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    ScottishFox got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Curious about an Armor Piercing optional rule   
    I miss 4th edition.  Perfect balance of crunch and playability. If Hero Designer had a 4th edition option I'd be using that rule set now.
    Separating Transfer into a linked Aid and Drain just took a power that was intuitively understood and turned it into several lines of crunch.
    The fact that Grab has SIX pages and change and the equivalent maneuver in D&D's 5th edition player handbook is less than a single page is very telling.
    The champions 4th edition hardcover was both visually great and a good balance between too many and too few rules.
    I feel old and nostalgic.  😐
  2. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from Tom Cowan in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Picking up Greenland now before global warming turns it into a lush tropical paradise and the southern half of the united states withers into a desert wasteland would be a good move. 
  3. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from Parallaxus in Curious about an Armor Piercing optional rule   
    I miss 4th edition.  Perfect balance of crunch and playability. If Hero Designer had a 4th edition option I'd be using that rule set now.
    Separating Transfer into a linked Aid and Drain just took a power that was intuitively understood and turned it into several lines of crunch.
    The fact that Grab has SIX pages and change and the equivalent maneuver in D&D's 5th edition player handbook is less than a single page is very telling.
    The champions 4th edition hardcover was both visually great and a good balance between too many and too few rules.
    I feel old and nostalgic.  😐
  4. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Sony is being run by imbeciles if they don't rent out Spider-Man to Disney on a permanent basis.  You can use him... if you pay us.  Make your billion and give us our cut.  Its basically zero risk, zero investment, and constant income.
  5. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    You're wrong there!  The southern half of the US can't be a desert wasteland if it's under water.  😛
  6. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from pinecone in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think part of the problem is that the more severe side of the left tends to call anyone who isn't left enough for them ALT Right.
    A lot of the labeling is patently absurd.  Two internet guys I like to listen to fairly often are Joe Rogan and Tim Pool.  They're both moderate democrats.  They dislike/hate Trump and agree with most things that would have been mainstream left only 8-10 years ago.
    Now Tim has a show that is being threatened to be shut down by Antifa nuts because it involves trying to get progressives and conservatives sitting down face-to-face to talk to each other.
    Tim, in particular, getting called ALT Right is incomprehensible to me.  He likes universal income, health-care for all, and several other mainstream left ideas.
    If this kind of nonsense doesn't cool off by 2020 there are going to be lifelong liberals voting for Trump because their own party has lost its mind.
  7. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Unpopular Opinion Challenge   
    I guess if I had to list the Indiana Jones movies in order of greatness it would be
    Lost Ark
    Last Crusade
    ...all the documentaries about making of the previous movies, interviews of the actors, etc
    Crystal Skull
    Temple of Doom
  8. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to archer in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Fortunately, that's balanced out by the mindless 'right' referring to everyone who isn't rabidly pro-Trump as being a "communist".
    < j/k >
  9. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from archer in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think part of the problem is that the more severe side of the left tends to call anyone who isn't left enough for them ALT Right.
    A lot of the labeling is patently absurd.  Two internet guys I like to listen to fairly often are Joe Rogan and Tim Pool.  They're both moderate democrats.  They dislike/hate Trump and agree with most things that would have been mainstream left only 8-10 years ago.
    Now Tim has a show that is being threatened to be shut down by Antifa nuts because it involves trying to get progressives and conservatives sitting down face-to-face to talk to each other.
    Tim, in particular, getting called ALT Right is incomprehensible to me.  He likes universal income, health-care for all, and several other mainstream left ideas.
    If this kind of nonsense doesn't cool off by 2020 there are going to be lifelong liberals voting for Trump because their own party has lost its mind.
  10. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Bazza in Unpopular Opinion Challenge   
    For what its worth,  I enjoy Crystal Skull more than Temple of Doom. 
