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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Hero has never published any such list, and frankly I'm a little reluctant too. No matter how many "this list isn't all-inclusive; you can do other things with CE" warnings I include, some people are going to see it as a restrictive list. But I'll think about it -- thanx!
  2. It’s not possible to have “negative” Knockback dice. If that happens, you just don’t roll any dice for Knockback — the KB equals the BODY of the attack x 2m.
  3. Since a Block is a defensive action, a character can Abort to it -- meaning use his Phase earlier than normal. In your example, he doesn't have to declare the Block in Segment 3 -- after all, at that point in time he doesn't even know that someone is going to shoot a Ranged attack at him. In Segment 5, when the attack occurs, he can Abort to Block it. That means he uses his Phase in Segment 6 early. So when Segment 6 comes around, he doesn't get to take his usual action, because he already Aborted to Block. (Since characters can Block multiple attacks at an increasing penalty, he could go on Blocking more attacks, until he misses one of the Blocks.) He can't act again until Segment 9, when SPD 4 next has a Phase. In short: if your GM requires you to declare your Block in Segment 3 (in this example), he's not playing according to the rules as written. That's his privilege, of course; he can certainly change the rules for his campaign if he wants to. I hope that clears everything up. You can also look at the Abort rules on 6E2 21-22 for additional explanation and examples.
  4. Technically that is true, per the rules on HSMA 96-97 which define the FMove Element. However, as those rules also note, the GM should tread carefully when adjudicating the effects of a FMove-based Maneuver. Typically most FMove attacks should take place at or near the end of a character’s move, not at the beginning.
  5. A character would need two powers to do what you're describing: the ability to become Desolidified himself; and a Desolidification Usable As Attack power to render his enemy Desolidified. (He can't use the UAA power on himself; see 6E1 359.) Assuming he has both those powers, then rendering an enemy intangible so the two of you can only fight each other works just fine.
  6. I can think of several possibilities to accomplish what you want: 1. Build a Computer into the Glider with a "Return to Master" program. If you want to run the Computer through a ring that you wear, represent that with a Physical Complication on the Computer (that the ring can be taken away from you, etc.). Alternately, consider the Multiple Foci rules (6E1 380) so that both the Computer and the ring can be required to operate the Glider. 2. Use the Cyberkinesis rules in the APG. You might need to tweak them a bit to get what you want. 3. Forget about trying to represent this with rules and just wing it. You and the GM can agree that you can remote control your Glider, you just can't do anything that's effective in game (like ramming someone) with the remote control -- you can just call the Glider home. I played a Green Goblin "clone" character for years and remote controlled my glider this way with the permission of the GM. It never caused any sort of game balance problems. What do you think, Herodom Assembled? What other ideas do you have for Colossus?
  7. First off, welcome to HERO! We hope you'll enjoy it. We have one of the friendliest communities in gaming here on the boards, so feel free to ask any questions that come up and you'll get plenty of helpful gamers chiming in with advice and suggestions. Your question raises a couple of issues, so I’m going to restate them individually to be sure that I don’t miss anything, and that readers at home can follow me. 1. If a character has Fast Draw, can he draw more than one weapon as part of the same Zero Phase Action? 2. If a character has multiple attacks ready, can he make one with each Half Phase Action in his Phase? 1. If a character has Fast Draw, he may attempt to ready more than one weapon as a Zero Phase Action (up to a maximum of one weapon per manipulable limb). However, he suffers a penalty of -1 per additional weapon after the first, and if the roll fails, none of the weapons are drawn quickly — he either has to draw them all as a Half Phase Action, or wait until his next Phase to try to use Fast Draw again. 2. No. Once a character makes an attack, that ends his Phase (see 6E2 18). In the situation you describe (a character with a gun in each hand), he could use the Multiple Attack Maneuver (6E2 73) and declare that he’s making four attacks. The special effect of the attack is “I fire each gun twice at my target, because I’m just that good!”. Since your character has the Rapid Attack Skill, he can make the Multiple Attack in a Half Phase (rather than the usual Full Phase), but that doesn’t let him ignore the rule that making an attack ends his Phase. If he wants to perform a Half Phase Action before attacking — such as making a Half Move — he can do so, but he can’t make two Attack Actions. I hope that clarifies things for you. If not, please send me a private message, or post a follow-up question here. Thanks!
  8. If I understand you, this all boils down to a simple question: how do I build a power that either of two (or more) forms of defense can protect the target against? The answer to that is: I swear I have addressed this issue before, but I'll be damned if I can find it right now. So I reserve the right to change this answer if and when I do find it (or someone reading this remembers where it is and tells me ). You can represent this by taking a Limitation, Multiple Defenses Apply, for the offensive power being used. Typically this is worth -1/4, but the GM can alter that value based on how common the second defense is in the campaign.
  9. Yes, those modifiers for UOO "take the place" of the standard Advantages for Range. But since they have the same values as the standard Advantages, it shouldn't make any difference in most cases -- you're just building them into the UOO Advantage.
