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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. Late thought you could buy "Combat luck,Requires a Defensive manuver (-1/4?) and call it good. That would give a boost whenever you Block or Doge, or even Escape....?
  2. I guess you might be able to drop costs by requiring a manuever to activate? I don't "do" 6th though...but: One thousand lotus deflection: Barrier Req Block? 10 thousand soldier grip, + ST Req: Grab, Shadow skill: Desolid, cannot pass through, Req: Dodge, "Instant"?...etc I feel like I posted some Fist of the Northstar/Fist of the Southern Cross Waay back...it might still be around someplace..? I think I suggested Trigger...."Tell your boss Hello" "Hello Boss...splurch"
  3. "Need more Speech, please give" written a chunk of cardboard...I think I'd chip in.
  4. Many moons ago I ran one where a confused alien sociologist wanted to understand earth customs. So he took a "sample" in the form of a small city/large town, just before x-mass. This was noticed, heroes did hero stuff...x-mass returned to normal. The town was stuck in a sort of time loop...think "Groundhog day" crossed with "It's a wonderful life", oh, and bioenginered soldier beasts
  5. Chuck Norris, and Steven Segal star in "Waynes world"! Garth: "Hey Wayne, these dude want to kick our a**es because we listen to lame bands" Wayne: "Party on, Garth"
  6. Yep, thats the one...more or less.
  7. Well, I used a version of this...but the aliens were not funny, just their misunderstanding of Earth culture... They are a race of Warriors, who decide leadership via regular ritual combats. Intercepting TV broadcasts, they believe the WWE is how the king of Terra is chosen, so the Imperator shows up to challenge for the belt...Heroes must intercede, and become champions.
  8. I guess my example is the "classic" "Everyone shows up to fight the same crime, egos are bruised, then they team up to defeat a great evil"...?
  9. Well...the "Archer" Trek had the decontam chamber as it's most interesting feature, not suprised to see suits grab that part as the "best". Who will replace Jolene though?
  10. I'm thinking one point...just how Useful will this be? Maybe 2 if he/she is a narcotics agent ...?
  11. With modern machining, and electronics, it might be a usable concept...but you'd need to purchase the patent first, then find funding.... I think I'd lean towards having a laser sight, and a seeker Gyrojet round...
  12. New plot...Malachite designs a micro organism with psychic powers..."midichlorians" then he markets a mutant detctor, that also detects the custom lifeform. He can then give supers "mutant cooties"...
  13. I don't "do" 6th...But I figure if you buy "Fine work" on the TK, you can wield Any weapon with your TK (before lims anyway) So you just buy a Hammer, and you're done.
  14. This is very odd...with that much work, he could just take some classes....dang.
  15. Well..."real world" cants, or palavers could vary by neighborhood ...But knowing your local "cant" should go a long way towards getting the trust of a differant group, and exchanging phrases builds fellowship, and helps you to learn the locals ways... exp:So the local judges wear purple mantles, so when a job is discovered by the police it "Goes all purple" and you need to look for who informed...
  16. A "off the wall" build might be Change Environment: Incantations...?
  17. It dosen't weird me out, it makes me cheerful. We know for a fact that we do no fully understand the universe, this Might reviel something totally new..
  18. In my universe there are fairly mobile. inexpensive detectors for "Mutants"...what do they detect? Distinctive Feature: Detects as mutant....
  19. The man who knew too much ado about nothing?
  20. I think thats the solution in a nutshell..."Find good(better) candidates"
  21. Vanquishing Visions: The journal of mad science, and alternate lifestyle...
  22. Yep I remember reading a paper about what chemical warfare would do if war broke out with the Soviets, it made using nukes look like the "ethical" choice.
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