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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. And now for something nasty http://www.deviantart.com/art/BRO-515122640
  2. What part of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos did you not understand ?
  3. And now for something a little bit odd ? http://www.deviantart.com/art/Arch-Baker-to-the-Czar-514351927
  4. And here is the list of Eurovision Song Contest Winners. There are other Swedish artists here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Eurovision_Song_Contest_winners
  5. So inspired by that Eagle Eye Cherry and Save Tonight Ace of Base All That She Wants Abba Mamma Mia
  6. This might help others But wouldn't have saying Scandinavia be more of a help ?
  7. The lengths that some DJs will go to. Greg James impersonates Keisza. She was aware of it and was even giving him guidance on the clothing. Then there is this one. The lady in the passenger seat is familiar.
  8. Steve Strange who was a major figure in the New Romantic movemnt in Britain has died. Steve was in the band Visage and was a club owner at one time. He was also a recovering heroin addict.
  9. Straight from the Grammys, off the plane to Radio 1 and then after doing the single this cover version. Charli XCX
  10. Steve Strange who was a major figure in the New Romantics has died at the age of 55 from a heart attack. This is from Visage where he did the vocals, Fade to Grey.
  11. The teams could be fairly generic and not geographically limited.
  12. Germany has gone forever ? That is why we have not seen Der Roter Baron recently !
  13. As I recall the particpants were a bit weak in certain areas but could work well as a team. As a result I give you this. Mind Mini This egoist/mentalist can take someone out of a fight by locking them in a state of paralysis so that they stare straight ahead doing nothing. The downside to this is that she has to keep concentrating on the target or they recover and it also makes her very vunerable to attack and being removed from the fight herself. She has had quite a bit of luck or was it the bad luck of others that saw here though this far ?
  14. Warren Gatland is another of the government appointees. He is a by the book person and has an encyclopedic mind when it comes to what laws apply when and where. He can also pick up the relevant codes that a hero or villain might have broken and has presented to House Committees on what new ones might need adding if the heroes or villains find ways around existing legislation. He does not like Colonel William Rodgers who seesmto think violence and oppression are the answers to everything. Honestly who does he think he is ? The American Protector ?
  15. Speed King III What happened to the original Speed King is anyone's guess and no one really knows what relation this Speed King is to the original or to his successor who was killed after two high profile appearances. This version can run at some velocity but also has suits that allow him to fly at a great rate and shoot through the water like a torpedo. What is known is that this person gathered the others into a team but it is not clear if they are the leader or not. It is also unclear if it is a man or a woman as they appear adrongynous.
  16. WHAT ??????!!!!!!! You DARE take my idea and adapt it ?????!!!!!! I shall turn up on your doorstep and give you a HARD stare. But I might be in disguise. So any insect, bird or animal, or maybe at a stretch a human, who gives you a hard stare in the next few days, that might be me.
  17. The problem with this is that they can't grasp anything. As the saying goes 'The Centaur cannot hold'
  18. Ok Marshall you can sit this one out, we are going to throw a pass into the end zone....
  19. Latest one from Celtic Bolt which I am going to use as Bang Fash in the Rogues Battalion. http://www.deviantart.com/art/Villain-1-512293722
  20. Battlewagon As Communism fell a number of surprising projects came to light. One of these was The Battlewagon. This was a battlesuit designed to be worn by a woman and used in infantry support. The suit wearer would be able to take out armoured fighting vehicles, be able to withstand artillery and bombs and be able to take out infantry attacks. The suit was packed up and shipped back to the States where it became bogged down in red tape between the CIA and the FBI. Criminal organisations however heard of it and decided to use it. The suit was this stolen and used by the Underworld. There is one major problem with the suit and that the neural interface slowly destroys the mind of the wearer as the connections are primitive by Western standards. However the Underworld has always been able to get people to get and wear the suit to support their endeavours. New Team: One of my favourite villain groups is the Masters of Speed from Palladium Publishing's Villains Unlimited. And guess what ? We don't have a speedster team in the Create Villain thread. Time to remedy that. So the Hero Games Champions forum proudly presents a selection of speedsters for incl;usion in the new team The Speed Kings. The team numbers at least 5 and at most 7. They are all to have some power over speed whether in air, water or on the ground. Preferably no controlling of a vehicle but multiple vehicles or objects would be acceptable. Can we have no speedster in space as that would limit him and the rest ?
  21. The Stupendous Lightman Clifford Smith would never be remembered or even considered as a supervillain if he had not fallen into Dr Phoebeus's Sun Machine. The good Doctor was intending to blackmail America by making daylight a 24 hour occurance. This would make employment difficult and sleep all but impossible. Plus the fact that it would lead to the death of all squirrels whom the doctor hated with a passion. Clifford managed to trip and fall over into the generator powering the Sun Machine and this caused an explosion which may have killed Phoebeus as he has not been seen since. Clifford came to and now he had superpowers. Now the world would know it had to fear him. Clifford subscribes to the Lightman theory which postulates that Light is simply the absence of darkness which makes heroes question his sanity. Clifford is not the luckiest of individuals either.
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