  10. Sounds like you're really putting in a lot of work! Perhaps a LOT of work, depending on which edition of D&D you're using. It seems to me like you're handling things OK. Using the Limited Range (-1/4) Limitation, and adjusting the Range to suit the source material, works just fine as far as I'm concerned. Given that Limited Range is already a -1/4 value, you can't really go any lower without converting the HERO System to decimals, and none of these changes seem like they're worth more than -1/4. Good luck with the Illusionist spells!
  11. Unless the GM rules otherwise, if a power is bought to simulate a Mental Power, and has as its special effect “this is a Mental/Psionic power,” then yes, it’s subject to the Classes of Minds rules. If the GM doesn’t want to impose the Classes of Minds rules as a default, he can allow characters to take a -¼ Limitation, Subject To Classes Of Minds, for their simulated mental powers.
  12. First, I should note that Senses, as Special Powers, typically shouldn’t have Advantages applied to them. The GM can allow this anyway, of course; there are a number of examples in published HERO System books (such as MegaScaling the sensors on a starship). But it’s not something that should occur routinely. Second, in some cases there are specific rules for using MegaSenses. For example, see APG 138 for the rules about buying MegaSenses to see obstacles in time to avoid colliding with them when using a MegaMovement power. Third, the rules on 6E1 340, bottom left, specify that using any MegaScaled power requires a Full Phase Action and reduces the character to ½ DCV (except, of course, where more specific rules override this, as with avoiding obstacles when MegaMoving). So that applies to any standard use of MegaSenses, unless the GM rules otherwise. I think that about covers it. If there’s some specific aspect of MegaSenses that I’ve overlooked, please PM me or post a follow-up question. Thanks!
  13. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions. If you want to start a conversation about a topic like this, please post on the Discussion board, where anyone can post a reply (here, only I can respond).
  14. The character pays END to maintain the power on each of his Phases when his DEX occurs during the Segment.
  15. Since this isn't a HERO System rules question, but an issue pertaining to the character creation deck, I've moved it to Company Questions so Jason Walters (the creator of the deck) will see it and respond. If he doesn't get back to you in a few days, feel free to send him a private message.
  16. You figured out the answer to your own question perfectly, though the Limitation should have a different value if you want to follow examples in published books. You buy extra PRE with the Limitation Only For Fear-/Intimidation-Based Presence Attacks (-1).
  17. Those are all questions that are best left to the GM. Obviously major Defense Powers should factor into the calculations somehow, as should Limited defenses, but exactly how I leave to the wisdom of the benevolent GM.
  18. As noted on 6E1 82, characters can only put Limitations (such as Linked) on a Martial Maneuver with GM’s permission. So Linking an ability to a Martial Maneuver isn’t strictly illegal, but you’d need to get your GM’s permission to do this. I suspect most GMs wouldn’t allow it (or if they did, it would be for a -0 Limitation value, since Martial Maneuvers are already pretty cheap). The Trigger method you describe works better in most campaigns, methinks.
  19. Yes it is; there are a few examples of that in published characters, if memory serves. Of course, whether the GM will allow it is another question altogether.
  20. This came up a few years ago, and I answered as follows:
  21. 1. The DCs listed cover "[t]he typical range of Damage Classes in characters' attacks" -- which would include Deadly Blow, Weaponmaster, Martial Maneuvers, CSLs, and anything else a character typically uses to boost his DCs. But as always, how the GM wants to interpret and use the Character Ability Guidelines Table is up to him. 2. Same as #1. 3. In the case of Def/rDef, "Def" means the character's total defenses, while "rDef" indicates how many points of those total defenses are likely to be Resistant. So for a Competent Normal, the guidelines suggest that he have 4-8 PD and ED, with no more than 2-4 points' worth of each being Resistant. But once again, these are guidelines, and how the GM wants to interpret and use them is up to him. For example, I think most GMs running Fantasy Hero campaigns, including me, regard those guidelines as applying to a character's innate defenses, and allow him to wear armor that adds to them.
  22. Thanks! Glad you're enjoying the 6E rules. First off, it looks to me like you're going around your elbow to get to your hand (as they say). Why aren't you using the Power Resistant Protection? It avoids all the folderol of having to buy PD, then buy ED and do it all over again. You end up with something like this: Shield Spell: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Point); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), whatever other Limitations you want, etc., etc. Total Cost: 6 points. If you want different Limitations on the PD and the ED, then sure, you have to use a compound power. That's just the nature of differing Limitations on the parts of what would otherwise be one power. Beyond that, I'm not sure what to say. I think the HERO System already has the elements to do what you want to do. If I'm missing something, please PM me or post a follow-up.
  23. That's OK, you don't have to post questions. See the upper right of 6E1 231 for the answer to your question. Basically, you can define the attack as effecting PD or ED when you buy it. You can't change it thereafter, of course.
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