  11. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to massey in Lighting Rod - Build Question   
    If you wanted to be weird, how about lots of Growth, 0 End Persistent, Invisible, with like a -5 custom limitation "provides no benefits at all" and another -2 "only to be bigger when electrical powers are used".  Buy enough so that you fill up multiple hexes.  So if somebody shoots a lightning bolt that travels near your hex, they end up hitting you accidentally because you're just in the way.

  12. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Killer Shrike in Lighting Rod - Build Question   
    Yeah, as always details matter; a fully correct answer would depend on how the rest of the character is built. It is however worth pointing out that by default Absorption does not provide defense against the thing absorbed...so if the character attracts lightning / electricity and takes damage from it...then it may very well be more of a complication than a benefit. Similarly, if the character draws lightning / electricity to themselves, then anything between them and the source of the energy will presumably be hit, so it does not necessarily offer much protection to teammates. Similarly, the hero might not entirely sink either the heat or the electricity (depending upon their Absorption roll)...in which case the excess heat and electricity might very well cause collateral damage. 
    It is also worth pointing out (depending on how realistic one is being) that not all kinds of metal react to electricity in the same way...they are subject to Ohm's law and have varying conductivity and resistivity. Some metals are highly conductive, allowing electricity to flow thru them while others resist.
    Also, the OP mentions "heating up"...conductivity of heat is different than conductivity of electricity...also one is measured in kelvins and the other is measured in siemens. Copper happens to have both high thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, but stainless steel on the other hand is more than an order of magnitude less heat conductive and is something like 30 times less electrically conductive. Heat which is not conducted builds up, and can in extreme conditions result in the metal reaching its melting point.
    In a superhero physics setting such details get in the way, but in a grittier heroes setting these kinds of flourishes can help add to the grist.
  13. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Tom Cowan in Lighting Rod - Build Question   
    add Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2) to Absorption?  Ask the GM thou, it may be a bit OP
  14. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Highest OCV you'd allow?   
    Well it depends on the campaign really.  I put an absolute cap on my last game because I didn't want people to get past a certain point (a hard cap, no matter what levels, martial arts, or anything you combined it just couldn't go any higher).  Most games I am pretty lax about it.  There was one character in a game I ran with 12 OCV, using his crossbow.  That was his thing: he never missed (he never did, either).  He was like Bullseye or Hawkeye, he just hit what he aimed at.  But he wasn't the most damaging character in the game, and didn't' have as much flexibility as most others.
  15. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Lucius in Wealth without money   
    You ask why not? I'll tell you why not.
    Behold, the Jester's Staff!
    Behold, the Jester's Staff!:  (Total: 9 Active Cost, 1 Real Cost) Summon 2 5-point gag writers, Friendly (x2 as many tasks; +1/2) (9 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Week (-2 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Alternate Identity (Must be in fool's motley; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 1)
    Your majesty, are your court fool's japes and antics getting stale? Think he could use some new materiel? Bestow upon him the Jester's Staff! This miraculous item looks like a common fool's bauble, but once we teach him the magical incantation, he can use it to summon up a pair of gag writers who can invent jests suitable for any audience. With a little time to prepare and practice he will be fit to perform for anyone, from the delicate eared princes and princesses to a delegation of crude and unsophsticated barbarians. Your court can be famous for the quality of its entertainment!
    Behold, the Vessel of Endless Life!
    Behold, the Vessel of Eternal Youth!:  (Total: 5 Active Cost, 1 Real Cost) Life Support  (Longevity: Immortal) (5 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Season, Only to Activate, -2 3/4), IIF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Year which Recovers every 1 Season (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1)
    Your majesty, although it is gracefully formed, its aesthetic value is the least of this miraculous vessel's virtues. If filled with spring water and certain herbs, the secret of which we will gladly impart upon purchase of the vessel, it will after a season's steeping pour forth a brew with the property of halting the very process of age, rendering one immune to the wear of time for an entire year! As the effect lasts a year and the vessel may recharge each season, you would hold the power to grant eternal youth not only to yourself but to up to three companions!
    Note that each of the above costs only a single Real Point. I do not think there is a king in history or even in fiction who would offer the same price in gold for either item, or offer to trade the Vessel for the Staff. Nor do I think anyone possessing either item would part with them for a mere ten golden coins.
