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Everything posted by Monolith

  1. The Honor Guard are based out of Gary Indiana and cover an area between Chicago and Millennium City. In my spare time I am writing the background for the fictional city of New Cairo, based at the southern tip of Illinois. The great flood of '93 erased the town of Cairo from the map, so Franklin Stone, feeling he missed an opportunity in Millennium City, bought up all the property, used advanced technology to levy out the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and began founding his own city. Franklin Stone has also cut a deal with the Government to build a new Stronghold on the Angelo Towhead. This new Stronghold would hold criminals captured in the eastern half of the US while the New Mexico prison will be for those captured in the western half of the country. New Cairo has an Egyptian feel (used to distinguish the city in its PR), and has a decadent atmosphere. There will be casinos, animal racing, and other "adult-type" entertainments. New Cairo is completely within the clutches of Franklin Stone and so will have a Metropolis/Lex Luthor bent but with many of the darker aspects of Gotham City at the same time.
  2. I was thinking that even if they are not available in color, it would be great to have the b&w pics made into cardboard figures. That way we could print out a dozen of each race and use them in the game. Of course color would be better, but no reason for DOJ to pay to have them colored. I'd be happy with a b&w download. I would even pay to get them (saves me the trouble of messing up my book to try and scan them myself).
  3. Both of those new pictures are sweet Storn! I have promptly gobbled up both of them and will be putting them to good use in my game. Thanks!
  4. Mine came in today! All I can say is... Oh My God! This book is incredible! This book is 100 times better than I ever could have imagined it to be. Even after reading the playtest manuscript, and having had 2 game sessions in the campaign, I was blown away! I really like this book!
  5. An Animal Bonus is just as the name implies. It is a bonus to the animal so that the totals balance out. An Animal Bonus is not "Experience" for an animal. Point totals can be a very poor indicator of combat ability, for animals as well as characters. I would not base combat effectiveness on how many points the animal has. I would instead look at the animal's CV, SPD, Levels, DEF, and Damage output. Those are the true indicators of combat effectiveness.
  6. 5-6" -1 7-8" -2 9-12" -3 13-16" -4
  7. I do not think it gets too cold in the Philippines. But as a superheroine, when it does, she just has to brunt it out. Heck, if all those Marvel heroes can survive New York winters in those skimpy costumes, any hero can.
  8. "This is the Law! Munchkinism is not allowed! Move away from the HERO System book and no one will get hurt!"
  9. They are supposed to be assembled in the triangle shape, just like the old Marvel Superheroes figures. I have no idea why thy all show the front. I assume because it would have cost twice as much to have an artist draw backs. Personally, I just fold them so that the picture is on the front and a black side is on the back. I use the SJG bases to hold the minis up, then I just write the character's name of the back.
  10. I think what you are really looking for is The Ultimate Weapon, and that won't be out before 2005 (judging by the current release schedule). My guess is he's wearing a .9mm, a .45, or a .38. All of those stats are in FREd. The information on shotguns is also in FREd. Stats for tanks shells are in The Ultimate Vehicle. The type of small arms depend on the terrorist. I would bet many of them are using .9mm Uzis or AK-47 (both stats are in FREd). If you anti-hero wants an M-16 it costs 23 points (stats and cost, once again are in FREd).
  11. I just checked. There are currently 2 hardcover copies and 1 softcover copy up for auction on eBay right now. Prices are currently fro $5.00 to $14.00.
  12. You can probably find 3-4 on eBay right now.
  13. Re: Licenses? You can find the "official" take on licenses in this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=715
  14. Derek is correct. When I stated that a base buy followers I thinking in terms of a dedicated staff that is loyal to the base's operations, but not loyal to the PCs who might be using it. Something along the lines of an UNTIL-like team who controls and operates High Guard Space Station, but the PCs use the space station as a base of operations. The station operatives are loyal to the base, not the PCs.
  15. If the base has followers then the base buys the followers. Those followers are only involved in adventures with the base. If the character has follows (people he adventures with) then the character buys the follower. Not all people who work at a base are followers though. In fact, most of them are probably just DNPCs for the base. Forgot to add, that if a character buys 32 followers, for example, he can say that 16 stay at the base and 16 travel with him. They do not all have to be with him, and they do not all have to stay at the base.
  16. Let me guess... you are really Robert Jordan in disguise?
  17. Actually the Advantage is not "Hardened". The Advantage's name is Cannot Be Escaped With Teleport: +1/4. I'm sure part of the reason the name was changed was to avoid the type of confusion you are discussing here.
  18. Monolith

    Hero or M&M?

    Re: Re: Hero Designer is good As I have posted in other forums, it is not necessary to completely write-up a villain for the game. When designing villians all you really need are the basics: Lord Dire: Ex-DEMON Morbane who fled the organization. Lord Dire is seeking an elixir to extend his lifespan – fearing that the evil he has done will be catching up with him is his eminent death grows near. Lord Dire will mostly be involved with mystical encounters, as he seeks to expand his arsenal of mystical items. STUN: 40 END: 50 PD: 25 (15r) ED: 25 (15r) Stun #: 51 DEX: 23 Levels: +3 Ranged Mystic Might: Multipower 1) Eldrich Bolt: 12d6 EB 2) Disintegrate: 4d6 RKA 3) Bonds of Ballor: 6d6 Entangle 15†Fight OIF (mystic cloak) 15 PD 15 ED Force Field (OIF (mystic cloak) Mystic Shields: Mental Defense 15 points That is all the information you really need to play a villain in a game. Now if Lord Dire becomes a permanent addition to the game you will want to fully stat him out. But if he is a one or two shot villain, 10 minutes to make this up is all that is required. I have also found that if you keep villains "loose" playing the campaign itself will help you develop them if they become something besides short-term encounters. As far as power-stunts go, that is really nothing more than having the Power Skill, and then working out a few pre-defined power-stunts with the GM before the game begins. CKC has some nice power-stunt examples given for a couple of the villains in that book.
  19. I don't think that can work. It does not account for all the other "gods" from other dimensions like Tyrannon.
  20. I would go with Susceptability. The character takes 2d6 per Phase when the item is destroyed. That's worth 20 points and gives the character time to die a dramatic death (possibly taking the destroyer with him).
  21. I would just allow the character to use a bastard sword like a two-handed sword and call it a day. But I would keep in mind that that 3' tall character is strong enough to pick up two full-grown human men. I do not think the character would look any more foolish wielding a 6' sword as he would carrying two men over his shouders around a tavern.
  22. Re: Dynamic HTH Combat The problem here is that there a combat maneuvers that add bonuses to the character for NOT moving (Set & Brace being some examples here). Personally, I think if you want the heroes to move in the combat you should make the villains stationary and force the heroes to go to them. Put the orcs behind boulders that the heroes have to move around (or over). Having creatures hanging from trees that force the heroes to go into the trees to combat. If you are always having the badguys running to the heroes, there is not reason for them to move.
  23. I would not allow it either, but I don't allow people getting knocked back into that stratosphere either. I cannot even remember the last time I read a comic and someone was knocked back more than a few blocks. While it was in genre at one time (mostly with Silver Age Superman) super-knockback has not been part of the mainstream comic genre for years. But if absolutely have to do the super-knockback, that 4 point power above is the cheapest way I can think of doing it.
  24. As Bob said, I think Worlds Of Empire is about it, but there is quite a bit of information in TE itself. There were some 60 pages discussing the various TE aliens in the playtest manuscript. Some of the information was quite detailed.
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