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Christopher R Taylor

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    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Spence in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Not at all. 
    Maverick was an a$$hat in the beginning and wasn't liked at all by pretty much everyone except the backseater.   He alienated pretty much everyone and even killed his best friend. That arrogant version of Maverick is not what a real combat pilot is.  There is a difference between "arrogant" and "aggressively confident".  In the movie Maverick was on the edge of losing his commission and being kicked out but was given a last chance at redemption.  Not because they CO wanted to, but because the situation forced him to.  It was a twist on the Hero's Journey.  In other words the Maverick you are citing was the "bad do not be like this jerk" version of the character before he understood his real purpose. 
    Like many Hollywood types (as well as many civilians) their concept of the military is actually parody itself.  They applied their "not correct" concept of what a military pilot was to Carol Danvers.  The issue is her character was never shown the Hero's Journey and they completely misinterpreted the concept of "aggressive competence" with arrogance.  I have been around military aircrew my entire adult life and there is a vast difference between the Hollywood idea and reality. 
    But back to Captain Marvel, I really can't say if the personality and character of the character Carol Danvers followed the comic closely or not, but they had her glomp on to every bad stereotype of a military pilot and then never even tried to have her become the Hero in the end. 
  2. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to zslane in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    The advice writers always get is "write what you know". A lot of what comes out of Hollywood seems decidedly narrow in (intellectual) scope and immature in perspective. I think that age old bit of advice succinctly explains why.
  3. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Simon in Sharing source material?   
    I think my edit to your post answers that question.
    In general, sharing discrete pieces of information is just fine.  Sharing entire sections of books and/or full page captures is going a bit too far.
  4. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Simon in Sharing source material?   
    Again, sharing discrete information from the books is perfectly fine (and, as you say, something that occurs all the time on the forums).  Copying larger amounts of text, posting an image of full pages from the books, etc. is going too far and infringing on copyright.  How much is too much is going to be situational and a judgement call -- if you need to ask, it's probably best not to post that much.
    Answering questions typically requires small portions of a given writeup from the books (e.g. "Does the Charges Modifier max out at +1 or +1/2 when applying it to a Blast?").  If the entire writeup is needed, you should refer the person to the appropriate page in the book (e.g. "Is there a table that lists the damage and modifiers for common melee weapons?").  If they don't have the book in question, then that's all the more reason NOT to post the entire page/section -- we're not looking for a reason for people not to purchase books, we're looking to help answer questions for people who have the books.  
  5. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to zslane in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I feel the same way about Batman. Were I to be in charge of Batman movies, I'd reboot them entirely and do them as retro pieces, set in the time period and culture Kane & Finger wrote them in.
  6. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Were I to be in charge of Bond movies, I'd reboot them entirely and do them as retro pieces, set in the time period and culture Ian Fleming wrote them in.
  7. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Besides scripts, which were bad, the other problem Dalton had (and he, like Craig really played a lot closer to the personality of the books Bond), was that after Moore, there was a big hype over the potential casting of Brosnan, coming off a successful run on Remington Steele, being cast as Bond. Then, because of the hype, the RS showrunners decided to renew for another season blocking Pierce from actually playing Bond. I liked Brosnan as Bond and would love to have seen him start that run 8 years younger, like it appeared he would. On the other hand, the scripts were so bad that it may have been better for him to wait until Goldeneye.
  8. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from pinecone in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Were I to be in charge of Bond movies, I'd reboot them entirely and do them as retro pieces, set in the time period and culture Ian Fleming wrote them in.
  9. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Partly, yeah.  Partly it was that they recognized the previous Bond films had been such a departure from the series that they wanted to bring fans back with the old standards so he felt more like Bond than Jason Bourne
  10. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I thought Dalton did quite well, and he is my favorite Bond, but they never really gave him much of a chance with scripts.  I thought Pierce Brosnan was a terrible choice at first, but he did a fine job as well, even if his last movie was horrible.

    I didn't think anyone alive even liked that movie
  11. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to fdw3773 in DC Heroes Write-Ups for 6th Edition   
    I've posted an updated version of the 6th Edition DC Heroes where the characters are in Microsoft Word format for easy printing and/or editing. Some of the files only have the Hero Designer File, so I've included a blank character template to create if you want. The asterisk * indicates that only the Hero Designer File is included.
    Batwoman (Carrie Kelley)
    Black Canary*
    Blue Beetle*
    Booster Gold
    Captain Atom
    Green Lanterns: Arisia Rrab*, Boodikka, Hal Jordan, John Stewart*, Kilowog, Kyle Rayner*
    Martian Manhunter*
    Nuclear Man (foe)*
    Power Girl
    Wonder Woman
  12. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to fdw3773 in DC Heroes Write-Ups for 6th Edition   
    Here's the link to my write-ups for various DC Heroes for 6th Edition. They are in Excel format with supporting HDC files for the following characters: Aquaman, Batman, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Firestorm, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan and Arisia Rrab), Maxima, Power Girl, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
    Enjoy! 🙂
    DC Heroes 6th Edition
  13. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from rravenwood in Resistant to being teleported and resistant to transdimensional powers   
    I actually could see how, but this does bring up a minor quibble I have with the generic nature of Hero powers: special effects are important to the game, but often blown off by the mechanics.  Should Power Defense defined as magic resistance really stop a poison?  You have two choices: go simple, or have every power a huge block of "I covered every contingency" modifiers on it.  A bit more granularity on defenses might be a bonus, if done with restraint.
