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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. Re: Oddball Parties: list yours here! Hmm...... Try This: Tarzan of the Bobcats Xena Knight in Dark Leather (Me) Circe De Solie "combatant" Group Died. Tarzan of the Bobcats Xena with Psycho Xena Clone Follower Psycho Dwarf(Me) Psycho Indian Wolf Rider Druid-who-is-not-a-DND-Druid (Bastard Sword, Longbow, Ghost powered VPP, Mage magics, ) (me) group broke up Political Bard Mage who Hunts Eagle Totem Indian Druid-who-is-not-a-DND-Druid (Bastard Sword, Longbow, Ghost powered VPP, Mage magics, ) (me) Psycho Dwarf(me) Earth Priest
  2. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? there are a few critters from previous Hero products you might want to give a 5th ed Facelift to... there was a character from *Gasps* was it Dark champions? who had been an adventurer for nearly 100 years by the time of DC.. Can that be right? The one with the Tarot Deck. might be fun to see him as a sample begginer character.... Don't know too many books borrowed from too many friends to long ago...
  3. Re: Pulp Here and NOW Since he is a convert from ww His stats look really really weird 8s in Str, (ww stat x 4= result) 20s in Con and Body, (very healthy Long distance runner) 12 Dex his equipment and powers are weird too... invisibility/super stealth follower Magic powers (Mage the Ascenscion) what can I say Its fun his quote is after taking something froma Vampire "Im an archeologist, what part of that doesn't say 'I take things from dead people?"
  4. Re: Pulp Reading Actually Steve if you don't mind some adult reading and know of a place to get the goods Playboy did an overview of society during certain eras (1800's-1940's+ by decade) in 1997, with a focus on you know what, though not exclusively. Copies can be provided from my stock if you want them. I read them for the articles don't cha' know.... Really. No really.
  5. well, fellow fans of Herodom i have a few questions about placing pulp characters in the here and now. Are there any special advantages or disadvantages you would suggest for those who are playing pulp characters who for whatever reason are in this modern era? Currently I am running a character by the name of Doc. Random in a WW Mage campaign (the only game in town) But I think he could easily be converted over to Hero with a snap. So are there some suggestions out there other than the writeups that abound?
  6. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  7. Re: Pulp Reading "The best american novels of the twentieth century still readable today" by Elenor Geheres(iirc), note this may only be locatable at really really large libraries, this is a locally(Colorado) published book. Very much focused on americana, but still since it is organised by decades and has a paragraph description of each novel (and has alll the greats like gone with the wind, the grapes of Wrath, Shenandoah, etc...) that usally includes time period/setting this should be a great indexing resource for Steve when he wants to look at the more gritty pulp books as well as a definate set of books to ground someone in the "reality" of the pulp time periods. Though they are in most cases not "pulpish" to the strictly discerning snobbish buyer understanding the reality behind the fantasy can be a good thing. Besides these are the best books of those periods (as well as some looking back) and at a well written paragraph apiece, a very easy chance to get a mini review prior to consideration of selection. Also several excellent recommendations for that Western Hero book that will likely be eventually written. that is my suggested reading list in a nutshell.
  8. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? part of my problem with this level of detail is King Kong might be a movie in your campaign, whilst it may be a "fact" in mine. King Kongs body went the same place everything else went. Same warehouse as the Ark of the Covenant....... Also Steve Just an FYI, you might want to look at the Mage the Ascension supplement for the Sons of Ether sold separately or bound together in the Songs of Science triple threat. Getting my pulp addiction through WW rather than Hero.... tis a sad day....
  9. Re: Points or $ What about the dark champions rules for weapons? example an AC limit on how much you can haul around IIRC.
  10. Re: Corrupted Water Spirit most of the time 0end powers arent allowed in EC's as a game balance issue.
  11. A shot in the Dark.... Tina oh mighty goddess *bows mightly* can you actually paste some pics of the results since the public computers dont like the video files? Glibly Skip!
  12. Re: HERO system observations and beefs Ill second the gripe about changing gears from a longtime 2nd ed player to 3rd. Many many detail problems with 3rd, with obnoxious and unecessary rules and changes. As an example the "two rings" explanation/limitation is ludicrous and totally unecessary. Yes I know it is from 1st ed (or even before) but comeon it doesn't really stop the characters from looking like christmas trees every time someone casts Detect magic.
