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Manic Typist

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Everything posted by Manic Typist

  1. Re: Order of the Stick ....he can personally attest?
  2. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities I don't need to read the article to be able to tell you that it should say "Why You Should Stop Saying Rape, Casually."
  3. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities ....taking extremely basic security steps that have little to no cost is not paranoia. It's just common sense. I would lock my dorm room if it was empty and I went to shower, just because it was very easy for me to have a key and even though I didn't think anything would happen, well... I don't remember if my roommate ever learned he should take his key with him. My personal philosophy: If I were making a statement to a police officer and at a certain point would be forced to pause in embarrassment before continuing/would feel stupid for what I was about to say, I probably shouldn't do it. "Well, officer, I just needed a pack of gum so I..... left the car running while I ran in to get some......"
  4. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities The way that your post was constructed, it read (to me) as an argument that rape was worse than murder, and that you had experience with the consequences of murder to justify being able to say that. Hence my emphatic post reiterating my original point, although I did note that there might have been intended... not humor... but caveating, I suppose, of the phrase.
  5. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities No. That is exactly the kind of language that, even if offered in jest, is demeaning and unhelpful, just like saying "Being raped sucks, but at least you're alive afterwards and can heal from the experience." Leaving aside the issues of what happens after death (and therefore whether the murder is "over" for the victim)- it's never over for the friends and family of the victim. They are both horrendous, monstrous acts that should be confronted and prevented at every turn. And they should never be compared in a game of one upmanship. To do so diminishes the human dignity of all involved, including the speaker.
  6. Re: Ars Tactica Hm, someone remind me- when do the penalties for Blocks against additional attacks reset? If I Abort my 8 on 5, then I am Blocking 5-6-7. Since I already Aborted my 8, I have to keep blocking, right? It's been a while since I've played. So I block 8-9-10-11-12. But when 8 rolls around, do the negatives reset? Or do they continue to stack until 12 (or until I fail to Block, obviously)?
  7. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities
  8. Re: Posted 27 Items From My 3 Year Fantasy Hero Campaign On My Site Is there any overview or summary of these items? I see the builds, but looking at notes on them which explain what they are in short would be preferable....
  9. Re: Mythos of the Werewolf As an aside, I believe there was a more recent movie in which Robert DeNiro played Frankenstein's monster which, as depicted, was scary dangerous (fast, strong, near impossible to kill).
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ....wow.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Good one!
  12. Re: Conduct Codes It isn't; it's absolutely fine to put it down as, say, a 45 Point Psy/Soc Comp. It's really just short hand for a slew of things.
  13. Re: My Campaign Is Starting to Flesh Out... I Need Help!
  14. Re: Conduct Codes I think you absolutely can, and I feel your post makes the point for me. The player would have to develop at least a rough sense of what "Code of the Samurai" meant to his character (which can be based upon so many factors- historically speaking, any such code changed quite a bit!). ANY code, of Complication, can be evaded if the player is "smart enough" (i.e. cheap enough) to find some convoluted way of twisting his way out of it.... but why should he want to do that, and why let him? At that point, the issue isn't with the code but the player. If he didn't want this, he should have looked for a different Complication. Play the game, right? Anyway, there could be a lot of drama (even an entire campaign!) around different PCs/NPCs wrestling with each other's interpretations of Code of the Samurai.
  15. Re: Conduct Codes I've been doing this for years, in that case. It's a much quicker way of noting a broad or exhaustive code of behavior on the sheet, and it allows you take other, more unique to that particular character, Complications that get played IN ADDITION to the code.
  16. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra It did feel a bit rushed, which was sad. I still enjoyed it. I realized something else, though, that is categorically better in the first series. The fights.
  17. Re: Conduct Codes Psy Comp: Code of the Samurai. Set the intensity based upon how "good" of a samurai he is. No?
  18. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? They could be quite useful, politically. Sire a few and raise them as ambassadors of the court, dignitaries. They can carry a strong measure of weight (since they are of royal or important blood), and yet not a disaster if they are captured or killed (they were never heirs, after all).
  19. Re: Ghostbusters Plus Ok, you have to explain the Canada thing.
  20. Re: My Campaign Is Starting to Flesh Out... I Need Help! Well, you could always just say that as long as they have their spell pouch/robes whatehaveyou, they don't have to worry about components. Tax them a small amount of money every now and then to represent replenishing their stock. However, I prefer Gestures and Incantations only. Regarding the Divine Difference- No END limitations. They can cast spells all day long- as long as they are doing their god's work, and they have to set aside time to pray, penance, perform other acts of service to their deity, etc. You would have to make sure they have to consciously pay attention to it- skipping a day of prayer might not cut them off completely, but they might start to notice at the end of the day that it's getting harder to get things done (increased negatives to their Faith Roll, or even making them USE their Faith roll at all). Rather than say it's the god withdrawing its favor (which seems a touch childish to do so quickly), I'd describe it more as being about FAITH, and being spiritually and emotionally CLOSE to your deity and that ideology. When you let it slide, you grow distant from it, and thus it is harder to get in touch with your faith, which is ultimately your access to the divine.
  21. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra Sometimes, when things are desperate, a Hail Mary really is the best play.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. You should have know immediately when he said "Not in my pants" as opposed to "No..." Sorry man.
  23. Re: Paladin Martial Art? Don't forget the art of shield bashing!
  24. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra How very profound, Ragitsu. We see in the post what we ourselves put into the post...
  25. Re: Creepy Pics. Yeah, that's creepy.
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