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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Re: Entanglements I guess I kinda like this. The problem is that you spent 112 active points (64 real) whereas my 40 str Hero (30 real pts spent on Str) can break out with no real problem. This concept seems to spend too much to achieve the result looked for but then again, the beauty of the Hero Games system is that you can achieve the same results using many different and varied ways. Just in case it's asked, no, at this point I don't have an alternate idea but will think on it. FYI, my older brother who wants his hero to temporarily timefreeze people in their place used a GM-allowed TK effect, calling it Entangle. It's a special one-hero house rule in effect and everyone's ok with it.
  2. Re: your campaigns "Superman". In our campaign, our 'superman' would be Angel, a woman. Normally, she's about on par with Gigaton but dealing with Energy Blasts (she'd pretty much beat Gigaton without much problem). However, in her full-power form, she can easily fight just about anyone.. did a one-shot solo episode where she defeated Ymir from the old Champions Universe book and if you don't have it, well, he's.. wow-fully powerful.
  3. Re: EOCV vs DCV There is a different aspect to this that may have been overlooked. Assuming it's something like an Energy Blast and nothing changes except that ECV is used instead of Dex to attack, I see it as a +0 advantage. If the power changes it's effects to that of something BOECV, then I'd apply an advantage.
  4. Re: For all those with multiple characters I have multiple characters in the same campaign, as do all my friends and brothers. Each character is in a different hero group. I even have a couple characters within a hero team or two. It's fun to have many different characters: it allows the player to choose different heroes in different cities with different foes to face, whether a villain team or the L.A. Mob. Some of them are old characters that have retired, some old characters are still around, many are new. It shows that life moves on. Also, it's just fun to create characters.
  5. Re: Best bit The versatility of the system most of all. I have created well over a hundred different heroes (of which less than about 20 survived to actually exist more than 1 adventure). I really enjoy creating characters. There may be certain areas of the Hero System I don't use (ex. Multiple Power Attacks) but then again, no system is perfect. If the system wasn't as flexible and funas it is, Champions (now a genre)/ the Hero System would not be around right now.
  6. Re: Background Bonus By this standard, I would almost always get 4 or 5 points from you. The reason for not getting 5 pts all the time is that most of my heroes don't use quotes. I generally have a quote arrive by playing the character over time. I have yet to create a character where a quote has already been arrived at when my character is first created.
  7. A question was posted by Lord Liaden to the Hero System Rules: To which our own Steve Long replies: I've been puzzled about the reasoning on this for years. This isn't the first time that the subject of 'levels for OCV only' have come up. I quite familiar with the Tri-Stat system and totally agree with this creative way to handle the Tri-Stat Attribute "Attack Combat Mastery". However, I question it's use as to it being a special exception in the Hero System. Why not allow levels to be bought for OCV only? Examing the Combat Skill Level (CSL) from our 5th ed rulebook seems to confirm, at least, my questioning of it's special exception use. I will point out I do not have the Revised 5th ed book (finances being what they are) and do not have reference to anything that may be stated in it regarding CSL. The smallest CSL bought is 2 pts for OCV purposes only. Obviously, a 2 pt CSL not being allowed for DCV is well put. All other CSL allow the use of a CSL for either OCV or DCV, including the Overall level from the Skill Levels table. A 2 pt CSL simply means the person buying it has refined the accuracy of their attack to hit more often, whether due to skill, luck or other reasons. The buyer is simply interested in hitting their target more often and has not practiced avoiding incoming attacks against their personage. The 3, 5, 8 and 10 pt (including Overall levels) bought mean that the buyer is not only much better at hitting their target but is also is able to dodge incoming attacks, if they choose. Again, it could be due to intense training, hyper reflexes, snakelike body or other reasons. In all cases, they allow for use in either OCV or DCV. A special CSL may be bought which is specifically designated for use for DCV only, with optional rules to jazz up this level as the GM sees fit. This kind of a DCV level can be seen in almost any movie, tv series or cartoon, where someone just keeps managing to dodge the attacks on them, even if they have no combat experience. Also useful to frustrate GM's.. Obviously, the levels are flexible for OCV and DCV, except for the smallest pt CSL which is for OCV use only. Means are made to even allow DCV levels to be bought. OCV levels on foci are allowed with a certain minimum point cost. Negative CSL are suggested to lower opponents OCV or DCV for certain powers. In all these cases, the flexibility to increase your OCV/DCV is the key to making CSLs work. By inference, an OCV level should be allowed to be bought. There are many many ways to buy things in the Hero System and that is why the Hero System has survived so long, been enjoyed so long and come back to life - it's flexibility. Since CSLs can be bought for OCV with 1 attack for a small price, can be bought for use with either OCV or DCV in ever increasing use and cost, can be bought as OCV levels for foci and finally you can even buy a categorical DCV level against any attack, why is buying only OCV levels for characters who can much easier hit their opponents with any attack not allowed? It simply does not make sense. An 'OCV level only' is merely the opposite of the DCV level only CSL - the proverbial other side of the same coin.
