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Everything posted by Adventus

  1. I have gone thru the threads on this. I have compiled the What would your character scenarios into one file. This does not have the responses, just the scenarios. I thought it would be great to have as a source of scenarios. Here you go:
  2. The best example of this is in Marvel. The Multiple Man. If the core character was knocked unconscious, all of his duplicates disappeared. They changed this since the character was created.
  3. I found this site while looking for blank dossiers. This would be great for anybody running a campaign with espionage elements. Make your own dossier
  4. Here is my character from a Cyberpunk campaign. His name is: Franz Gruber, Action Hero for Hire . This is a very dangerous occupation. He has the following mods: Muscle/bone lacing, Muscle grafts, Speed grafts, Kerenzikov speedware 2,smartgun link with both hands, chip socket with 2 ambidexterity chips, and skinweave. His eye were is a kiroshi Mono-visor with IR/UV, lowlite, image enhancement, anti dazzle and targeting site. As you can see, he is up to the job.
  5. I bought a d20 book because the premise sounded cool. 75% of the book was on how to alter the d20 system to allow you to play in the campaign system. The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking how much easier it was do in hero. If this book was written for hero, It would have been about 80 pages. In d20, it ran about 250 pages.
  6. Another good Magazine to get is the Special Edition of Scientific American from May, 2003. It talks about teleportation, how much information you can store in any given space, & worm holes , to name a few things. It mainly deals with the edge of Physics. Also talking about Popular Science, the May 2001 issue is a must have. It talks about the FTL drives that Nasa is working on and the science behind them.
  7. According to my Encyclopedia of Gods, Hermes is the god of boundaries, guardian of graves and the patron diety of shepherds. Legends say he invented fire on his first day, the same day he stole the cattle from his brother Apollo. His symbol in most of his shrines was a phallic post to represent his guardianship of graves. Having read this, I would give him a forcewall EC. Villian, running from combat, comes up on a crosswalk line. Your Character: "You weren't thinking of running from what you did, are you?" Villian then runs into invisible forcewall at crosswalk line
  8. So that is where I got the idea from. I made something simmilar for my character The Discman. It was a str draining entangle, i.e. you lost any leverage for using your strength. Therefore your str is useless.
  9. This adventure would be a great start toward making magic more prominent. You could run it causing an increase in the "magic field" of the world, making mystical heroes more powerful. It would kind of be like a Mystical Radiation accident for the whole world. This would allow you to bring in more fantasy related bits for the campaign.
  10. This topic is for people with psionics in their campaigns. What type of these do you have in your campaign? In my sci -fi campaign I have the Esper Guild. They are a shadowy guild. There is not a lot known about them. Members have blocks put in to prevent them from talking about the guild and its goals. At the present time they are coming slowly out of the shadows. You can always spot them, they were black robes and usually travel in groups. It is rumored that they have their own space fleet. It is rumored that they are controlling part of the gov't
  11. I would suggest you have the players take disads that relate to their powers. This would help create story lines for the characters.
  12. The title is from a book by Gordon R. Dickson. It refers to the mass subconscious of the human race and how Psychics can tap it. I have been trying to figure out a way to do this in a starhero campaign. I recently got fantasy hero for my birthday. While reading the magic section, I found a way to do it. Under the Section titled: Eldritch Lore, This section describes how to use an ambient magic field to power spels. Change magic to Psionics and you are done. The players would still be required to buy their psionic powers. They would also buy an aid for thier powers to represent them tapping this mass. It would have the limitation: increase depends on level of Pritcher mass in the area. They would also have to have side effects on their aid power. Tapping to much power can literally blow your mind. This can be lessened with proper training. This training is only available at the Esper Guild. The players will be able to buy a 15 pt talent: Member of Esper Guld. If they do this, they also have to take the psych disad: Duty to Esper Guild (common)(Strong). Members of this guild tend to be the more powerful psioncs in the campaign. This is because they are able to buy mental defense, only versus tapping the pritcher mass. This reduces the effect of the side effects. It does not eliminate them. They can still tap to much power, i.e. pushing on top of using the Aid.
  13. In my champions campaign.the major factor altering reality to allow superpowers is going away. There was a tear in space/time in the Arizona desert. This tear leaked transdimensional energy into the faric of reality allowing superpowers, much as magic does in CU. This means most, but not all characters are going to lose their powers. Thois means the superbeings who derive their powers from gadgets and skills will become the most powerful supers in the game. Cut to several years later. The world has settled down and are living with a sense of swfety, knowing that they don't have to worry about some cuper battle destroying their homes. It is at this point a chain of clubs opens up across the US, named Mirrowview. They cater tyo the late teen, low 20's crowd. After a few months the clientele starts exhibiting powers in the real world. These powers have nothing to do with the club. The focus of the campaign is where are they getting these powers when everybody knows their are no more superpower anymore? The people who get the powers are the onees society has thrown away for the most part. They distrust authority and want to hurt the flat reflections, normals . There will be many references to mirrors. The main bad guy group will be called The Dark Reflections. They will be kids who have embraced their powers and became drunk with power.
