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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: WWYCD: Washington, D.C. is no more.
  2. Re: 10 Global disasters that YOU team might encounter... Ten Global Disasters that could plausibly happen in our games. 1. The Apparatus (horribly versatile and secretly sentient device that ruptures realities to copy itself across the multiverse, as a side effect of whatever the NPCS are using it for, finally gets past the testing stage. 2. The Seelie Court complete their planned reopening of the Four Sidhe Gates, and reclaim Earth as part of their domain. 3. Vitus finally gets pissed off enough to cast Global Judgement, and expands it's effects to catrate all humans instead of just the ones he thought nobody in their right mind would really miss 4. ADAM aka Fred (aka a thinly disguised Akira whose's just been informed he's been kept in a sensory deprivation tank his entire life - my bad ) goes on an exponential destructive spree wiping out everybody that isn't his friend. 5. Cthulhu's little brother gets out of bed 6. Vitus decides that the only way to recreate his universe is to overwrite this one (surprisingly cheap to do, too) 7. Champions Earth gets used as a battleground between a half-dozen different realities, some of whom then decide it's best use is as a cordon sanitaire and try to "scorched earth" it. 8. Mechanon switches off the sun. 9. Marvel Zombies. 10. Somebody actually manages to kill one of the superheroes that's really a world-maintaining god. Our Storm Lord would be one such.
  3. Re: WWYCD: Washington, D.C. is no more. Hmm. Truman/Zero would be mostly useless, given he's a mentalist and coward. Vitus, whilst annoyed that he's now been roped in to yet another disaster, and a merely political one at that, would probably spend the next few months using his recently rediscovered divine magics to heal the horribly burnt & hideously scarred, and restoring the vision of those who had their eyeballs burnt out by the flash. (altho the drama that would ensue by having an alien cleric with a particularly unpopular symbol as his holy shorthand would be entertaining) And then, to work off his frustration, he'ld probably spend a few hours each night disintigrating looters.
  4. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Our GM had to put limits on Vitus' big SPD Drain, because it was stopping his biggest bricks dead in the water. Other then that, a good grease-type spell is useful on ground-based bricks.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Vitus got some good news in the game last Saturday - the South American supers, including el Leon ( the one that Vitus' concubine 3 spent several hours 'distracting', were all clones. And they're all faulty clones, doomed to an imminent death from total organ failure. Therefore, as Vitus happily commented "He may well be a better lover than I, and he may well have been hung like a moose, but on the other hand I'm not the one who is going to die a horrible death in the next few weeks." Some people would call this schadenfreude ( "shameful joy" ), but not Vitus. He's not ashamed at all.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Spectre, describing the special effects for his Retrocognition : "Right, my eyes light up and there's lots of tinkling..." Me OOC : "Lots of tinkling? You should get your prostate checked." Spectre (starts again) : "Alright, glowing eyes, usual tinkling" Me : "That much tinkling is not usual"
  7. Re: WSWYCK: Karaoke Night Hmm. Vitus, vindictive, racist, murderous bastard that he is, would probably take some convincing that a threat to Mt Rushmore requires him even getting out of bed, but... He'ld recite one of the poems from his lost homeworld, and probably be crying uncontrollably by the end of it
  8. Re: Dredging Obscurity for Villain Ideas
  9. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources iirc, the production also got reamed for the table-dancing scene.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Kryptonite Kickers NT: Best Excuse Superman gave for not turning up to a JLA crisis
  11. Re: WWCYD: De-Animator Vitus : "Interesting. You can reanimate the dead even in that state? I guess the relatives of the deceased were right to complain when I dismembered their loved ones. 'Omigod! What have you done to my mother?? Where is her head??' Ah well, you live and learn. Or not, as the case may be."
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Squirrel Costumes!
