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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. You might call him "Jim Bob"...or "Bubba" but it usually does Not stand for anything..."J, only B, only" "OK, Mr. "Jonely Bonely" here is you new driver's lisense"
  2. That's J.B. Clunker. His "secret" base is outside Clunkerville, Clunker County. It's a sort of "Diplomatic Immunity" due to his relatives being the Sherif, Mayor, Judge etc... (The "J.B." doesn't stand for anything, it's a Southern thing...)
  3. "No answer"...? "What do you give that can't be given?" "I give you No answer, freely" "But you gave me Nothing!" "Yes I did"
  4. Could be...but where is the jato bottle assist?
  5. Red neck Rocketeer! The Duc tape dynamo!
  6. OK, why hasen't anyone suggested X-Dim move to where the villan Monologues?
  7. Did someone do Tokiyo high plains drift?
  8. Stargate 40K? Snyder can direct, so he can add some grimdark..
  9. "It's Junklord!" "Junk..Lord"
  10. More or less...I use "halo" for any chain of satelites around something If the chain links, then it's a ring as well. The problem with catching up is the lack of a living crew, so it can take Dozens of Gees, while I can't see a living crew living past say 20. Plus I suspect that all that emp, and radiation would make tracking "challenging".
  11. I was thinking about Orion last night...Footfall used it as Man's last ditch way to fight the Aliens and retake the High ground...the reasons Not to use it are many, and reasonable...for people who live in a Biosphere. But it could be the "go to" tech for mad AI's (!) the drive system is pretty dang close to a "ultimate weapon" and it lets you move around. "Win-win". So lets consider a "Beserker" that builds a Solar halo around a star for Anti-matter, and uses a micro gram or so to trigger tiny to small Fusion reactions. If it decides to run from you, how do you navigate, or target through a chain of mico to mega kiloton blasts? For offense it can use nuke pumped X-ray lasers, and um...nukes small 10 ton sized blasts could power small craft, and kinetic kill packages real nice. It can mine Hydrogen from gas giants for moar Bombz! At least you should be able to detect it comming from a long way off...
  12. Doable...I was thinking of "Perfect Tommy" in Buckaroo Banzai..
  13. Hmm.... Rituals of Exorcism (XX) u XD6, NND, Does Body only vs UnNatural" foes (No lim) u Pres, does damage? as above? or a RKA, Pen vs unNatural (not one of God's creations) might do it ..if it Can go home it will..... Maybe two of those Pres vs intelligent baddies, and Zorch for lesser Unclean targets...
  14. Conversation (21) usually if you make it by "10" it has powerlike qualities...? Captain Perfection: Power set: I do everything Perfectly! +6 Overall Jack of all trades: Universal Scholar: Universal Scientist: Universal Expert: Detective/Investigator; Conversation,Deduction, Compi sci, Lockpick, Security Systems Martial Art: Several mixed in eclectic fashion... + 3 w/ HtH Running +1", +7" running, only to half move (always in the perfect place) Climbing, breakfall, Enviro Move: Narrow, Enviro move :Urban (Parkour!) Escape artist, Demolitions, Paramedics +15 Pres "the most interesting person in the world!" not for defense -1/4? add in Steve Rodgers style Stats and you have a character...maybe use him as Ozamandius from Watchmen? Or Black Hood?
  15. Yeah, it sounds like Trigger is how you want to go...just add in some special effects for "My Bro hits as well" ST 60....HA trigger, Teamwork: "Crew served" Bro, with Dingus must be close...add to both chars, and it is done...but this would allow the Bro to also hit on his own...the differing "action" economies are an issue, as I Think M&M has no "Speed" just phases...maybe build it as +5 HTH, only if Bro tagged yah"..?
  16. Every day the comic book world gets closer to the real world. Both exited and terrified..
  17. Or Int roll..."Nice try Captain Conversation, but I prefer to Keep my secrets"
  18. Maybe a Mental illusion NCC? The target relives his evil deeds, MI can do stun etc based of effects roll. Psy lim: Feels no Guilt would likely enjoy the happy memories.....
  19. Invisability, face/head area only, Only vs correct sexual interests....Always on? "Power Girl has a Face??"
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