  14. Theron, I read your article. This sounds like the way I have been running my campaign for years.One of the characters has gone thru at least 6 suits of power armor each more powerful than the last. One is combined with the head of a Mark VII Minuteman robot now. A potential oppenent for the game. Another found out how her Mech works. The players have been having fun playing in this campaign. I am changing the campaign right now for more info see my topic closing the rift
  15. I am surprised nobody mentioned Gordon R. Dickson's Dorsai series. This entire series takes place accross several worlds and there are noaliens around, just humans with special abilities or skills.
  16. Yes, I have read that series. And I do plan on having some of that happen. The main difference is that the supers powers start acting up and not working before the rift even closes. So, they will have warning that something is wrong before they lose their powers.
  17. Wolverine did do brain surgery on Sabertooth once. In my campaign, Dr. Destroyer found one of Mechanon's bases. He figured out how it worked and how to reprogram him as his loyal subjects. Yes, I said subjects. He made an army of Mechanons. Each one was less powerful than the original so that the good doctor would not have to worry if they turned on him. He also had programmed in the self destruct code himself, so only someone who had level of int and computer skill and resources would be able to break it.
  18. I need to clarify something. This event is not being played out. It is just backstory for a new campaign called Mirrorview, which starts several years later. I was looking for ideas on how this would affect the world. I have discussed this with my players already and they are cool with it. In fact, one the players vehemently said his character is retired and will not be part of the new campaign. He will be making a new character for the campaign. The new campaign will be, most likely, starting around xmas this year. I will be posting more details of this new campaign for people to approve or tear apart. Either way, I will find stuff to use in my world. The reason for this change is that the campaign has just gotten to powerful and unweildy. I also would like to take the game in a new direction. I will not be having an alien invasion as I have recently had one led by Dr. D himself. He ws getting his revenge on one of the players.
  19. Actually, I was just using my character as an example. every player has at least 1 character that will get to keep their powers. Also the other players sometime gm in my world, so That is when I play my characters. Other than that, they are just background and backup for the players.
  20. Warning long explanation ahead! In my high-powered champiions campaign, superpowers are made possible by a tear in space/time, a rift. This rift alters reality, making superpowers possible. Now, there are places where reality is weak and transdimensional energy leaks thru sometimes. This is what allowed low powered supers before the opening of the rift in the mid 80's. Now due to the presence of the rift those areas are no longer weak. The rift was caused by a military experiment to make power armor that would use a nuclear explosion as a power source. It worked in all of the trials. So they had a big showing for a bunch of Military brass. WHen they set the bomb of the soldiers in the armor were controlling the energy from the bomb preventing it from affecting the people sitting just a few hundred feet away. Then something went wrong. It is unsure if one of the suits failed or the bomb was more powerful than expected or even if one of the soldiers just panicked. Whatever happened, the soldiers lost control of the explosion and started to be destroyed in the explosion. One of the soldiers,as it turns out, had a latent mutant ablility to do exactly what the suits were designed to do. TYhe explosion and the stress of the situation caused his powers to manifest in a big way. To save the people at the showing, he tore a rift in time and space and sent them into other dimensions. this caused him to be turned into energy. He needed a energy field, like a force field to avoid dissipitating. He has spent the last 20 years figuring out how to close the rift. Along the way he bonded with a liquid metal robot. this caused an interesting side effect, their mind(s) were expanded. This caused them to move several levels above normal supers, i.e he/they become a deity. This happened aboout 5 years ago. They have figured out how to repair the tear. They have brought all of the surviving peopl;e back from the worlds the went to to survive. Now it is time to close the rift. What I need is ideas on what effect this will have on the world. I have few already. 1. 99% of all supers with powers instead of items will lose their powers. 2. those supers with powers that allow them to travel interdimensionally will not lose their powers. Such as my character Pyhrus. He is a living gateway between our world and the elemental planes. This will amke them hunted because former supers who are near these beings will find their powers working again, for a while at least 3. most supertech will slowly break down as the person who built it will no longer understand how it works. 4. gadget toting heroes will become more prevalent. 5 many now powerless supers will volunteer for radical experiments to try to get their powers back. They will DIE. . 6. the public will be upset that their SuperHeroes have abandoned them.
  21. My wife is going to love having these stats for the monster hunter campaign. In the campaign, one of the players decapitated the paladin. It did not kill, just inconvienced him for a while.
  22. This thread makes me think of a character I had in a d6 Star Wars campaign. He was a merc in power armor, Krail210 to be exact. He had it modified to have full blown sensor package, 7d6 Per and repulsorlift installed. When ever I went to make a Per roll with the sensors off I would make the roll no problem. When I turned on my sensors , all ones. It got to the point I started calling it a sensor glitch and spent a huge amount of money to get it fixed. It didn't help.
  23. I made a character like this once. He had bonuses to PER, just happened to notice things or just happened to be looking in the right direction. He had damage reduction defined as attacks not hitting him square. He had extra levels in dcv attacks just seemed to miss him.Extra skill levels and extra dice with attacks, just happened to hit his opponent just right. Find weakness with a high roll, just happens to notice an opponents weakspot. This combined with the previous power is very dangerous. Watch out if this character's luck ever goes bad. death and destruction for the character.
  24. I like this better than megazord's suggestion. Done!. I really like this idea. This makes sense
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