  13. Re: WWYCD: "I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Overlords" *flexs knuckles* combining his knowhow of magic, his experience as a planewalker, and what he's picked up about human technology since being stuck on Earth, and what he can gather about the Mantii tech - ( are they Thri-Kreen, btw? Vitus got on quite well with Thri-Kreen ) Negotiate a crash technology mash-up. Build and boost to orbit a thousand or more giant transparent super-rubber balloons, inflate, and line the insides with a transparent gel as growth media and puncture-sealant. Seed with fast-growing feed-crops. Use magic, genetic engineering, or whatever to recreate a species that up to now Vitus had never ever wanted to encounter again. Giant Space Hampsters. Turn them loose inside the bubbles, and harvest as required. With the Mantii ships bringing in raw materials from the Asteroid and Kuiper Belts, and the birthrate of hampsters, within a decade there'll be a ring of kilometre-wide hampster-stuffed bubbles around the Sun, and the Mantii will never be short of food again. As far as letting them govern Earth, why not? It's no fur off Vitus's nose.
  14. Re: WWYCD: Run!! Hunting Vitus? It's more likely to be a Superhero organisation hunting him down. PRIMUS say, when he finally gets irritated enough to actually cast Global Emasculation, or some such.
  15. Re: WWYCD: A Bomb for Two Cities
  16. Re: WWYCD: The Prometheus Meteorshower (Kelvarite) Vitus : Kelvarite fallout over Nebraska. Just effing brilliant. I bet the movement powers will somehow relate to the whopping great dimensional anomaly set in around and under Kingdom City. *migraine ensues* Is Kelvarite a crystalline form of raw theoplasm? That would certainly explain a lot. As to the result - encourage the formation of a United Space Exploration League, to get the newly superpowered as far from the planet as possible. As for himself, he has no particular protection against mutagens, so he'll probably be loooking at a 'Radiation Accident'. And a rather more extreme change than the Aurastorms of his homeworld have caused him in the past.
  17. Re: WWYCD: Ultimate Villian: Planet Earth! Vitus : Point at humanity, laugh, and leave. Zero : Telepathically ask the planet to at least consider limiting it's extermination to nasty people?
  18. Re: WWYCD: To Bee or not to Bee? Invest in crops pollinated by flies and beetles and ignore the threat.
  19. Re: WWYCD?: Champions Universe Zombies Vitus : This is not good. Ordinarily the lurching dead, on Aura, whilst a serious menace could be dealt with effectively by Samurian magic and technology. I direct you here, to learn more about the Samurian Undead, and the mystic power of beer. Vitus has learnt about free-willed undead whilst planewalking (he wasn't happy ) but this is even worse. Free-willed super-powered CONTAIGIOUS undeath? And Vitus knows how to open dimensional doors between worlds. Holy Shitcakes Batman. Step One : Decapitate the stupid bastard that brought us here and incinerate the remains. Step Two : Go with the Magneto-clone to find out how the hell the plague started, is it a theological phenomenon, as on Aura, etc. Are we already infected??? Step 3 : try to hold off the zombies long enough to collapse the planet up it's own singularity. Taking us with it if neccesary. If the superzombies look like overwhelming us, blow my own head off to prevent me leading my new zombie brethren across the dimensions, as Archlich Vitus.
  20. Re: WWYCD: So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish... Vitus : "What's a dolphin?" Rhubarbrhubarbrhubarb "What do you mean, maybe intelligent? Did you ever try talking to them?" Rhubarbrhubarb-Cousteau documentaries-Comprehend Languages "Oh you ****ing BASTARDS" *heads off to commit genocide on Japanese, Norwegians, etc.*
  21. Re: WWYCD: Red Garden Vitus : Stun the lot of them into unconciousness, and since an unprovoked attack on a numerically superior group is hardly the action of an intelligent being, take a running kick into his testicles to teach him to be more thoughtful in future. Then hand them over to the relevent authorities and wash my hands of the situation.
  22. Re: WWYCD: The Destruction Of The Conqueror Vitus "Tyrannon? Who?" Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb. "Oh, one of those. I'll sign the thankyou card then, shall I?" *quietly researchs Planar Emergency Exit spells, just in case*
  23. Re: WWYCD? Women City Savers Only Vitus D'rhazz ur Kashrak ul R'rasdd would be deeply perturbed by the gender-changing suggestion. He may well be a hyena-derived humanoid, with a superhumanly well-trained and inventive concubine, but he also comes from a patriarchal, slave-keeping culture with strictly vanilla sexual mores. The legendary Girdle of Gender Reassignment notwithstanding. Zero/Truman Golightly would also be greatly bothered by the idea - he has serious mother-issues.
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