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  1. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    Three things Christ promises he will never do: Won't leave you broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3), won't reject you (John 6:37), and won't leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
    In essence, Jesus is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
  2. Haha
    archer got a reaction from slikmar in Jokes   
    I came here to do 2 things.. love, and quote Air Supply lyrics.
    And I’m all out of love....
  3. Like
    archer reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I have to disagree. This election isn't just a referendum on the President, and on the GOP, but on "Trumpism," his entire approach to politics that has so corrupted the American government and divided the American people. Trump and the Republican incumbents have to be so thoroughly trounced that it's clear the great majority of Americans repudiate Trumpism. Nothing less will quiet all but their most fanatical followers, and reassure the rest of the world that the last four years don't represent what America stands for. Otherwise there will be no domestic peace going forward, and the standing of the USA in the world may never recover.
  4. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    They say young men become obsessed with either "Atlas Shrugged" or "Lord of the Rings".
    One is a fantasy that may cripple your ability to deal with reality, and the other is about orcs.
  5. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    I was told that wearing a mask and gloves would be enough during the corona virus pandemic.
    But when I got to the store I was told that pants and a shirt were also required.
  6. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Tjack in Jokes   
    An old man is hosting his retirement dinner with his family, friends and coworkers.
    He’d lived a long life- when he was only 25 he went on a mission trip to South America where he met two young boys who he later adopted. Seeing the standard of living in South America prompted him to study medicine- a field he completely excelled in and successfully developed vaccines for over ten diseases. With the little money he earned from his hard work he immediately donated it back into relief funds for all the places he’d visited.
    His coworkers all loved him, ask anyone and they’ll say he was the most positive and bright man they’d ever met.
    This is why during his retirement dinner, an angel descended from heaven to speak with him, stunning the guests into silence.
    “You have lived a giving life, one that many could look up too and many relied on to survive. Because of this, we would like to give you a gift- another ten years of healthy life, all the wealth you could imagine, or unparalleled wisdom.”
    The man debated between longevity and wisdom for half a breath but very quickly decided he wanted unparalleled wisdom.
    The angel reached down, touched his forehead, and left without another word.
    The guests at the dinner, still in a partial state of shock, stare in silence at the slack jawed man. Eventually, his coworker and closest friend spoke up, “Well? How is it?”
    The man replied in an awed voice, “I should’ve chosen the money.”
  7. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Tjack in Jokes   
    Three things Christ promises he will never do: Won't leave you broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3), won't reject you (John 6:37), and won't leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
    In essence, Jesus is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
  8. Like
    archer got a reaction from Christougher in Jokes   
    I asked my wife if I was the only one she's been with.
    She said, Yes, the others were at least sevens or eights.
  9. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Jokes   
    Three sophisticated southern women sit together at a country club, Eliza, Josephine, and Isabelle.
    Eliza says to the other two, "You know girls, my husband bought me the most wonderful jewelry for our anniversary. A lavish diamond necklace and some beautiful earrings."
    "How wonderful!" Josephine says.
    Isabelle responds, "That's nice, real nice."
    Josephine then says to the other two, "Well my husband spared no expense for our anniversary. He took us on a beautiful trip to the Bahamas."
    "Amazing!" Responds Eliza.
    "That's nice, real nice." Isabelle says.
    Eliza and Josephine look to Isabelle.
    "What did your husband get you for your anniversary?" asks Eliza.
    "He bought me lessons in southern etiquette classes." Isabelle says.
    "Etiquette classes?" Eliza says.
    "What did you learn there?" asks Josephine.
    "Well," says Isabelle, "I used to say, 'WELL WHO GIVES A CRAP?' but now I say, 'That's nice, real nice.'"
  10. Like
    archer got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Jokes   
    A recent poll found that just over 40% of Americans consider themselves political pundits.
    This is interesting, because the same poll found that just under 15% of Americans know what the word pundit means.
  11. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Tjack in Jokes   
    I was told that wearing a mask and gloves would be enough during the corona virus pandemic.
    But when I got to the store I was told that pants and a shirt were also required.
