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Mr. R

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Everything posted by Mr. R

  1. Re: The Avengers Legacy You mentioned Wolverine ( he's dead and there was much rejoicing. Hurray) Kitty and Colossus. What about the rest of the X team. Also have you downplayed anti mutant feeling or expanded them to include most supers? PS speaking as a Canadian, bring back Alpha Flight.
  2. Re: Project XIII: images from my campaign WOW. 1) She's BEAUTIFUL!!! Lucky guy. 2) CONGRATULATIONS.
  3. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... If I were talking with Anja's player this is what I would suggest: EC becomes a Multipower Ranged levels reduced to mental powers only (pistol is mostly a holdout, a JIC) Used points saved to buy a TK slot in MP (this is to justify) and a TK force field outside the MP. This will also later allow flight. If this is unacceptable the MP, Ranged level reduction and get Combat Luck representing those tingle she may get before someone/thing shoots her.
  4. Re: Help with faith based VPP I remember an Old AC issue which had something similar. one feature which he had was an End Res. This simulated how far the god was willing to go to help you. Small reserve meant he was keeping tabs on you but not to much. Large reserve meant he was an active part of you life. The costs of a "spell" would vary based on whether you were serving the god's plans. All cost end, but some more endurance if it wasn't directly in the gods interest. Recovery was likewise limited getting recovery based on what you did to advance the god's cause.
  5. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment I'll add one to the list. I was the GM and the players were involved in a battle with Ogre (This was back in 4th ed). One player had a graduated EB. The more powerful the EB the more end exponentially. So 8d6 cost 4 end as base then went up sharply. 8d6/4 + 2d6/2 + 2d6/4 + 2d6/8 = 14d6/ 22 end Since 10d6 was my norm this was fairly powerful. Now I had beefed up Ogre for them and he was about 50-60 point more powerful than in the book mostly in defenses. So they'd been battling for a whole turn when Eclipse (the Blaster in question) Fires a pushed full power blast and rolls real well. Knockback sends Ogre flying across the battle field. There's this exclamation mark on the ground to mark his passage. He's lying against a pile of rubble that he pushed behind him in his passage. He gets up, looks at the exhausted blaster (who just burned 32 end) and says "You hurt me. I don't like that." The players just dropped their jaws and said in unison "Holy shit what does it take to stop this guy?" while the blaster went white and actually gulped. Ohh, the fun of it.
  6. Re: Magical Engineer Commandos Mine is First Aid/Paramedic. I don't know how many times in a game I wanted to stop bleeding and was asked if I had any of the above. Nope, then he bleeds and bleeds and... Grrr.
  7. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I totally agree. I loved her in the books and the person playing her has her spot on. Of all the characters hers was the one I wanted to find out what happened to.
  8. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) All this is making me feel....inadequate as a GM. The immersion factor of your campaign must be incredible with all this material you have access to. Major rep (I would give more but it limits me to one at a time)
  9. Re: Magical Engineer Commandos Ahh. OK, that explains it better.
  10. Re: Your favorite character type Ranged attacker, ie the blaster. Seems most of the time I was in groups that loved bricks and HTH types so I fell into this role. Keep it simple with fly, ff, eb. With experience I would expand upon the powers to diversify. In CoH terms a defender.
  11. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment repped
  12. Re: Magical Engineer Commandos Yeah but your describing two systems that have different approaches to PCs. In d20 there are classes, ie you know what you can do and plan accordingly. You know your strengths and try to cover your weaknesses. In Hero this is more wide open so you are what you think you are. This can result in warriors that are very cautious,casue they don't know where their weakness is. Like you said, mindset is everything.
  13. Re: House! [quote=Xotl;1851814 And in my new game that's about to start up (again) we've decided eliminate kill attacks as a separate power and go with a unified damage mechanic. How does this work?
  14. Re: Costumed Crimefighters Collective Big Bad Evil Guy. And you answered the question most satisfactorally, thank you. We now return you to your regular thread, now in progress.
  15. Re: Costumed Crimefighters Collective I am curious as well because in my experience everyone wants to play Thor and few want to play the Falcon. What happened when the group faced off against the villains, esp BBEG who can take on the whole group? I keep thinking of Gravitar (from Marvel) who held off Thor and Iron Man while keeping the rest of the team pinned to a wall. Great for Thor/IM, BORING for the rest of them (if we look at them as PCs).
  16. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs I just posted my first Arc. Arc name: Elder Tsoo by @Lord Cumulus ID number 166150 Very long with a custom boss at the end. If you up the slider he becomes an EB and yes he is supposed to be nasty.
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Repped for Doc Rocket. I just love the concept and can see a PC I could make with that picture in my head.
  18. Re: Harassing the GM, your stories! To be fair I have been in games with the Sadistic GM. NPC will betray you, contacts will feed you false info, clues are actually part of a puzzle that will lead you to commit a horrible crime that will brand your PC's as the vilest of villains. In fact it was my last Champions game as a player. We had just such a GM. And he kept complaining why we wouldn't trust each other?
  19. Re: Harassing the GM, your stories! I had a player like that in one campaign. Pulled the same lines. So I let him wander the street all day looking cool while GMing the rest of that party through the session. About halfway through he questioned when I would try to hook him to the scenario. I said next session (ie next week). Wow he was pissed.
  20. Re: You. Make. The Call. How mature are your players. Mature players can go with it as long as niche protection is held to. In the comics Thor and the Falcon can coexist because writer fiat. Go up to a group and tell them one will be that uber powerhouse (18d6 attacks) and the other a Watchman level normal (8d6 max) and watch the green eyed monster rear its head. If given a choice most of us want to play Thor, very few the Falcon. So in the interest of your sanity and happiness set some ground levels: Dex Spd Defences Damage classes Let them move them around but keep to those levels. Example in my last campaign we had the following Dex 21-24 Spd 4-5 Defences 25-30 pd/25-30 ed Damage 10-12 DC These can be shifted but at the cost of others. So Damage 16 DC, sure. Now lower something else by similar amounts, so Dex 12-15 or Spd 2-3 or def at around 15/ed or a combination. So your guy has a TK of 18d6 and 50pd/ed. OK Dex 10 Spd 2 and even then I would balk. So Step 1 Set your caps and stick to them. Later as your group matures and get used to each other then you can broaden them. Two good references are Gestalt by Mr. Bennie. Check out his power level section with dex, spd, def, and DC caps. Another is an article called Pointless Champions, which shows the author's experiment with wildly differing point levels like those found in comics. But to reiterate he has a Mature group. Otherwise good luck.
  21. Re: Tuala Morn Nice character.
  22. Re: CotN Outtakes Got him for you.
  23. Re: Peace - the Hippie Hero Ohh good one. Rep for both you and the OP. As for use, in the 4th ed Viper book there was a hippy villain. Darned if I can remember the name. But if you can find it maybe that will give you some ideas. Also he would be great for those ambiguous villains, you know want to change the world but but its going too slow. How does he view the changes? Any new causes? (Iraq for example)
  24. Mr. R

    Origin in a Box

    Re: Origin in a Box Sorry to throw a wrench in people's plans but Moonsilver (female light energy projector) asks one question most males seem to overlook, why no females? Is it demographics or has no female user been empowered? Is this because of brain chemistry?
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