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Everything posted by sentry0

  1. Sounds like an HKA to me. This thread is very similar to your question:
  2. Shameless self plug but the HERO System Mobile app handles all these use cases and more and it's free. I use it to speed up combat on the GM side when I'm running...for more powerful tools for GMing check out HERO Combat Manager. I know that dice are an important part of the role-playing experience for some but the app helps take away some of the ponderous nature of HERO with a lot of options turned on. If you're a player you can load in your character into the app and long press on an attack power to pre-populate the die roller.
  3. Also, that END cost is per shot. 360 END would likely put the user straight into a coma ?
  4. It's a really good intro for anyone coming from D&D, not just high schoolers. There's a possibility that I will be introducing a bunch of older D&D players to Champions in the new year. I'm totally lifting this ?
  5. I'll just leave this here and run away...
  6. Unfortunately, no there appears to be no way to get it to work on an iPad. I actually bought the Android app and could not get it to work for me. Their Windows app does work if you run it.
  7. Posted to Downloads under Misc. - https://www.herogames.com/forums/files/file/471-champions-random-encounter-generator/
  8. Version 1.0.0


    A simple random encounter generator for use with Inspiration Pad Pro (free Windows download).
  9. I found this list on Reddit of a suggested viewing order for all the Marvel movies to date and decided to take the plunge and watch the movies again. It's a fun list because the author gives his/her rationale on the order that is basically a mix of chronological (as opposed to theatrical release) and over arching story elements. The list starts with Captain America: The First Avenger for example because it is chronologically the first movie and it introduces things like a baby SHIELD (SSR) an Nick Fury. I just finished Captain America: The First Avenger and am looking forward to revisiting the original Iron Man tomorrow
  10. Agreed, in a perfect world there would be both but if I had to choose I would say the interwebs is where it's at with the kids these days. Not like I have a vote or anything but it's fun to dream of a day when HERO is a known and recognized player
  11. When I was getting back into playing HERO after a good decade or so break I called some local games shops looking for 6th edition books. Not a single store carried any products and one had never even heard if HERO/Champions. I was frankly shocked that the game I love had so little mindshare anymore. I would love to see some books on shelves...we live in the era of super hero movies and the best super hero RPG deserves to shine now more than ever.
  12. Oh I see, I thought you were talking about projectiles exclusively...my bad. Those moves are really just stylized move thrus/passing strikes IMO with maybe some extra dice from a HA thrown in. I would just strictly enforce the acceleration/deceleration rules...that should address your needs.
  13. Interesting idea, here's my take: Hadoken: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points); Increased by Range (8d6 @ 1-20m, 10d6 @ 21-40m, 12d6 @ 41+m; -1/4) It's debatable if it's a limitation or not but I imagine in a martial arts themed campaign there's going to be a lot of up close combat so I would let it ride as a limitation.
  14. As you correctly assert, no game is worth losing friends over. If you can let it go and not see this as a failure but rather a learning experience I think you'll be doing yourself a service. Some of your players just sound like asshats in game and have a poor mentality for 4-color styles of games. That's not your fault. I would suggest that players like these would thrive in a Dark Champions game. Maybe after some time you can take a run at that assuming you don't absolutely hate the genre. At any rate, try to be kind to yourself over all this ?
  15. I would run that by your GM first and see what he says.
  16. Could be cleared with a KS: Chinese Healing or other medical type skills.
  17. How many villainous organizations are floating around in the Champions universe? Here are the major ones I can think of: Viper Argent Demon Genocide What other major groups am I missing? Phil
  18. I think your character looks mechanically fine to me. The only thing I would question is your Speed...I would double check with your GM and get his campaign average. You are asking good questions ?
  19. You know it's funny but DEX 26 comes from my old Champions mentor who had the philosophy that lots of people had 25 DEX so take that extra point to go first. It's actually arguably poor form to to do that because it's really just metagaming. Yes, I bought 2 DCs so you would still have a 12 die Martial Strike. Offensive Strike is great but only situationally...Martial Strike should be your go to move unless your opponent is stunned/held or you otherwise have a tactical advantage that would allow you to open up with it. There's a number of ways to build a power that disables a limb or incapacitates someone...personally, I would go with the Martial Maneuvers "Joint Break" and "Nerve Strike". You can totally build powers that also do what those moves do as well though but I figure you already have MA, why not expand them?
  20. You're not breaking anything Your character is very good for a first character build. Myself and others are really just offering suggestions and tips...take it or leave it...it's up to you. Cheers.
  21. I also just wanted echo Bluesguy about strengths and weaknesses and campaign baselines. They're very important and should dictate where your stats should lie. For example, if the average Speed in the game is 5 then drop your Speed to 5. A pure martial artist would likely have a 6 but they typically trade off DCs for speed. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what we say, it's between you and you GM ?
  22. Here's my take on a bare bones super soldier that fills most of your criteria...I left out some stuff but there are plenty of points left over for you to do stuff with. Sorry for the format, and I've attached the hdc file to this doc as well Generic Super Soldier Val Char Cost Roll Notes 40 STR 30 17- Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 [8] 26 DEX 32 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 25 CON 15 14- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 18 EGO 8 13- ECV: 1 - 3 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 1 OMCV -6 3 DMCV 0 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 9+15 PD 7 Total: 9/24 PD (0/15 rPD) 9+15 ED 7 Total: 9/24 ED (0/15 rED) 12 REC 8 50 END 6 15 BODY 5 45 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 241 Movement: Running: 30m/60m Leaping: 20m/40m Swimming: 4m/8m Cost Powers END 8 Leaping +16m (20m forward, 10m upward) 1 18 Running +18m (30m total) 2 45 Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) 0 Martial Arts 8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es) 4 Killing Strike -2 +0 HKA 4d6 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 12d6 Strike 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 14d6 Strike Skills 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Analyze: Fighting Style 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Persuasion 13- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 119 Total Cost: 359 325+ Matching Complications Total Complications Points: 359 Generic Super Soldier.hdc
  23. I would humbly suggest that OP is really describing a super soldier with a high end STR...40 or so + martial arts. Angel Dust smoked Colossus in terms of technique but Colossus has the edge in defenses and Strength. Classic Brick vs Super Soldier. From Wikipedia: Angel Dusts upper end strength tops out at 25 tonnes. That's a very far cry from a true Brick like Colossus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Dust_(comics) If you can reconsider your position about MA Ninja I would suggest you may end up with a character more in the spirit of your inspirations. However, I get and totally respect your choice either way. The thing about MA is that they're not much more complicated than the standard combat maneuvers. You can simply think of them as expanding your list of moves ? Phil
  24. I recruited my wife in this endeavour and we cranked through all 3 villains books. Post #2 has an updated version of the list. I don't think the list tool quite has everything I want in terms of configuring the results. For example, I would like to implement the following as options in app: Switches to select Solo, Team, and Master villains for inclusion in the results A slider to allow the user to specify the number of solo villains to generate Options to specify the threat level of the encounter (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega) I need to add in villainous agencies next...maybe tomorrow
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