...
  4. Re: LET'S HACK: The Turakian Age Hm, gives me ideas for my own setting.... I personally think I have a really neat conception for orc origins and reproduction... but your comment gave me some thoughts on human/elf-interbreeding..... Essentially, orcs are the result of a failed supersoldier project put together by some ambitious wizards. Reproduction in my setting is a magical act- thus odd things can occur, but in general things work as we would expect. Orcs might serve as the "bridge" that allows human-elf interbreeding- which is to say, the only way that a child could result from a human-elf pairing (barring truly unusual magical intervention) is if one or both have them has some orc somewhere in their lineage.
  5. Re: NBC Revolution Falling Skies- very good stuff. As to why they don't show the collapse of society- wouldn't that just kill your TV show's budget, and end up being really repetitive? "In this episode, yet more chaos and death." Also- the jump is 15 years, she isn't searching for her father (he is with her at the start I believe), and she's trying to figure out what to DO with the MacGuffin.... At least that has been my take on what I've seen. Also also- I thought that they HAD guns, but that ammo was hard enough to rustle up that they heavily emphasized not using it. Not sure.
  6. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? Well, someone up thread seemed to think otherwise. *shrug*
  7. Re: New Forum? So will this forum eventually go away? Will it eventually be renamed Urban Fantasy or somesuch?
  8. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? You know, I've mulled it over a couple of days, and I'm still confident that the a Phase is distinct from a Segment, and that the way the core rules tend to talk about them supports that.
  9. Re: Dirty Laundry Didn't know there was a book, or a first movie. Denzel's movie- quite good. What ripped your guts? I can try to tell you if it's in the Denzel version.
  10. Re: Post apocalyptic HERO I would love to give it a try. I guess I'll have to settle for reading about your experiences!
  11. Re: Guide Lines for Campaigns Or they got it as free equipment...
  12. Re: Creepy Pics. ....that's.... that's not how it works..... thankfully.
  13. Re: Drest (feedback sought) Update from first session of play: I had a blast. It was so good to be back in a face to face HERO game. All of the other players seemed to mesh really well too. Interestingly, the session started with the only SPD 3 character buying up his SPD to 4... so I'm glad I kept the SPD 4. With 7 XP, I have purchased 2 Power Defense, +5 END, +1 REC, and Tactics (something I should have had in the first place).
  14. Re: Dirty Laundry That was a good movie.
  15. Re: Drest (feedback sought) Selling back OMCV: munchkiny or not? Edit: Probably munchkiny.
  16. Re: Drest (feedback sought) Oh, I like that. I like that a lot. Granted, he's probably not going to be advertising that he is a soldier type... let alone one sent to hunt down and kill people (preemptively, at times) according to his homeland's notion of justice.... Still, it's probably safe to say that he would garner extra attention from the authorities. And I wasn't trying to reject the idea- I was just worried I'd be abusing it if there was never anyone around able to give orders.
  17. Re: The Ulronai Thread I'm just remembering a fellow PC in our party (my very first) who eventually acquired dragonscale armor....and stacked it with his defensive armor spell. Which is something the GM was probably supposed to squash but... well, that PC's biggest weakness was END. Which made a kind of sense.
  18. Re: Drest (feedback sought) A point I hadn't considered- but how powerful is it if I am operating as a part of a two member team in a foreign land with no means of instantaneous communication/travel? I'll consider it. At the very least, if I can think of nothing else, I'll put that down.
  19. Re: Drest (feedback sought) I agree on the posting thing; I had the same thoughts in advance and tried to figure out how to post the character in one of those scrolling text blocks but could not ascertain how to do so. I was worried trying to copy and paste it would just be... ugly. What export format did you copy and paste from? Part of that might be that I accidentally started building him with the 5E HD.... though I do like using DEX based skills. Still, something to consider. Why not? My first fantasy character was a speed four unarmed martial artist monk. If you look, he has incredibly light armor coupled with decent Combat Luck- which is situationally dependent. I haven't seen the other character's builds, but I do know that there is a paladin who almost definitely has the heavy armor role covered, so I was leaning more towards "fast, light, lethal." However, I could seriously look at dropping it to 3 and seeing what other goodies I can pick up. Personally, I'd only start raising my eyebrow for Fantasy SPEED at 5. Not a bad idea at all. Because necromancers tend to work behind locked doors, and it's better to sneak up on them than kick in the door. Also, the party lacks a "rogue" so the ranger is doing double duty in that sense. Thank you, and agreed. Yeah, I wasn't thrilled about that but I wasn't sure what to put in there. He's a foreigner in the land the campaign is set in; Lumaria is an NPC run by the GM (so that's how my character is being brought in- she handles the necromantic heavy lifting, he handles the physical violence) but their relationship is supposed to be one of equals working together, so that rules out "Subject to orders" and any sort of Social rivalries or significant obligations. I don't particularly want a Physical Complication or a Vulnerability... See above; Blackguard is the GM's name for the elite branch of the Nosgor military that specializes in dealing with the undead. Given you have Lumaria as a DNPC, I wouldn't allow a protective Psych Complication. I can see that, and I wouldn't pitch a fit if the GM suddenly said to change that. So far he hasn't objected. I will say that the two don't necessarily overlap that you can't have both. The DNPC obviously covers the fact that he will physically protect her, but he also regards her like a little sister- he wouldn't tolerate anyone hitting on her, would try to protect her from things that are unsightly, disapproves of foul language in her presence, etc. Those are elements that aren't necessary in a DNPC (although they can easily exist). You're absolutely right. I'll play around with it over the next few days and see what I can do. I considered making him "vulnerable" to necromancy by SELLING back his DMCV, but didn't do that. Yet. Good stuff. Keep it coming!
