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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Can people let me know if this video plays in America ? Radio 1 is holding an event in May in Norwich at which a number of artists will play including Taylor Swift, Florence and the Machine, Foo Fighters and Muse. What somebody did is a mashup video for it blending the music together but what makes it that much more interesting is that some of the artists including Miss Swift came in to do visuals for it.
  2. You did. But you escaped. Next time you won't be so lucky.
  3. The Timewalker This is a time traveller who apparantly has it as an inherent ability rather than having a device that lets him do it (i.e. a TARDIS). He can only take himself places and not anyone or anything else. Instead of being jaded or a thrillseeker he seems to help people. However in history books or accounts there is never any mention of him. He also does not let anything anacronistic be left in the past when he travels there. He is also the 'oldest' member of the club having been there at its creation. He also tries to help those who seek the help of the club by travelling backwards and forwards in time to get answers for them or for the club in case of infiltrators/saboteurs/parasites. He only smiles enigmatically when asked about what money he has and what he does with it. The theory among some is that he placed a number of bets and made money from bookmakers that way but never that much all in one shot that would attract undue notice. Sir Graham views him as a close friend. Next one gets to pick the next team.
  4. If we don't go with this theme I will make sure it is added to the Create Hero Villain Link thread for further consideration. Also re your colour lists some more information on ones we have not done would help. According to Wikipedia Corvids include Jackdaws, Magpies, Rooks, Jays. Treepies, Choughs, Crows, Ravens and Nutcrackers. The most independent member of the group comes from Switzerland and is the latest person to claim the name of Magpie. She is a jewel robber of some repute robbing people and places of some of the finest jewels in the world. She likes to keep what she steals and is entranced by pieces of exquisite beauty and craftsmanship. This means she is not that interested in what the team wants to do if the opportunity for something shiny and above all portable comes up. She has an expensive (and surprisingly durable) feather wing costune that mimics the bird after which she is named. She knows some martial arts but is more a scout and spy rather than a combatant.
  5. He has until Monday and then the choice will be made for him
  6. My latest commission http://www.deviantart.com/art/Alu-Demon-523890877
  7. Xanadu - Olivia Newton John Life in Tokyo - Japan Drowning in Berlin - The Mobiles
  8. Here is the link to Ace of Spades http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/90570-ace-of-spades-champions-complete-work-in-progress/ Twist of Fate Twist of Fate is one of the founding members of the group and the one who needs the others because her power is that of altering fate itself so that what happened either did not happen or turned out a different way. She can thus improve what her companions do or what happens to her companions. Otherwise she has some martial arts as defensive powers and some gadgets to offset damage so that she can stay operational. She is often frightened but is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie. So the whole supervillain lifestyle appeals to her.
  9. For Hermit or indeed anyone else who feels like bragging. Use the Pusycat Dolls song:- 'Don't you wish your teammates were hot like me ? Don't you wish they could win like me ? don't you ?'
  10. And here I was thinking you had been watching The Chase too much....
  11. What would be the point in my voting if the fix was not in ?
  12. The link worked for me. However it takes you to page 1 and you need to go to page 41 or the last page whichever view you are using. Several woman characters are liable to take great exception to what he is doing and take inordinate revenge.
  13. The theme for the Man Spider could be Slipknot - The Devil and I
  14. Did I forget to mention that Throne is English slang for the toilet ?
  15. Wrestlemania's results. Bray Wyatt lost to the Undertaker, John Cena beat Ruev, Daniel Bryan won the Intercontinental title, Orton beat Rollins, Rollins cashed in the Money in the Bank Contract and is the new WWE champion.
  16. Machete Kills Again. Mel Gibson has fun as does Carlos Estevez.
  17. The Dandy Warhols for President ! Every Day Should be a Holiday ! NT: New teams for Formula 1.
  18. Clocks went forward last night. Oh joy. Could not get either the doctor or the pharmacists to get me a change of prescription for skin problem on my face. The stuff I was usingis not done anymore and the doctor does not know what to replace with. Utter joy.
  19. Three teams in a row on the same sort of theme is a bit off. We need different ideas. We can go back to these lists later.
  20. Following one of the selections that has been made I intend rigging my voting should a particular circumstance be fulfilled.
  21. Well stuntmen have to sub for actors if the scene is too dangerous so Unknown Stuntman Harry Kane is the Unknown Stuntman. He is an inveterate risk taker and gets a real adrenaline rush from taking risks or replacing any of the others in a high risk environment. He may take injuries but he can always recover from them. He is combat skilled but it is his ability to take a hit or roll ith it that makes him a valuable asset to the team. Albeit an expendable one.
  22. Seasick Steve - Sonic Soul Surfer. I like his stuff but this won't sway those on the fence.
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