  8. Re: [YGO] Seto Kaiba Nice write-up. However, I think some of his skill rolls should be higher than 13 or less.
  9. Re: Superhero Images I also agree: fabulous art. Whether headless or not, the picture appears as if it isn't finished. You might want to either add a head or add a few lines to finish the headlessness aspect.
  10. Re: Thoughts on Dr Yin Wu I've got the Watchers of the Dragon book as well as the recent PDF with Yin Wu in it. I like him as a character but I really (yes, I must) ask the question: You'd think that with all the years he's lived and with all the experience in dealing with his enemies, wouldn't he have learned to make himself be able to take damage better or least learn ways to protect himself from the attacks of his enemies? I don't want to say anything else so as not to spoil anything for others but really, there are 350 pt villains in the CKC who could get off at least 1 or 2 attacks before Yin Wu really ripped loose at them. I've got personally made 250 pt villains who could do it, too. Yeah, I intend to modify him but still.. Ignoring that irksome point, I liked the PDF updated Wu.
  11. Re: Alternate Penetrating/Hardened Rules In my campaign, we've allowed players and villains to buy Hardened defenses on some of the stat for years and never had a problem with it. We've also modified the Penetrating advantage because for the most part, most of the players dislike it - myself included. If someone has a 20 PD with 10 pts of it hardened and is hit with a 20 AP Stun EB, the target gets to subtract 15 pts from the attack: 10 Hardened PD + (10/2 due to not being Hardened ) = 15 pts. What works good for the heroes works for the villains also.
  12. Surprise secretary to the heroes The Chicago based superhero team in the campaign I GM in has a part-time secretary for their skyscraper. Although never revealed to them, their secretary is Mentalla from Eurostar. Mentalla gets sick of being around Fiacho and even left the group once. She's rejoined since and no one in Eurostar gives her grief - you don't bother someone who can make you run naked into PRIMUS/UNTIL headquarters saying 'Arrest me!' Mentalla has changed considerably since having faced Menton a couple times and ended up needing help from heroes. She is tired of feeling alone, even if superior in her own mind. So, the superteam has a gorgeous, intelligent secretary and she gets to get away from Eurostar in her own time. Still, a secret like that is hard to keep..
  13. Re: Doom Patrol Champions My older brother long since created his version of Negaman, used him and even eventually retired him. He tried to base him as close as possible on the real Negaman. His powers were.. impressive. I suppose if anyone's interested, I could ask him and see if I could find the character sheet.
  14. Re: Distinctive Special Effects I would say it's merely the special effect of the power being used. If someone burns something with a flamethrower, it's obvious the object was burned; if something is cut with a sword, it's obvious that a sharp object was used to do the cutting; if a strong water EB is used on someone, there's going to be water pooling on the ground. What's fun is to see if the way a weapon is used by a particular supervillain who always uses that same approach is recognized by the heroes. Ifa particular attack is recognized by just about anyone, i.e. Bat-a-rangs, those are merely the distinct flavor brought forth by a strong character - strong as in well-made and created. A hero who fights crime using a particular motif, again ala Batman, creates an image for himself to fight the crime he'll be encountering. It's merely great roleplaying. I would challenge someone who wanted to take something as a disadvantage to explain it to me in detail why it's a disadvantage. I would refuse the following example: Me as GM: Ok, why do you want to take using batarangs as a Psych Limit? Player: Well, he always uses it. He wants people to know he's been involved and send a message to his enemies? GM: That's just how you intend to play your character: it's his personality as well as how you intend to roleplay him so he doesn't look like another gadget-laden hero with martial arts. If insisted upon, I might allow it but make him realize: a disadvantage is a disadvantage. It gives you points because it puts you at a disadvantage and not an advantage.
