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HERO Member
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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. Re: Which is better for a beginner: Champions or Dark Champions? Fantasy HERO? just to "think outside of the box"
  2. Re: And we're back. V&V to HERO conversion site back up, phase one mostly done. So what ratio of stats did you use for the conversion? Ie. how did you map con/body to End?
  3. Re: Ape Name Needed Noting that Chims are order pan how about Cy-pan, or Pan-Cy for a sidekick?
  4. Re: How many staffers does a superhero team need? Whaaaat can't you see a Lawnmowing Arrow? (1/d6 RKA, AOE line, +4) Or a Plunger Arrow? Yes Hawkeye, Domestic Avenger!
  5. Re: Analysis: Extra Limbs - SFX or Power? Actually there is an in game reason to twist the knife, as an optional manuver in a heroic game it ROCKS!!!!
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Caliph: Attack me with a rutabaga and I become totally incontinent. So instead of fingerprint dust he used powdered sugar on the water dispenser? Now the water dispenser tastes good? (Echo trying to explain a failure by 8 on a criminology roll….. )
  7. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Unless the Rook desires to be in the Cell with a 63 point Psionics VPP not gonna happen. Of course if he has a reason (like clearing his guilt from the failed Gov't operation he was in as a "teen" that resulted in the death of 30+/- supers) he would only need a line on the floor...
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... HOLY MOLEY !!!!! that game is in Fort Collins! He's close eough that if I divorced my wife i could try to join up!!! anyways just south of that startling action we had on saturday. Quote of the week goes to Archaeopteryx with: "A.I. Prisoner or Stalker with a crutch, you decide on the next Dr. Phil." Which resulted in a 4d6 NND attack against the Gm with a SFX of carbonation attack to the sinuses.
  9. Re: Build Me A Villain Team How about a mentalist decides to muck with the choice members heads in order to create a team that does his bidding fails to get the right mix and instead creates a world Class supervillian team instead? Yes it is a "new character" and slightly bends the rules but it Would solve the PSL problems until the Players can find a way to reverse the mental transforms and break the team up.... I have allways liked a 60 pt VPP Mentalist....
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... We're doing a Second Ed DnD Version of 150 years after the Lord of the Rings... alternating with my Low Superheroes campaign.... we have a Dwarven Fighter a Ranger of the North & Gondorian Nobles son (me) An Elven Valar worshipping healer an elven mage and a thief from Rohan highest Charisma is me with a 12.... In the Library of Gondor the Librarian notices the Elven Mage translating a Mordorian version of the red book with tactical commentary from the bad guys point of view ( Ie. the witch king made mistakes here, here and here Sauron was stupid here etc...). Head librarian: "Mordorian Texts, ooh that is an ill omen." Me Without Skipping a beat: "Got any Dictionaries?" we decide to try to sell off some pipeweed from the third age we discovered under the tower of Orthanc. this sparks comaprisions between pipe and weed referenceing munchies and how no one would notice if hobbits had the munchies because they eat all the time..... GM: how did you get the pipweed here? Felstaff the Weaponmaster (Me):well we tied it on behind our horses I guess. Gm: "Well I guess that is what I get for not asking sooner, pity you didn't put it on a mule...." We decide to trade the pipeweed for magical and quality items which brings me to the realization "I'm a noble of Gondor and Ranger of the North, who is peddling dope to buy magical items...." I buy a power that enables me to sumon small water spirits to perform the Messenger spell (small creatures carry messages to places to communicate with others) I decide to send a message to the dwarf to find him faster. Gm: "Ok what quantity of liquid are you sending your message to?" (me):"Well with the amount of beer he is drinking ill send it there. (Gm): *Looks helpless* (Dwarf): *Mimes clapping a hand over his mug looks straight at the bartender and says* "I'll bet you the rest of the keg there that there is a little guy in my beer." me OOC talking about my wife: "I'm just a boy toy for the necromancer who looks good in the clothing choices she makes for me"
  11. Re: Music to Kill Zombies By Soooo your gonna make out with Optimus prime afterwards?!?!?!?! :nonp::nonp: And uhhh my bad on the wrong composer to the music, never been able to keep them dead but sooo cool guys straight.