  14. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from rravenwood in Side Effect choices   
    A mix of minor effects is often better than a single major effect, like a 1d6 blast, a 2d6 flash to a couple senses, a 1d6 drain to something, etc.  The danger is that you get no defenses at all against a side effect, so a blast can be very deadly.
    The transform effect is a good one, I agree.  All of the necromantic spells with side effects in my Codex have a transform toward aging 5 years (inspired by the sorcerer in the Sindbad movie that aged every time he cast a spell).  Eventually, you will grow old and die unless you find something to offset that, if you keep using necromantic magic, because nobody makes all their skill rolls.
    Also I agree; instead of special effects being based on an absolute power level scale, I think it should be based on a smaller scale or percentage of the active points of the power, which ever is greater.  So like:
    -¼ for 10 points or half the active points of the power
    -½ for 25 points or equal to the points of the power
    that kind of thing.  That way it scales well for lower powered effects as well as higher powered ones.  Side effects are much more powerful than they appear on paper because of the no defenses effect, that basically gives every power a +2 advantage (NND and does body).  So what seems minor (10 active points) actually is not.
  15. Confused
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say something really controversial here and suggest that maybe you might not want to make all your movies like the way they did Iron Man
  16. Thanks
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Resistant to being teleported and resistant to transdimensional powers   
    I actually could see how, but this does bring up a minor quibble I have with the generic nature of Hero powers: special effects are important to the game, but often blown off by the mechanics.  Should Power Defense defined as magic resistance really stop a poison?  You have two choices: go simple, or have every power a huge block of "I covered every contingency" modifiers on it.  A bit more granularity on defenses might be a bonus, if done with restraint.
  17. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Dr.Device in Resistant to being teleported and resistant to transdimensional powers   
    I actually could see how, but this does bring up a minor quibble I have with the generic nature of Hero powers: special effects are important to the game, but often blown off by the mechanics.  Should Power Defense defined as magic resistance really stop a poison?  You have two choices: go simple, or have every power a huge block of "I covered every contingency" modifiers on it.  A bit more granularity on defenses might be a bonus, if done with restraint.
  18. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Greywind in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Can't be. They were playing the wrong card game
  19. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Original Kraven was rather interesting to me. His style and origin were very Silver Age, but his motivation and methods were more Bronze. He was obviously yet another riff on "The Most Dangerous Game," but making that game a superhero was a logical extension for the setting.
  20. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Scott Ruggels in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Not at all optimistic about the Eternals. Beautiful cinematography, but very much like the director’s Oscar winner, with landscapes, slow tracking shots, and subdued colors. It seems to contain none of Jack Kirby’s dynamism, and well it wasn’t one of his shining creation. 
  21. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to archer in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Well aside from Spider-Man, what successful Marvel hero films do they have the rights to?
    They're pretty much stuck with the anti-heroes from their Spider-Man library of rights.
    I've thought Kraven the Hunter as a Spider-Man foe was a stupid concept from the beginning so I doubt Sony will do anything to ruin him for me.
    (The Kraven as the supposedly sane host of a TV show who decides to kill Spider-Man live in order to boost his ratings was a particularly brain-dead version of the character.)
  22. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Opal in My son's 1st encounter   
    Here's a scarf that leads a life of danger
    To everyone he beats, he stays a stangler
    With every loop he makes
    Another stain he takes
    Odds are he'll be laundered on the morrow
  23. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    If Shang Chi can, at least, bring us a level of martial arts seen in Mortal Kombat, it will be fine. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind seeing them adapt some of the stuff from Iron Fists run a while back of the 7 cities tournament, where every move had some cool name and was unique to the style (harkening back to the 60-70s wushu films of cobra or eagle or crane styles, only more exotic).
    To me, John Wick movies are the first to actually do a first person shooter video game movie like a game. The fact its not based on one is irrelevant. How many movies have we seen that were based on first person shooters (Doom or Max Payne) that didn't actually do the first person shooter part.
  24. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Duke Bushido in OSR Ethical Issue   
    You are correct: you are _allowed_ a back up copy, but that backup copy has to be legally-acquired as well.  What this ruling did do, though, was declare it perfextly legal to make your own back-up.
    Specifically, I am saying that it does not say that if you bought a cooy you can download a bootleg copy as a "back up."    That being said, however, I dont know if such an instance has been challenged.  Further, I cant tell you how a judge would rule if you opted to do so.  Ultimately, I suppose it would be up to the cooyright holder to prove you sis not already have a legally-acquired copy and /or prove that you did or intended to distribute the bootleg to others.
    I wobt call it a gray area, as there are clearly-defined legitmate back-up copies.  I will say that a lot is going to xome down to precedent and thw whim of the judge, shoukd you decide to put yourself in a position to test it.  (I wouldn't, at least not when it is so easy and perfectly legal to make one of your own, but that's me,)
  25. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Spence in OSR Ethical Issue   
    Most definitely true for us old peeps. 
    But I am seeing direct adverse impacts on the young kids (or maybe I should say younger sailors ).   I spend so much time pulling things together that should be available from the start, but leadership these days is so blinded by Master Degree and PhD that they don't seem to realize that those designations lost their distinction decades ago.  30 years ago it meant that they could walk into the workcenter and immediately go to work because they were Engineers with a capitol E.  Now they walk through the door and I have to explain to them what we are looking at and how to read the technical manuals. 
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