  15. Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal... Looks right, but I don't it applies to the character concept since the character didn't do the 'doublet' ritual. The doublet thing occurs when a 'god' is young and is done in their dimension. That aside, do what you want with your character. Don't forget various hunteds, possibly Black Paladin or even (shudder) Dark Seraph.
  16. Re: What in genre bit do you like that no one else seems to enjoy ? I have one: I like a couple anime shows I'd like to vaguely borrow from but in general, anime is hated by my group (and quite a few regulars on these forums ). Sooo, I sneak it in. Or how about: I like to create complex NPC's that the other GM's don't use much. Think about it: a player creates something - a NPC or DNPC - that fits the character within the campaign, to add to the campaign, and the GM rarely uses it. Go fig. or yet: You create a detailed background/origin for your character & run it past the GM, allowing for plots and episodes where your character will be at a disadvantage. It's accepted by the GM. Afterwards, it's not used and you have to remind the GM to use it. Still, even with these, my group is a wonderful group.
  17. Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL I'm still using the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th editions of Cobra/King Cobra and his COBRA/COIL organization. Made up my own villains, which I might add, are quite good and easily equal to anything in any of the books. 'Course, I think we all have those kinds of villains and/or teams, don't we?
  18. Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal... I believe that Belldandy does indeed have a much higher PD, as well as ED, than a normal person. The mere fact being that she's a goddess throws weight behind this. In the movie, she is attacked mercilessly by Morgan and whereas it was painful, did not make Belldandy unconscious. It depends on how much like the series you wish to go and are able to dependent on the campaign you are in. Although a VPP is a good idea, it's a bit boring, not to mention costly. If you feel like it, try a Multipower with lots of different abilities: Bel almost never seems to do more than one thing at a time. A different suggestion is that Tenchi has no known offensive abilities. He has interited his mother's special nature giving him superior athletic ability, intelligence, etc. but he doesn't seem to have any way to attack. Hence, Auntie Skuld (heh, that's funny just thinking of that) has come up with superdevices to use. An example could be an inobvious ring/belt/whatever that instanteously surrounds him with powered armor.. special powered armor, of course. If that doesn't grab you, perhaps he has indeed developed powers. The angel egg as shown in the series never granted abilities in of itself but hey, it also never said it didn't either. A suggestion/twist on the origin: even he doesn't know the true nature of his mother.. yet. What he does know is that he is extremely talented and obviously is different in a way he can't put his finger on.
  19. Re: Force Field powers help? I've got some suggestions. First now, Powerhouse suggested: Forcefields can be utilized in quite a few different ways, in addition to what was suggested above by Powerhouse (good ideas, there): a) Any power you want, made Invisible. Let's face it, we can't see gravity but we can certainly feel it's effects. A NND PD RKA (or just RKA), usuable only on foci. The hero creates a field inside the foci and then tries to enlarge the field, causing the foci to explode or rip-apart. c) Flight, usuable on others. Englobe a friend and move them along with yourself, assuming you fly. d) Hand Attack, HKA. I've used this many a time. Created a field of force (maybe around your fist or a weapon) and whack someone with it. Don't forget just how impressive you can make a HKA appear; I actually used this one for an NPC hero (Me as GM: The hero 'Force' holds his hands together, as if he's holding a sword. A glowing field appears in his hands and forms into the shape of a sword. When it stops glowing, he's holding a transparent sword.) No foci limitation given for this, of course, but it worked so well. e) Energy Blast (Physical), Indirect, Invisible. Who says your EB has to look like a bolt of force coming from your hand? How about an invisible assistant who helps you fight crime; perhaps with extra Speed with this attack usuable only on those phases. f) Extra limbs. Not an original idea but from one of Hero Games previous villains, it is very impressive to have your hero suddenly have 2, 3, 4 or more extra glowing hands ready to pummel your oppponent. Perhaps bonus OCV level with your attack to represent the easy of getting in a punch. g) Repulsor beam. Ever try a 10d6 EB, double KB, limitation: EB does no Stun or Body to target - only KB? Make it Invisible and with a glance, the hero can make his opponent fly off his feet & crash into any object he/she wants. h) Force raft. Forcewall, only on water surface, 0 End, persistant. Not every hero can swim & being able to create a raft of pure force is a great way to take a breather or transport heros or NPC's. i) Force Drill. A huge drill of pure force, emanating from a forcefield (or not) allowing you to Tunnel through things. I've got quite a few more ideas but hope these help.
