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Scott Ruggels

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    Scott Ruggels reacted to Cygnia in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
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    Scott Ruggels reacted to Ragitsu in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Balance is overrated and not always desirable.
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    Scott Ruggels reacted to Chris Goodwin in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Additionally, while Wizards are currently saying that OneD&D will be backward compatible, their word is worthless.  Assume that everything will be changed just enough to require everyone to purchase all new materials be annoying, and that everyone who wants to GM a game using their fancy online tools will have to provide their own materials.  Which thanks to the OGL 1.1, are given to Wizards free of charge, so that they can turn around and sell them to everyone, and the creator gets zero.  How long will that last before GMs say no?
  4. Like
    Scott Ruggels reacted to mallet in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Best numbers I could find is that 12-16 million people play D&D regularly. Wizards of the Coast apparently made something like $400million profit last year, but easily 75% of that was from Magic: The Gathering. So D&D maybe accounted for less then $100 Million. 
    D&D suffers from the same issue all other RPG's suffer from. Once a group buys the original books, they don't need to spend any more money. Adventures, new sourcebooks, more classes or whatever, are nice, but not necessary. As HERO System fans we are more then aware of this. If you have the 2 main rule books for 6th ed, you never needed to buy another Hero System book again if you didn't want to (and were willing to do all the building yourself). 
    I know a few D&D groups where only the DM had all 3 core books, and the players only had the Player's guide (and not even all of them had it). If we average each core book at $50, and a table of 5 players and 1 DM, that means WotC made about $350.00 from that group. And maybe nothing more, even years after that group started playing the game. That is a business model that only survives if you keep constantly drawing in new players, and even then every few years you need a "new edition" to get the older player to re-buy the core books. 
    I am 100% certain the the WotC game plan is to change that business model. They want to go all digital, all subscription based. Charge DM's $10/month for a subscription and players $5/month. Now that group of 6 people I mentioned earlier are going to be spending $35/month to play D&D. So in 10 months they will have paid what the originally spent on the books, and everything after that is more profit for WotC. 
    Under this model, even if they lost 50% of their player base, so from 14 Million down to 7 million. They would still be making about $40million a month in subscription fees. In 3 months they would be making more then what D&D is currently making in a year. That works out to about $480 million a year. That would more then double WotC's profits in less then a year. And that is even after losing 50% of their players. 
    And you know what, it would still be an amazing deal for people who played D&D. Subscription would give you access to every book, including all new books that would come out. All setting, all adventures, all monsters, all magic items, everything. The online character builder would allow players to build everything they want that was rule legal. Their VTT would be fantastic for at home and online play. You know they would have the budget to do that. And with all that extra money they could triple their output of new books and material, again all for "free" to subscribers. And they could connect players looking for games from around the world. You could play it on your PC, laptop, ipad/tablet or smartphone. And if you stopped playing D&D for a bit to try another system, you just stop paying for a few months, then re-subscribe when you want to play again. 
    They would also sell this as being environmentally friendly. No physical books, means no cutting down tress for paper. No international shipping and delivery using gas and oil, no printing with harmful chemicals and glues and dyes. Plus it would save them tons of cash. No need for all those printing and international shipping expenses, especially in these days of supply chain disruption. No need for a whole department in the company that deals with publishing, printing, shipping, storage and delivery. All that money saved on wages. 
    I'm sure something like this has been the dream of every game company in existence, but only recently has the technology reached the point where it is doable, and only D&D has reached the size and popularity where they could actually make it happen.  
    The OLG 1.1 license is just the first step on the path to this. All this "noise" of people complaining online about it is, honestly, almost nothing to the size of D&D. I know it sucks for the people making a living off of D&D and OLG, but that is a really small % of people who play D&D. Looking at twitter at the height of #openD&D trending they was 20k tweets. You know a lot of those are the same people tweeting 2 or more times. so lets say 15k individuals. That is less then 0.001% of the people who play D&D regularly. Even if it was 1-2% that is still nothing. It is just all blown way out of size by the echo chamber that is social media. People on social media like to believe they speak for everyone, but they in fact speak for almost no one but themselves. Millions of D&D players around the world could careless about the OLG. They stick to playing their one game, refuse to play any other system, and are happy to do that. It is those people WotC is counting on. When they go all digital subscription base system, also long as they can keep around 50% of those players, then they will still be making more money then they ever dreamed of. 
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    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Hermit in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Welp, they are heading for the life boats. This just dropped.  
    As we look ahead, it becomes even more important for our actions to represent our values. While we wait to see what the future holds, we are moving forward with clear-eyed work on a new Core Fantasy tabletop ruleset: available, open, and subscription-free for those who love it—Code Name: Project Black Flag. 
  6. Thanks
    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Opal in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Welp, they are heading for the life boats. This just dropped.  
    As we look ahead, it becomes even more important for our actions to represent our values. While we wait to see what the future holds, we are moving forward with clear-eyed work on a new Core Fantasy tabletop ruleset: available, open, and subscription-free for those who love it—Code Name: Project Black Flag. 
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    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Trencher in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Apparently, WoTC has failed Market Research 101. Their survey of recent changes may pull One D&D on a different direction. 
  8. Like
    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Steve in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Welp, they are heading for the life boats. This just dropped.  
    As we look ahead, it becomes even more important for our actions to represent our values. While we wait to see what the future holds, we are moving forward with clear-eyed work on a new Core Fantasy tabletop ruleset: available, open, and subscription-free for those who love it—Code Name: Project Black Flag. 
