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Everything posted by altamaros

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ADD last sunday : The PCs are are about to tell that a NPC just died (killed by Orcs) to one of his relatives relative NPC : - Yes, my father is famed and well-known. PC (Paladin) - err... now, i would rather say "he's legendary" .
  2. Re: Ultimate Six (Con Game II) IIRC (check Rev. Fred) the limitation on Instant Change is "Own clothes only" so it should normally be used only for clothes and the like not for self. I don't know U6 yet (and besides, can Kraven be "reverted" to his human form ? it's a condition for the use of OIHID)
  3. Re: Ultimate Six (Con Game II) Are you sure it should not be a "shapeshift" single form ?? AFAIK you cannot use a transform on yourself. D.
  4. Re: Looking for Spidery names ... sort of. Wolfspider : four-armed werewolf Argyroneta (water spider) : water-gliding speedster. Orb Weaver : magic user Tegenaria (house spider) : shrinking (?), or evil mastermind with a huge base ("i'm waiting at the center of the web") Egg Sac : gadgeteer
  5. Re: Feedback wanted on this background idea i'm unsure. Russia released its grasp on the former USSR block only due to western pressure. If a world economic collapse were to happen; it could return to a socialist authoritian state by taking as an example of the failure of capitalism. Remember that old soviet reflexes are still there, even under Putin (especially under Putin, this guy led KGB after all)
  6. Re: Need help designing... If the armor can act indepently of the wearer (or even be remote controlled) Duplication should do the trick as well but i don't have my books there; i can only detail crudely my idea right now : Duplication + altered duplicate (100%) + cannot recombine (+0) ...
  7. Re: Need ideas for a revised CU timeline No, not really, for the modern part, it will be a CU copycat so i don't need to get a lot of things for post WWII.
  8. Re: Need ideas for a revised CU timeline I come back to my timeline : i'm looking for ideas (still in the CU) to explain/improve those things - Meteor Crater (2 millions of year ago, Arizona) - The Krakatoa eruption (1902 IIRC) - The crop circles. I'm also looking for some infos on this point - When did the elders worms came to earth ? - How does it appear in the FH games (i don't follow the FH line) ? - how were they repelled/vanquished/destroyed ?
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 7th Sea game; yesterday. The PCs are fighting the villains. One of them, a tall, shouting, half-berzerk highlander swinging a big claymore (obviously a member of the Mac Donald school of fighting) attacks a PC. Charlotte de Persix (PC, first session of 7th Sea): what is he trying to do with his claymore and shouting ? Gunther Hommel : He's a swordsman from the Mac Donald School. He tries to serve Don Alejandro a menu "Mac Leod". Charlotte (and others) - What ? Gunther - It's like a menu Big Mac but without the upper slice of bread ...
  10. Re: Feedback wanted on this background idea
  11. Re: Use the news I'm the one who started the thread on timelines. Actually i spoke about incorporating historical events in the timelines not actually using real world recent events. i'm not american, i did not live 9/11 as you could have but i'm strongly against using it in a game; it's something i think too serious to incorporate this in a game (i have the same problem with Shoah even 60 years after). Any event with a political issue must be dealt with a lot of care. and especially man-made events which imply a lot of dead and/or massive destruction. I also don't like using real political personalities in the game since anyone can have different opinions about them. When i refer to a president or a prime minister, i tend to change the name slightly so the players are actually "cooler". (as an example, in my current the US president is named "Banner"; i wonder if i gonna use a Lex Luthor as his VP) The Tsunami or last year earth year in Iran (40 000 dead; remember ?) are different matters; they're natural disasters and thus unavoidable and non-polemic. I would have no problem leading my PCs in Indonesia as a rescue team since after all, it's perfectly in the Hero mentality. For the timeline; i will go bakc to it next week. By now, i have to GM a 7th Sea on sunday so i'm in my scenario right now.
  12. Re: Feedback on a mutant plant power what about the advantage "cumulative" ? Normally, the more you stay close to the plant, the more you breath its perfume and you can reduce the number of dice.
  13. Re: Need ideas for a revised CU timeline never read it never heard of him before. i found some references. interesting stuff.
  14. Re: Need ideas for a revised CU timeline D.T. : thanks for the idea of Lovecraft. i didn't read anything from him since i stopped playing CoC in 98 however. Between the Mystic Wold and the DEMON sourcebook my occult timeline is already starting well.