  20. Re: Question of the GMs I rarely create stats for normal NPC's. Superhero NPC's on the other hand are fully created - and very often updated/changed as necessary. However, there is one case where I created the stats for an NPC who helps the mayor run the city. She and a player character have started to develope feelings for each other and she's quite competent. It's very difficult for them at the moment to go beyond because the superhero team is looked down on and voiced out against by the commander of the special law enforcement in the city. She also doesn't know the secret id of the hero. Isn't love grand? Other than her, I can't think of any others offhand that I've given stats to.
  21. Addressing this to the staff of the mighty Hero Games company, what are some of your favorite villains? What about favorite personally-created villains if any? Favorite heroes? There are numerous threads about our favorites so enlighten us with yours.
  22. Re: i need riddles Here are some riddles along with the answers after each one. Optional answers to choose from for each riddle follow, if desired to be used: Riddle 1: Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen, I am the bane of the mariner, a tooth within the sea. What am I? 1) Sharks 2) Whales 3) Ice 4) Pirates 5) Sails 6) Stone 7) The stars 8) The sun (Correct answer is #3) Riddle 2: A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but darkest night. Give it food and it shall live; give it water and it shall die. 1) The fool 2) The air 3) Wheat 4) The desert 5) Fire 6) Earth 7) Laughter (Correct answer is #5) Riddle 3: The man who invented it, doesn't want it for himself. The man who bought it, doesn't need it for himself. The man who needs it, doesn't know it when he needs it. 1) A chariot 2) Fire 3) A wife 4) Food 5) A coffin 6) Good will 7) Sanctuary (Correct answer is #5) Riddle 4: The life I lead is mere hours or less, I serve all my time by being consumed. I am quickest when thin, slowest when fat, and wind is the bane of the gift I bring. 1) A candle 2) A wisp 3) A cloud 4) A child 5) Good intentions 6) Time 7) Speech 8) Daybreak (Correct answer is #1) Riddle 5: The more that there is, the less that you see. Squint all you want when surrounded by me. 1) Hope 2) The sun 3) Bliss 4) Drink 5) Fire 6) Breath 7) Darkness (Correct answer is #7) Riddle 6: They come to witness the night, without being called, a sailor's guide and a poet's tears. They are lost to sight each day without the hand of a thief. 1) Eyes 2) Mourners 3) Doves 4) Stars 5) Relatives 6) Lovers 7) Good intentions (Correct answer is #4) Riddle 7: I can have no color, though there may be darkness within. I have no weight and hold nothing, and if placed in a container it becomes all the lighter. 1) Air 2) Faith 3) Fellowship 4) A rope 5) A hole 6) Love 7) Water 8) Poetry (Correct answer is #5) Riddle 8: Of all your possessions, I am the hardest to guard. If you have me, you will want to share me. If you share me, you no longer have me. 1) A secret 2) Your life 3) Good intentions 4) Water 5) Hatred 6) Air 7) Music (Correct answer is #1) Riddle 9: Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as in my death; never a thirst though I always drink, dressed in a mail but never a clink. 1) Specter 2) A fish 3) Wealth 4) Poetry 5) Water 6) Sails 7) The plague 8) Winter (Correct answer is #2) Riddle 10: I am free for the taking through all of your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, though will fell the strongest of you if held. 1) Good will 2) A blade 3) The sky 4) Water 5) Breath 6) A hand 7) Language 8) Spirit (Correct answer is #5) Riddle 11: I have holes throughout, from back to front and top to bottom to core. More nothing than something within, and yet I still hold water. 1) A well 2) A sponge 3) Cupped hands 4) A glass 5) The ocean 6) The sky 7) Tears 8) A stream (Correct answer is #2) Riddle 12: They follow and lead, but only as you pass. Dress yourself in darkest black, and they are darker still. Always they flee the light, though without the sun there would be none. 1) Ravens 2) Good intentions 3) Ghosts 4) Wheat 5) Lovers 6) Stars 7) Shadows 8) Willow (Correct answer is #7) If you can't use these in your game, you can always use them on your friends.
  23. No, I'm not posting this in the Fantasy Hero area because this is for Champions. For those of you who've played Suikoden II, build this: The famous 100 Kobold attack! For those of you who don't know what the 100 Kobold attack is, basically when the character launches the attack, most of the time it is a double-teamed assault but once in awhile, 100 kobolds come and attack everyone on the screen (with no retaliation). On top of it, the two people who would've done the double-teamed assault don't attack but bounce about on top of the whole raging attacking crowd of kobolds.
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