  9. Like
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Old Man in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Honestly I’m kind of excited. Aside from new players possibly finding Hero, this will inspire all kinds of new systems with new and interesting mechanics. I just feel bad for people who made their living under the OGL and are now looking at having their work straight up stolen by WotC. 
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    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from BarretWallace in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
  11. Sad
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    This time he has 3 female characters treating him as the buffoonish sidekick, so its different, you see.
  12. Like
    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Old Man in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Welp, they are heading for the life boats. This just dropped.  
    As we look ahead, it becomes even more important for our actions to represent our values. While we wait to see what the future holds, we are moving forward with clear-eyed work on a new Core Fantasy tabletop ruleset: available, open, and subscription-free for those who love it—Code Name: Project Black Flag. 
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    Scott Ruggels reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I wouldn't say I'm burned out, but the overall direction of the MCU toward a pervasive comedic tone is a turnoff for me. As an old fart, I also dislike the studio's reliance on mining comic story lines from this millennium, which I've often found to be lackluster.
  14. Like
    Scott Ruggels reacted to DShomshak in IHA Book Review   
    Oh, I think mutants can be used effectively as a symbol for other anxieties. I just think they don't work very well as an allegory for racism, and only marginally better as an allegory for homophobia.
    In part this is because allegory is by its nature heavy-handed. Symbols are shiftier. They ask questions but are not so much insist on the answers.
    For me, the most effectivde symbolic use for mutants is: Our children are not like us. And they have powers we do not comprehend, such as navigating social media on smartphones. (Back in my day it was programming VCRs.) And they will supplant us and take over the world. So how do you feel about that? Some people hind this hopeful. Many people find it terrifying.
    Dean Shomshak
  15. Haha
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Hermit in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Violent Night is now on my Christmas movie list. An odd mix of Die Hard, Home alone, and Hallmark
  16. Like
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Alcamtar in Is Hero still your "go-to" rpg system?   
    OSR has been my go-to for a solid decade now. Hero was in regular cycle up until 2009, and I ran an on/off game for a short while in 2015 but these days it is mostly a nostalgic memory, though I still collect books on occasion and sometimes think about how to build this or that.
    That said, with Hasbro going cancelling the OGL I'm shopping for new game systems. Two days ago I sat down and read some Hero books for the first time in a while. Time will tell where I end up. Maybe I'll try to 5E demo for some newbies and see how it goes.
  17. Like
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Ninja-Bear in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
    Right but regarding Hero specifically we’re back to the fact that in Hero you still need to build a game to play the game. I see a major draw of OSR is simplicity to pick up and play. Hero needs a basic sample game that can be picked up and play.
  18. Haha
    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from DentArthurDent in Traveller Hero: Pirates of Drinax   
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    Scott Ruggels reacted to Old Man in Interesting Development: A.I. art cannot be Copyrighted.   
    I'm guessing it would, or that similar reasoning would apply, but I can't be bothered to watch youtube videos most of the time.
    Honestly for all the controversy around AI art, ChatGPT is far more interesting (and frightening).  ChatGPT can write fiction.  It can write essays.  It can write news reports (factual, slanted, or otherwise).  It can write code.  It can write malware.  It can write legislation.  The ramifications with ChatGPT are far more serious than deepfakes and starving artists (which are quite serious in and of themselves).
  20. Like
    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Pariah in Interesting Development: A.I. art cannot be Copyrighted.   
    THe world of illustration has been roiled these past four months by the release of Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion since.  Charges of art theft, due to the researchers scraping publiucally posted art, and photographs, up to 5 billion images, without regards to ownership, and getting to the point, that the text prompts can specify a certain artist's style, have generated protests on gallery sites and concept art boards, across the net. However, a court precedent has decided that only humans and human generated art can be protected.  Therefore A.I. generated art, is automatically in the public domain.
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    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Sketchpad in 125 pts viable?   
    This was how things were done in the days before sixth edition. In third addition, the package deals didn’t balance, and encouraged people to take them by being “bargains”. I much prefer that method as Encouraged players To take skills, and perks, that they would not otherwise purchase for efficiency sake.
  22. Thanks
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Cygnia in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
  23. Haha
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Cygnia in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
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    Scott Ruggels got a reaction from Chris Goodwin in Wizards of the Coast Announces One D&D   
  25. Haha
    Scott Ruggels reacted to Duke Bushido in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Wont lie:
    I used to play a _lot_ of GW stuff over the years; I thoroughly enjoyed a great deal of it, to include the original Warhammer FRPG.
    Then they came along with Warhammer 40k-- or as my wife calls it: "Catholic Traveller"-- and I didnt much like it.  The lore was the biggest turn off, honestly, official or otherwise.  Then the board game- him, I mean, tactical miniatures far-future science fiction warfare simulation game (the "Crusades" for Catholic Traveller), and I liked that even less.
    I kept thinking "well, let's see what they come up with next."  That turned out to be lore up on lore upon lore, and they essentially put all their eggs in that one basket, and I have come to the point that I just dont like eggs anymore. 
    I don't expect that to change: it is clearly making money for them, as the fans love to buy, assemble, paint, and battle their yugi-o fight--uh, miniatures, and let's face it: if you want a gloriously-painted mini, you take it to a warhammer guy, period.
    still, I do miss seeing Games Workshop printed on a box and that excitement it used to bring me, and how quickly I would snap up the box to read the back.
    Now I am happiest that the logo is so bold and vibrant: it's like a caution sign telling me to leave it alone.
    now when I hear someone menrion them at a game store I like to ask "Oh-- aren't they the guys that killed White Dwarf?"
    The very rare chuckle from someone in the shelves is always worth it.

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