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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. Re: Victory Reward Babe Got him for you.
  2. Re: Fortune 8 (sons and daughters) Repped. That was awesome.
  3. Re: The Real Reason That The Nazi War Effort Failed LOL!!!! Bumped just to keep it going. And repped.
  4. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Well, just fimished RAW and one part I liked is Beth Pheonix and Natalia. WOW, those dresses were.... Awesome! And I like their angle, the cute perky sweet diva's are over. I hope they really shake up the diva's division.
  5. Re: Madame Echidna, maker of Monsters (1239 pt Mastervillain) Echidna in greek myth is the mother of monsters. She spawned the Learnean Hydra, the Neman Lion and the Chimera, just to name three. If a monster was needed, she spawned it. Her goal was to make life miserable for the greeks and any heros coming from said region.
  6. Re: If powers were related to personality traits, what power would you have? Hello my power brother.
  7. Re: The Circle and M.E.T.E in 6e (or 5e)? Ditto
  8. Re: Ethshar Hero? I am most curious to see your take on the other magics of this world.
  9. Re: Succeeding The Blood I seem to remember a comic called Clan Destine, where everyone is the desendent of a genie and a human (who has lived a long time due to magic assistance by the genie). This could be expanded. And if we don't want magic, make it an advanced alien, or even a human from the FAR future whose advanced DNA treatments can be passed on to the offspring. And make it female to get the matriarchal approach.
  10. Re: World of Balance: A campaign for an eight and nine year old More! Demand more!
  11. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Sarah and Sally conners may be twins, but they definitely have different ways of expressing themselves. Sarah is aggressive, type A, with a mean streak, and is a social worker. Sally is more congenial, type b, and tries to forgive, and is a lawyer. One thing they have in common is Martial Arts and here they differ as well. Sarah practices Aikido, Sally practices Karate-do. Despite the differences in styles they have learned to work together with frightening efficiency. They use their contacts and knowledge in civilian life to aid those who need help beyond normal channels. As Yin and Yang They intervene when they have to go beyond the beyond of normal channels. (They represent Gemini)
  12. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! He has seen a thousand dreams. Literally. He travels the dream dimension, sometimes just looking, sometimes intervening. Lately though, it has been more and more intervening, especially among the young. He tries to protect them in the dream world, but sometimes its not enough. So now he enters the waking world, to find those who make life so unbearable that it shatters young dreams. Find them and stop them. He is the Sandman.
  13. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse? Can someone rep Shadow Hawk for me. That sounded like a majorly cool campaign.
  14. Mr. R

    Ghost Cat

    Re: Ghost Cat The only alarm I get is the leaping and the passing strike. This will do 15 d6 damage on a hit, which compares to all the rest of the writeup,seems way above the average. If you're ok with this fine, but if this was being presented to me I'd ask for the passing strike to be removed. "I'd only do it as a last resort.." doesn't cut it with me. I've been burned by players before who used that argument. If she is to be an NPC then fine, you control it.
  15. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse? Colour me curious. Where is it set then?
  16. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! This is a great redoing of... CAPTAIN CARROT AND THE ZOO CREW!!!!!!!!!
  17. Re: A Variant Origin For Elves (version 2) I really dig this magic system. In a way it reminds me of Stackpole's Map trilogy. There you find your calling, and in doing your calling you become magical. There is a king who's calling is organization. He issues edicts and they are accomplished in record time. Need 100 swords made, if he issues the edict they will be available in very little time.
  18. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! I love this thread also.
  19. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! I love this thread.
  20. Re: Hey, Balabanto has a Website! I find that some of my philosophy agrees with yours. Bigger doesn't mean better. I am curious what you come up with.
  21. Re: More Complications, Please Well when I first got the game 100pts was a lot of disads. Then it went to 150pts and I saw a marked change in my players. Disads now were not chosen to fill out a character, but as a means to fill out those extra points, trying to squeeze that last 10 pt disad, even if it meant something totally out of character or was chosen as a whatever type (I just need the 10pts). Now I don't have the 6th ed rules yet (on order at my FLGS) but I hear its down to 50pts. Within a year I expect to hear that officially it should now be at 100pts. Personally I prefer the lower amount to start with, then slowly up it. I just don't want to end up with the same escalation as last edition (or even 4th). But that is MHO.
  22. Re: Bronze Age Valdoria? A sudden flash of inspiration/madness… Sounds good to me. I would love to play in this game.
  23. Re: Magic System: Winding That is actually a good fit for the elementalist and sorcerors. Shairs are genie summoners and cast their spells by having their genie servant find it and bring it back for them to cast. So the Shair gets a certain amount of dice and uses it to sent their servant to gather a spell. The more powerful the spell the higher the TN so they need to spend more dice. Instead of vim storms, doubles turn into delays in their servant getting back to them, more doubles longer delays. So they can be guaranteed to get that low powered spell, but that high powered nasty one may take a bit of time.
  24. Re: Magic System: Winding Just took a look at it. I like the colours idea. Too often we go with the 4(5) elements and its nice to see a different perspective. I am just curious about the power level, because it seems like rolling alot of dice is real bad so most spells will be low powered. Also maybe some sort of ritual rules, so that a cabal of wizards can cast that Anti-Undead sphere that blankets the whole city. On the whole though, nice. I may steal the idea for Al-Qadim for the shiar magic as the basics fit well.
  25. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Repped that pic for your wife.
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