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Gary Ciaramella

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Gary Ciaramella

  1. I want to purchase damage reduction for a fire using character... 3/4 versus flame/heat powers and 1/2 versus other forms of energy. It will be placed in an EC (yes, it will cost end). Is it legal to buy as a single power, limiting the extra 30 points for the 3/4 versus flame/heat and the entire power for costs end, or do I have to buy it twice in two EC slots? If I can legally purchase it once, how would I format that on my character sheet? Thank you in advance, Steve!
  2. Much too sleepy to give in depth comments on spending XP, but something that leaps out if your characters INT and EGO. An INT of 13 would be a good investment, increasing your perception roll and any INT-based skills you have or might have. An EGO of 11 increases your ECV to a 4, 13 increases your EGO roll, and 14 ups you ECV to 5. Plus, who doesnt want to have a hero with a strong will?
  3. *trying not to cry* God... I wish I lived near some of you so I could be in a REAL role playing campain! Regency Hero... Castle Falkenstein... *sigh* You folks are just... awesome.
  4. He will need affect the real world... without it, he can only cling to desolid walls
  5. You better check with Steve about using images from anything published by Hero Games on your website. They are sure to have rules on that in the policy section accessable from the front page.
  6. What causes the superheroes to have powers? You mention magic, so there could be that... and alien technology. Will there be other types of powers, and what would be their genesis?
  7. I want to make a character that has flame powers. One power would be the ability to turn into a living flame. The problem with that is, he usually wears some body armor that is NOT made of any sort of unstable molecule, so turning to flame will be a bit hard on the armor, destroying it. What sort of limitation should that be? SHOULD it be a limitation? Hmmm... will be interesting to turn back to human form and be naked as a jaybird!
  8. I had an urge at one point to run a low level police game based on Hill Street Blues... would have been fun with the right players.
  9. At first glance this looks real good... especially for lower level games. I will have to include it in my house rules for a future game!
  10. Yes it does, as long as the source of what is levitating the object is not apparent. Of course... it is just a leap of deduction to figure out that telekinesis is at the top of the list.
  11. The book has made it to Las Vegas, Nevada... wOOt!
  12. Re: Strength powers Even if your player has all the points in the multipower allocated to say, penetrating strength, he is not forced to attack with all of his available dice on every attack. If he want to, he can still reduce the number of dice he uses, or he can pull a punch as well. In my opinion, a multipower with fixed slots for each strength advantage will work just fine for what you want.
  13. Oooooo!! I found it... that is going to be very nice. I am SOOOOOOOO looking forward to FH.
  14. What saved me is that the seller had set up the option of buying the book for $7.99 straight out... I did not waste time bidding
  15. I just scored a copy of Strike Force for $10 (including S&H) in really good condition... I am SO jazzed!
  16. Did Storn post the rough sketch somewhere around here?
  17. Been a week since Harvester posted about this... I guess the money goes to something else. Cest la vie!
  18. Time to build again Open hero designer Hell, another patch!
  19. Very good! I am working on my own Forgotten Realms stuff, I will have to compare. Races of Faerun is a most excellent book, have you gotten it yet?
  20. His hate of Hero know no limit... Please guys, stop replying to him. If you all refuse to feed his ego, he will go away. He is being of no use to anyone on this board, so let him rot.
  21. My pal Jeff Gillen just informed me that there WAS two versions... Golden Age of Champions (3rd Edition) and Golden Age Champions (4th Edition, no "of" in the title). I guess I would prefer the 4th Edition one over the 3rd.
  22. Oooooh... Did not know there was more than one cover to GAOC... either one then, I am not picky!
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