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Christopher R Taylor

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    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Calling Water, how would you do it?   
    The simplest way I used is Life Support with limited charges in a focus, with the special effect: summoned water.  You hand someone the water in a container that you "summoned" and they can drink it, to give them LS for the time period of the charges in it.
  2. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Duke Bushido in Interrupting zero phase actions   
    Yes, and yes.
    However, I don't generally let NPCs notice in time (unless, of course, the needs of the scene demand at least an attempt) for two reasons:
    1) they are not the focus of the story, and their actions should not reduce the value of the player characters
    2) generally, they have SPD 1-3, centering on 2.25 (yes; I just checked my most recent batch of NPCs and did the math).  They rarely have an action available anyway.  Even in combats, most of them have already either declared dodging or blocking, or aborted to something self-serving.
  3. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to HeroGM in Human Torch   
    Liefield did an image in Wizard magazine of Spitfire and Union Jack for his failed run on Heroes Reborn Captain America. I LIKED it, swiped it for two generational heroes in a game. 
  4. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Grailknight in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    I think modern ideas of jurisprudence and the value of human life often cause people to not think clearly about historical earth or other cultures.  What we think isn't really worth fighting over, people in the past used to kill for.
  5. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Human Torch   
    Mark Williams, like me (not that I put myself in his category) needed a better inker.  With better inks and coloring, his stuff would look brilliant.  Just good coloring makes a huge difference.  Some stuff doesn't stand up as well in B&W
  6. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from HeroGM in Western Hero 6th edition   
    I have no idea what Hero will charge, my guess is equivalent to existing print books like Golden Age of Champions.  I know it will be available in print and pdf
  7. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Elemental Controls   
    I let my players adjust their own multipower on the fly and most use them with all "Ultras" anyway, so its a choice between powers instead of sliding points around.  But yeah it could get pretty complicated in a way EC doesn't.
  8. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Khas in Western Hero 6th edition   
    I have no idea what Hero will charge, my guess is equivalent to existing print books like Golden Age of Champions.  I know it will be available in print and pdf
  9. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Khas in Western Hero 6th edition   
    Please be patient, Western Hero is still on its way, its just being edited and cleaned up to make sure its as good as we can make it.  I hoped it could be out before Christmas but it looks like it will be next year.  I hope to have a cover reveal soon.
  10. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to IndianaJoe3 in Is it wrong to power game?   
    The distinction between, "efficient character building" and, "powergaming" can be pretty fine. I consider powergaming to be exploiting the rules to create a character more combat-effective than the campaign guidelines would normally allow.
  11. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Duke Bushido in Elemental Controls   
    It's not exactly the same, and it's a bit more work, but if you just liked the ebb and flow of EC, take a look at the Limitation: Unified Power.
    Or do what I did and use EC anyway.
  12. Thanks
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    I think modern ideas of jurisprudence and the value of human life often cause people to not think clearly about historical earth or other cultures.  What we think isn't really worth fighting over, people in the past used to kill for.
  13. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Chris Goodwin in Creating or fixing roads   
    Or excessive temperatures, etc.  They can be beneficial, its just not supposed to allow you to give stats.
    Yeah that's another option.  I've used it to create bridges for spells in the past, an unsupported barrier makes a layer you can put over a chasm, a pit, etc.
  14. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Spence in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    I didn't realize she was an actress let alone a comedian.  But when I did a search I realized she was one of the new breed of comedian I have been calling "the unfunny".  IIRC she was in the new Ghostbusters that cratered. A lot of excuseswere made for that one when it was just not funny.
    It is probably a generational thing but most of the new funny I see is as good as 5th grade fart jokes.  Funny while you were in the 5th grade, and then you grow up.
  15. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to assault in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    Historically, imprisonment wasn't a penalty in most societies. You would stick someone in a tower (donjon) or underground only for the duration it took to judge them.

    Then you would kill, mutilate, flog or enslave them according to your laws. If you couldn't punish them that way, you might, perhaps, just leave them imprisoned for an indefinite period.
  16. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from assault in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    I think modern ideas of jurisprudence and the value of human life often cause people to not think clearly about historical earth or other cultures.  What we think isn't really worth fighting over, people in the past used to kill for.
  17. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to steriaca in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    Depends. In some tyrant kingdoms, the entire family of the mage, including the wife, children, and the parents can be also have the same punishment, and will.
  18. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Duke Bushido in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    If you're doing the medieval europe thing, then of course you are.
    Like over at the JR Trippe school?  Today?  Probably not.  In a fantasy world where drawing pentagrams and saying goofy things results in horrors from beyond the pale, in a world where they have been taught their whole lives not to do this?
    Yessiree, Bob; execute.
    Depends on if the actual question-- the dangerous to the city part-- is being considered.  Warty noses are probably not too terribly dangerous to the city.
    Well if you already knew the answers, why all the questions?

  19. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Chris Goodwin in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    Came here to say this.  Anyone who can summon otherworldly entities is an adventurer-class threat and needs adventurer-class opposition.  
  20. Thanks
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Tjack in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    The tough part is enforcing the laws against someone who can bend the laws of space and time, violate physics, and summon horrors from the depths.
  21. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Chris Goodwin in Fantasy World Law: Prohibition Against Summoning Dangerous Entities Within City Limits   
    The tough part is enforcing the laws against someone who can bend the laws of space and time, violate physics, and summon horrors from the depths.
  22. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Duke Bushido in The Swarm   
    Yeah some limited shapeshift and stretching, and damage reduction seems to serve well to represent something made up of a lot of creatures.  Also, consider cannot be stunned and does not bleed automaton powers to represent that you really will have a hard time stunning all of them (or even a large number).
  23. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Alcibiades in The Swarm   
    Yeah some limited shapeshift and stretching, and damage reduction seems to serve well to represent something made up of a lot of creatures.  Also, consider cannot be stunned and does not bleed automaton powers to represent that you really will have a hard time stunning all of them (or even a large number).
  24. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in The Swarm   
    Yeah some limited shapeshift and stretching, and damage reduction seems to serve well to represent something made up of a lot of creatures.  Also, consider cannot be stunned and does not bleed automaton powers to represent that you really will have a hard time stunning all of them (or even a large number).
  25. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Mental or Spiritual Transform   
    Interesting it does indeed state that you have to buy each of the three categories in Champions Complete, I was led to believe that Derek Heimforth had wisely jettisoned that particular section.
    To the extent this is true, that would cause it to be a smaller limitation.  Because expecting someone who bought total transformation to pay 3 times as much to get a, you know, total transformation is ridiculous.
    but that's not the same as body/soul/mind disivion.  That's "class of minds" which I believe was wisely dumped in Champions Complete as well.
    In any case, Machines have only body to begin with, so its not actually a limitation to say it doesn't affect their soul or mind.  They have none, so its no limitation at all.
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