  15. Hi Hero People. i'm wroking currently on my own campaign world a modified version of the CU. For the sake of detail, i divided my timelines in themes (as in the Shadowrun rulesbook for those who know) So far, the themes are - Aliens & space events (almost done : anything related to ETs or events in this universe aside of earth) - Other dimensions (in process : anything related to extra-dimensional of time travel) - Occult (to do : anything related to magic or occult) - Science, technology and progress (nuff said) - Politics and lost civilizations (anything related to geopolitics including lost and unknown civilizations) - supers (anything related to events caused by superheroes (not paranormals, only superheroes or villains) I'm looking forward to get ideas of fictional or historical events to include in my timeline or (eventually) things to modify in the CU. examples : (from the "Et" timeline) 1640 France : Thanks to alchemy, cyrano de Bergerac reached the moon and meets the Selenites (in my campaign, odragan servants to the Progenitors, left ther to watch for the earth 'til humanity attains the age of space travel) 1780 Switzerland : Using the old notes of Cyrano de Bergerac ; the Baron of Munchausen reached the moon. he's driven mad by the travel and later develop a severe form of mythomania. (from the "other dimensions" timeline) 1905 Africa : due to a failed scientific experiment, a rift opens between "Gorilla world" (a world where civilization evolved from gorillas) and CU-Earth; causing a gorillan city to "swing" between the two dimensions. the dimensional ripples cause a passing plane to crash down, killing two of its passengers; a english lord, J. Greystoke and his wife. Among the gorillan rescue team, a scientist named Kala find the child of the couple and decides to adopt him. But as the rift is slowly closing and due to the opposition of her superiors; she's forced to leave him behind... which she does after secretly altering his DNA to increase his chances to survive. Over the years, Gorilla City will return for random periods of time in the CU-earth -in my campaign, Dr Silverback is born in this city- your ideas ? your thoughts ? D. PS : i already included things from Burroughs (Tarzan, John Carter), Poe (Arthur Gordon Pym) or Verne. If you have other authors in mind ...
  16. Re: Shadows of the City (by Scott Sigler) I did run a part of it. I remove reverend M and his team and make the King the Deus ex Machina of anything. For a 4th Ed adventure it proved to be deadly. On my 5 PCs, 2 survived the first scenario. the other players had to make new characters and steadily refused any kind of "code vs killing" for their PCs
  17. Re: Need some "Smart" powers "Inhumanly smart" Mental Def - not vs EGO attacks or Mind Scan: -1/2 - only vs people with a lower INT : -0 to -1/4 Being so smart means that a telepath with a average IQ will have some problems to read your toughts or control your mind. " i can't stand his mind !!" EGO Attack + Continuous +1 + 0 END +1/2 + Persistent +1/2 + Inherent +1/4 + Damage shield +1/2 - not vs EGO attacks or Mind Scan: -1/2 - only vs people with a lower INT : -0 to -1/4 You're so smart than reaching your mind psychically shocks a mental intruder. (also a variant with a flash vs mental sense group)
  18. Re: Spectreman-like character in th CU. Only a true japanese hero can have a name like that : sold !
  19. Re: Spectreman-like character in th CU. Pity i was sure some character like this existed in the CU. I gonna create my own. Anyone has a good idea of japanese name foir this hero ?
  20. Re: Spectreman-like character in th CU. it was also one of my favorites when i was a kid Actually, i'm working on an extended (and slightly modified for my campaign) timeline for the Champions Universe and i'm doing it like in the Shadowrun rulesbook : theme by theme. I've almost done the "other dimensions" timeline and i'm on the "aliens" timeline for which i need the ref on Spectreman.
  21. Hi HeroDom. Even after a few search in my books i cannot find him : i'm pretty sure there's a spectreman-like character in the CU. He's shown in the VIPER sourcebook fighting a giant snake and i remember reading somewhere that he fought some giant monsters during the Qu'larr invasion. someone has an idea of who is this character ?
  22. Re: Inspirational Reading I would suggest Maurice G. Dantec. I don't know if some of his books are available in english but his trilogy is worth it : The Red Siren, Roots of Evil and Babylon Babies the first two are regular thrillers and the third is sci-fi thriller.
  23. Re: Roman Martial Art, comments please Aside the Defensive turn, it also seems to be okay for me (after all, they use a large shield and a short sword without a so none of these weapons really qualify)
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