    Any attempt to set up a consistent "exchange rate" of gold to Character Points is sure to fail.
    Lucius Alexander
    The palindromedary says if you still don't believe it we can tell you the story of the broadsword....
  16. Haha
    ScottishFox got a reaction from Tywyll in Wealth without money   
    I find if I don't use a Pathfinder or D&D equipment cost sheet for these things the immersion damage to the players is not worth it.
  17. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to JCR in In a game i don't like because a friend is running it   
    Oh no, this is not only a recipe for disaster, why should anyone put themselves thru having a bad time to please someone else (unless its your significant other or your child, for those its ok)? Don't get me wrong every once in a while, sure, but every game nite?! heck no, life is too short. I was a part of a group for a long time that constantly wanted to play games that were fun to them and not me, and neither they or me had any problems w/ me finding something else to do meanwhile. I even recently had to walk away from a game being run by a friend because it just had a very disruptive player that made things very boring and annoying to me (and later on the rest of the group) and I just couldn't keep wasting my free time on something that made me miserable. I explained to my friend and he was ok w/ it as he understood why I was not having fun and had to walk from the table, no problems, no drama, and I was able to use the time for more entertaining/productive things.
  18. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Lord Liaden in In other news...   
    Please note, I'm not talking about what men think about it.
  19. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from Hugh Neilson in Trigger and roll attack (6 edition)   
    I thought adjacent hexes are DCV 0 vs. AoE attacks.  Leaving the possibility for the land mine to miss its own hex does not make dramatic sense.
    This is the type of crunch that scares players away instead of drawing them to the table.
  20. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Duke Bushido in In other news...   
    Well of course it wasn't in America.
    We have shot enough people to know that it only makes them slower.
  21. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Pattern Ghost in In other news...   
    Scientists turn Cancer cells into Fat cells
  22. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Starlord in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I'd like to know my offspring are going to live a happy life beyond me.  Other than that, what good does 'my mark' (or material things, having my existence acknowledged, etc.) do me when I'm dead?
    I just try to be happy and live positive in the present.  YMMV.
  23. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Lord Liaden in The Magic of Uncertainty   
    Dirk Daggerman sounds like an agent of chaos (not Chaos, just chaos).
    If I was in this game I would love him. My PC, of course, would probably try to kill him.
  24. Like
    ScottishFox got a reaction from Amorkca in The Magic of Uncertainty   
    One of my favorite aspects of running D&D and Pathfinder adventurers using HERO system is customization.
    A few weeks ago one of my friends stepped up to take the GM reigns for a few weeks so I could avoid burnout (been DM'ing that table for over a year straight).
    In comes my Autolycus inspired rogue - Dirk Daggerman.
    Pretty standard rogue fare with a few HERO system tweaks that caught the players offguard.
    Character Defining "powers":
    +7 rPD - hardened/inpenetrable - only against sharp metal objects.  No blade would willingly hurt Dirk Daggerman.
    Major Transform - Dagger from thin air - No matter how well you've disarmed Dirk Daggerman - there's always one more knife on him.
    Major Transform - Restraints (ropes, shackles, etc.) into open/untied restraints - No lock can hold Dirk Daggerman.
    At one point in the adventure the party finds a lich-like entity that is stuck in some gruesome torture device where golems mindlessly stab it over and over for all time.
    The responsible party members wander off to get a quest item we hadn't recognized was important earlier.  The lich thing begs for the freedom of death.
    Dirk transforms the creatures bonds into unlocked restraints and says, "There you go, buddy.  Die however you like.".
    Party member1:  You can do that!!??
    Party member2:  Why would you do that!?
    Lich:  Die puny mortals!
    In games with hard rails you just can't get the level of spontaneity nor fear of villains that comes along with not knowing what they're capable of doing.
  25. Like
    ScottishFox reacted to Thumper in The Magic of Uncertainty   
    I'm with this guy.
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