  12. Re: Music to Kill Zombies By taking in a newbie eh? IN reverse order: Ash (Army of Darkness version, with him around I might not need to reload either!!) Pachabels the planets, (perhaps just the Mars song if it is separate, IE supermans theme song, though Ash would be soooo WTF!?!?!) thought technically 1 weapon it would have to be either the S-Mart Shotgun or the chainsaw, with Ash and myself doing the weapon switch as needed.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... two saturdays ago in our street level Superheroes campaign. MR. 0: “...and if that doesnt work I can use my stretching to touch his wrist at his neck!” Caliph: “Yeah I.T.T. Doesn’t do medical school.” Caliph:”Wow, a cat without break fall, you suck as a GM.” Echo: “This is not the last time I will break the law in the pursuit of …” GM (me): “…Truth, Justice and the American way?” Caliph: “They had him play Operation to get his medical license.”
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Dude, you need to drop them 10' or more, knifing them can dull your blade and who needs to spend time sharpening knives in a D&D campaign?
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Street level campaign wherein I (the Gm) try to run supers and the rest play Shadowrun. Seems to be working Echo is an ugly borg, Caliph has Gravity Control, Lily is an alien shapeshifter, ohers will be detailed as they appear. Caliph-“Why would I buy invisibility to tactile senses?” Echo-“So when I fondle them they can’t tell?” Echo or Caliph IIRC “hunting children, turkey sized dinos & old folks!” Lilly-“My, aren’t we the heroes?” Echo: "I'm not taking off my Sunglasses, it isn't a Scott Summers thing, i'm just really ugly." (note this is from a character with 8 Com in a game wherein the players have 8-12 Com)
  16. Re: Character inspiration from classic toys I'll post some ideas..... later
  17. Re: Ape Name Needed 2d6 Drain: Repuatation Increased fade rate (+2) Only usable after "done schooling" target (-1).
  18. AnotherSkip


    Re: Heroes Tim Kring does not know comics. For example, he has a real fan of comics reign in his outlandish ideas. He had an idea for a guy with magnetism show up and the other guy was "you can't do that, that is Magneto". OTOH he was involved in Smallville so he aint all bad.
  19. AnotherSkip


    Re: Heroes DC printed a book on heroes it contains much missing info from season one, not just the webcomics. oh no. much MUCH MORE I'll publich the ISBN# if someone needs it.
  20. Re: Cities that need heroes Actually it should run about 10-to-1 on Villians to Heroes ratio most of your comic book heroes run at that level.
  21. Re: Cities that need heroes Not obnoxiously in to sports teams says the texan who built such wonders a Dallasite and a few others. Now then.... DFW area: lots of museums, and universities and actually they train alot of the medical staff for the rest of the country, you want avant guard medical stuff go to Dallas. Six Flags over Arlington is practically between the two and With DFW Airport you have a major airline hub that can bring in the visiting Eurotrash Villians Also this was where the mob lived in the 70's (especially jewish ones) so there could be a second generation effect going on there. I35 goes though DFW and that is the major drug trade route up from Mexico which ends in Oklahoma City and gets spread out from there (according to my gang bustin cop buddy out there). so OKC could be a draw for anti Drug heroes. uranium mines are in Texas, Nuff said on the weird background there. Denver Has a Huge impact on the financial world because of in part the Denver Mint as well as a fairly large finanical district (according to my wife the banker of 10 years). It isn't too far away from the now abandoned NORAD (okies so not that important) And DIA has the Eurotrash draw however it is a gateway city to the gambling casinos in Black Hawk that while not the size of say Vegas, definately somewhere for the mid grade of Super villians of say the Spidey/batman Caliber/power to operate. Word has it that new mobsters are hanging out in Trinidad of all places which was once a big place to go to get a sex change operation done. And that could be a cover for illegal super surgeries... Why do i know all of this? cuz i have lived in both places AND set 5 campaigns in Dallas and 3 In Denver as well as both of the comic strips for my daughters (one in Dallas, one in Denver). Oh yeah in response to the Name a hero In Chicago from Marvel? the Great Lakes Avengers (appearing in some issues of various Avengers books Hawkeye found them and dealt with them for a while) Got 5 Answers to THAT question and a bonus cuz it is a team (Flatman, if you must have one name). however Dallas definately needs more Supers in Marvel after all the Fall of the Mutants occured there and no one has gone back to close the gate door on the Adversary yet....
  22. I have robots, similar to the ones in G&G can they generate Ultra sonic sounds because they have US Hearing or is there something else they need to generate "speech" that cannot be heard by normal humans?
  23. Rules wise could you build a change environment power (named Malificent Fate, or example) that countered or hindered Luck based powers?
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