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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer is, oddly enough, a big fan of The Cure
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I deleted a spammer today. That's not THAT unusual, what was unusual was they tried to make it look like "Hermit" was quoted endorsing their link to the gambling site they were spamming. Brassy.
  3. Re: Narosia: The Sea Of Tears Kickstarter is Live! Bump
  4. Re: Jokes A municipality officer stopped at crops fields in Texas , and talked with an old farmer. He told the farmer, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The farmer said, "Okay , but don't go in that field over there.....", as he pointed out the location. The municipality officer verbally exploded saying, " Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me !" Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removed his badge and proudly displayed it to the farmer. "See this badge?! This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish. on any land !! No questions asked or answers given!! Have I made myself clear......do you understand ?!!" The farmer nodded politely, apologized, and went about his chores. A short time later, the old farmer heard loud screams, looked up, and saw the municipality officer running for his life, being chased by the farmer's BIG BULL. With every step the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it seemed likely that he'd sure enough get gored before he reached safety. The officer was clearly terrified. The farmer threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at the top of his lungs..... "Your badge, show him your BADGE !!!
  5. Re: The cranky thread For what it is worth, you have my sympathies. You clearly loved your pet, so she had that in her life, and I'd like to think that the movie was right and that love stays with us
  6. Re: Superman Averts World War II? I think Cassandra has the right of it. This could backfire on the Superman type VERY badly and start an early persecution of the superpowered if they are public enough. Think X-Men's "Days of Future Past" circa late 30s early 40s.
  7. Re: New Kickstarter has an interesting take on a SuperVillians as PC RPG It's very clever and you're right, a gm could borrow heavily from the general premise. Heck, it would make a very sympathetic supervillain in a regular champions universe. Imagine a supervillain 'mastermind' who does all the old tropes: Overly complicated plots, deathtraps that give way too much time for the hero to think his way out of, and other major violations of the Evil Overlord's rules. Then the PCs finally find out it's all on purpose to keep the evil inside of him from being effective. I am intrigued
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos With flops and hits mixed in alike, DC/Marvel movie 21st Century Superhero tribute
  9. Re: Wealth and Super Heroes I rarely get to play the megamillionaire/billionaire in games because it is so popular. RPGs encourage escapism and who doesn't sometimes dream of being so well off that you can have time to goof off. My players rarely complained about the in game cost for it, or at least it rarely stopped them from going for at least a few points of it.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Our lab mix (3/4 choco lab, 1/4th beagle) has diarrhea much to the unpleasant surprise of my friends this morning. The poor thing is 12 years old, which is on the elderly side so naturally my mind is flashing towards worse scenarios than it probably is. I'm going to cut down her food intake a lot for 24 hours and see if it (no pun intended originally) passes. She's a good girl, so now that it's daylight if she needs to go she has ways of letting me know. I suspect frequent "NOW PLEEEZ" moments
  11. Re: Order of the Stick Given two of the Order have deaths not by old age ordained in their (near?) future, even a win could be costly
  12. Re: Order of the Stick I love it when the good guys get smart Holy!
  13. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death Tribble has been known to go by fence posts, see who is sitting on them, and then shake said post cruelly laughing. He doesn't even call all the king's horses and all the king's men after
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Leaning on the Everlasting Arms is a great song it seems ... in ANY decade
  16. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Or hex shaped bi-Focals?
  17. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete This is good news! Derek's is as others have said "no slouch" and I look forward to seeing how he manages to put all this in to one beautiful package. I think my major fear is the font will be teeny tiny extra small because my eyes aren't what they used to be
  18. Re: The cranky thread My whining aside... folks have been very gracious. The visitation did not require a suit so I wore a nice set up but no #$#$ing tie or suit. The pallbearing had wheels for much of it so it went fairly smoothly though I did step on my brother's shoe once I think (Coordination is not my strong point either). of course, this being the south, we were 'invited' (Not really something we could reject) to my Uncle's church where we ate too much (It's a southern thing, someone passes, the women go nuts cooking as if Famine were among us). I now have to help my father with some yard work tonight (He's in his 60s) so it isn't exactly rest time, but it's better than some things I've done this week. I know my grandmother is in a better place, that she's gone, but the shell that was behind now being in a resting place does make it easier to dwell on that. I still don't like funerals, I still hate suits, but I'm going home tomorrow thanks to a friend and I think that's when I'll finally feel able to mend and accept at my own pace.
  19. Re: The cranky thread joy. I've been made a pallbearer Last time I was a pallbearer it was for my grandfather years ago and I nearly dropped him. I'm not any less of a wet noodle now in the arm strength department. And it's a two day process (also fun) visitation tomorrow for two hours in the evening, then the funeral march Friday afternoon. My fear of Murphy being an optimist makes me think the odds of me screwing something up just doubled.
  20. Re: The cranky thread I'm glad to hear you're doing better than you were, Mega . Best of luck and strength to you
  21. Re: The cranky thread Oh, trust me. Selfish bastage that I am I bitterly resent her loss and likely always will, but another part is very glad she can't be hurt anymore.
  22. Re: The cranky thread Thank you. I believe that when the funeral and other aspects of the next week are done, I shall have a private ceremony of my own where I ritually burn a tie.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Folks, I have received word that earlier tonight, my grandmother passed away. She is believed to have done so without pain and mother was by her side. The family extends its thanks once again to all those who have sent prayers and support. While details of ceremony and legalities will be settled in the days to come, the important thing is this: She is now at peace and going to once again be with my grandfather.
  24. Re: Order of the Stick Go Haley! and glad to see an update. I was missing the strip a great deal
  25. Re: The cranky thread I wake up to find grandma has regressed and they are putting her in hospice. She was in physical pain this morning, and not recognizing anyone (Which given enough pain is not surprising). They have her on morphine and lord knows what else trying to help but what I hear is alarming. I thought she was at least getting physically better, but perhaps that was just some last hoorah. We'll see
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