  20. Re: The Ulronai Thread Anyone else think the Ulronai were overpowered?
  21. Re: Drest (feedback sought) Drest Ne-Sven was born in a small, fairly unremarkable Nosgor village near the coast. His father provided for the family primarily by hunting in the nearby fields and forests; some of Drest’s fondest memories are of learning to hunt and track with his father. His mother helped dress the game they brought back and performed odd jobs around the village such as selling their surplus game or extra food from her garden, mending fishing nets and the like. Overall Drest and his older sister, Amelia, would have had a fairly normal Nosgor life, if it weren’t for Carden. Carden was a young man in the village and, to the best the authorities were able to determine, was experimenting with a necromantic item of middling power in his basement. While the item itself might have been not particularly strong, it was still too powerful for Carden’s lack of aptitude or diligence. The resulting emersion of undead took the lives of nearly a third of the village, including Drest’s parents. Amelia and Drest hid in their home for three days, the first two behind the barricaded door and the last one in the eaves as the zombies began to break their way inside. The Black Guard arrived and dispatched the restless corpses in short order, and one of their rangers specifically rescued the children inside their home. From that day forth, Drest was determined to join the elite Black Guard and protect others as he had been protected, by hunting down the undead and their creators. He and his sister spent the rest of their childhood with an aunt and her family closer to the capital of Nosgor, but as soon as Drest was eligible for military service he left the home and didn’t really go back except for brief visits. Amelia ended up moving to the capital when she was old enough to be on her own, and he visits her from time to time when he can, and sends money or the occasional gift when he can’t. His obsession with his duty and, to some extent, vengeance has damaged his relationship with his sister somewhat in that he hardly sees her, and she tried to focus on living a normal life as a way of recovering and honoring their parents whereas he has dedicated himself entirely to the Black Guard. This bothers him at times but he isn’t sure what to do about it, and being a young man of only twenty-three tells himself that it will be better in the future, that he’ll visit more. Drest hated feeling of helpless as his parents and village died around him, forced to hide in his home for three days. This tends to manifest itself now in his protective instincts of those he perceives as vulnerable or innocent. He won’t stand idly by as someone abuses a person with less power, and this could cause a problem if it is someone who holds a position of power or influence. In battle, Drest tries to fight efficiently. He prefers to open up at medium range with his bow, provoking the enemy as well as softening them up. When the range closes, he tries to hold a tactically advantageous location when possible and focus on key targets first. If dealing with slow, clumsy opponents like a zombie or skeleton he tends to focus on offense to eliminate them quickly, but when confronted with a more skilled opponent he will take his time, focusing on blocking and counterstriking to gain the advantage.
  22. Hello all. For the first time in.... far too many years, it seems like I will be playing an honest to God face to face HERO game. Fantasy, at that. Attached should be my character for the game, Drest Ne-Sven. I will copy and paste his backstory in the next post. In short: He is intended to fulfill the sort of "ranger' role in the party, who specifically comes from a nation which has frequent encounters (both benevolent and malevolent) with the undead, and he is a part of an elite force that is responsible for assisting priestesses with hunting down and eliminating rouge necromancers/undead. So, a ranger/bounty hunter(in that he hunts quarry that are not animals)/body guard. I'm looking for tips, suggestions for efficiency, good ideas, etc. I don't want to munchkin him, but if there was a way I could incorporate some more "bodyguard" or "dirty fighting" martial arts into what he has, I would like that. I had to cut them in the interest of points. Frex, I would like a small Flash power that represents him shining light from his blade into an opponent's eyes, kicking dirt or spitting, etc. Also, I believe I am 10 Complication points short, so suggestions there are welcome.
  23. Re: Fantasy worlds you had to "rework" years later once you've grown up and knew bett I have a fantasy setting that I NEED to rework, someday. I was trying to justify lots of diversity within one reasonably small collection of space, so I had a party of adventurers (who represented different cultural and martial archetypes) be responsible for founding the nation. So it was the equivalent of the early Roman empire with a Eastern-themed city, a Middle Eastern city, and Italian style city, roving (and sanctioned) "barbarian tribesmen" who policed the interior for the occasional orc infestation, etc. The Italian city, Semona, was the setting of the campaign. A city with nobles who bought their titles long ago due to their incredible wealth- and had divided the city up based upon the loose affiliation of businesses and families that became a very rigid city, identified by color (and primary exports). House Carmine, House Azure, House Ebony, House Ivory (an exception of sorts), etc. The city was a bit too neatly divided- I needed to rework that.
  24. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign I like that. Or perhaps they have giant roving statues (robots underneath) that enact their will. A constantly roaming natural disaster of sorts.
  25. Re: Order of the Stick I just.... Did I miss or forget the comic where he assessed her prowess?
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