  13. Re: Looking for the product two things first off guys, a sincere thanks, this should help some. also
  14. Re: Package deal - no deal? Ehh i discussed this a while ago (look for the Hey Bullseye thread IIRC) try this for "deal" Gm option : (use same thing as linguist, memory gone) set the package and the deal level. then make availible to characters.
  15. Allright assembled Herodom here is the problem. the math. yes we keep on getting this so I want to put it to rest for ever. let me put you in my shoes. I have 1 year in an advertising art degree (probaly never will finish). my group has two math majors, an engineering major two computer majors, an Electrical engineer with a double masters and a materials science/millitary major. everyone has _at least_ a bachelors. two of us have Hero down pat. me and the millitary guy. even in random discussion with other gamers I get the math issue as the leading problem with hero. Now then what I want to find that I think will solve the problems is a point by point chart with every advantage and disadvantage level from 1/4 to 6 and -1/4 to -6 from 2 to 400. if there is one somewhere could someone point it out to me? a program won't have the same impact as a printable chart. im just a long time hero fan tired of the flack. and as for me personally I get the math, I routinely do 60 point+ V.P.P.'s in my head and do them right. Just want the beastie dead. past even the resurrection adder. Glibly Skip!
  16. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive Hrmmm. THis does open two cans of worms here for me. First off Manga often has women that "I" would characteraise as being underage. like 7-15 range. Which if you were fantasising over would definately put you in the pedophile range. The other things is that I have a book on super character design and poses not only does the (presumably) published author have 95% blonds in the book _but_ there is one fat(villianess) and no skinny characters. Another problem is the author comes across as very very sexist. very piglike writing. I'd tell you who the guy is but his name is in japanese and I cant figure out where it is, much less read it. Disney suffered from this in the Little Mermaid but that could be Hans Christian Anderson (and the group, witness the phallic tower on the original cover design for the Little Mermaid) and dammit a bit of chub on a woman can be very sexy. watch Shallow Hal and examine yourself.
  17. Having read over a few posts explicitly those dealing with adders, I noticed a complaint of There is no Uberadder(like with teleport, you need a multipower, Power Pool (teleports only limitation) or a really huge power to have a simple but flexible teleport ability. I would like to see what you think of this idea. Uberadder: for x4 the cost of the adder size (ie for any applicable 5 point adder you need to spend 20 points) at which point you may have any 1 adder of the right size or smaller applied to the power. thus instead of having an MP with 10 different powers(any power with different modifiers is a separate power) just spend a bit more and you can have a single teleport power with a wide variety of options. Or is there an advantage you can buy to adjust the adder with "on the fly"?
  18. Re: How to: Daredevil ignore blindness. essentially he has altered sight.
  19. Re: Instruction Request: VPP vs MP The simplest explanation is a VPP has essentially an infinite # of slots versus an MP that has a limit on the number of slots (based on the number of points spent to actually buy slots). It gets a lot more complex than that but that is the baseline.
  20. Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer? Im a Delta character. Last session not only was the entire group under my command except for one person because i was paying them, but I had decent skillset also. We attacked a boat and I threatend the opposition into surrendering. a successful Pre roll later and the opposition was essentially mindless zombies (7th Sea mechancis). the next thing I know my TWIC (second) is slaughtering the prisoners. I ask her why and she says because someone said this was a kill them all mission I asked her why was she listening to them and she replied that "listening to anyone else was better than listening to me". Sigh! Why do I even try?
  21. Re: Forgotten Golden Age Villains Is Duke O Dowd Aka The Meteor in that listing? I liked him enough to use him as an explanation for a new powerhouse of abilities writing a story about when The Meteor dies on USA turf as a 70+ year old superpowered neutral". If his "Pro Irish throw off the Brit's" stance can make him a nazi puppet villian, Then he can do justice as well.
  22. Re: Unusual Character Ideas The Rook: telepathic martial artist with a suit of powered armor that gave only minor "real armor" benefits, but enough powers to take him to superhero status. Dr. Marrow: Decipedial Supervillian a field archeologist who became a human paraplegic when his leg bones were absorbed by a demonic dinosaur(a dinosaur deamon, rather than one based on humanocentric deamons) which also heals by "eating" bones, fossilised or not. Together they became possibly the most dangerous villian ever faced on the planet which also hates itself more than the heroes hate him.
  23. Re: National Warrior Archetypes Erm only if you dont notice that there are what are considered to be 500 native american nations. 500 Warrior Archetypes? need new thread.
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