  12. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    I got the words "Jacuzzi" and "Yakuza" confused.
    Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese Mafia.
  13. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Pariah in Jokes   
    Genie: I shall grant you three wishes.
    Me: I wish for a world without lawyers.
    Genie: Done, you have no more wishes.
    Me: But you said three.
    Genie: Sue me.
  14. Like
    archer got a reaction from Dr.Device in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Breaking down the story as given in the article
    1)FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden's laptop & the emails in question weren't part of a Russian disinformation campaign," Fox News producer Sean Langille tweeted Tuesday evening.
    So some unidentified person in the FBI and unidentified person in the DOJ spoke to a Fox News producer.
    2) The FBI DOES have possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in question." He said it was first reported by Fox News's Justice Department producer Jake Gibson.
    So one Fox News producer says another Fox News producer makes this claim according to the Washington Examiner...who quotes what the first producer said about the second rather than quoting the producer who (reportedly) reported it.
    3) A federal law enforcement official confirmed the report with the Washington Examiner.
    So a random federal law enforcement official (who remains nameless) from some agency (which remains nameless) spoke to someone (who remains nameless) at the Washington Examiner which is publishing the story and is presumably is free to name their own reporter in a news story in their own newspaper...but chose not to name that reporter.
    4) Separately, Langille tweeted that Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum "is told by a Federal Law Enforcement Official that the emails are 'authentic.'
    So a random federal law enforcement official (who remains nameless) from some agency (which remains nameless) spoke to a Fox News anchor according to one of the previously mentioned Fox News producers. This random federal law enforcement officer from some agency (which remains nameless) may or may not be the same person as the random federal law enforcement officer from some agency (which remains nameless) who spoke to the Washington Examiner.
    I read a hell of a lot of news. The Washington Examiner would have had to have gone through some significant effort to make this "confirmation" sound sketchier.
    In contrast, when I Google "FBI Hunter Biden email", I see links to articles by Forbes, Business Insider, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, The Hill, The Daily Mail, a Fox affiliate, the CBC, etc. readily available and all talking about how the FBI is investigating the laptop as part of a Russian intelligence operation.
    Maybe the conservative echo chamber is correct. I wouldn't bet on it based on the readily available information.
  15. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    A Dungeons and Dragons Joke about the most fearsome of foes: Furniture
    The barkeep asked why we carried weapons into his bar.
    I said ‘Mimics.’
    The party laughed.
    The barkeep laughed.
    The table laughed.
    We killed the table. Good times.
  16. Like
    archer got a reaction from Starlord in Jokes   
    Three things Christ promises he will never do: Won't leave you broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3), won't reject you (John 6:37), and won't leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
    In essence, Jesus is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
  17. Like
    archer got a reaction from Lee in Coronavirus   
    Experts were calling for a couple of weeks of shutdown to buy enough time to start mass produce masks, gowns, and other PPE. To use the Defense Production Act to crank up producing millions of tests. And to set up contact tracing.
    The president and the vice president, by their own admission on multiple occasions, were assuming that the virus would magically go away if we waited until the weather was a bit warmer. 
    Yeah both the administration and the experts were looking to buy time. But they were looking to buy time for completely different reasons.
    You still can't go into a Wal-Mart or a Home Depot and have a reasonable expectation that they'll have disposable masks for sale...NINE freaking months after the president knew there was a pandemic coming. Testing is still hard to come by and what little testing the feds did, they've scaled back. Contact tracing is still a dream by the people who want to control the virus rather than a plan being implemented by an administration which, by their own admission, wants it to spread.
    The president, VP, and administration, as we were starting out, were intentionally withholding information from the public which the people could have used to protect themselves. And were also deliberately spreading disinformation about how deadly the virus is.
    And none of that has stopped. The administration is still not telling the truth, as we saw last week with the congressional committee which dumped the weeks of White House data which it was sharing with Congress behind the scenes. 
    The president is holding maskless events with no social distancing. Is saying there's a cure to the virus when one doesn't exist. Lying by saying a vaccine will be here in a couple of weeks and the military is prepared to distribute it around the country. The vaccine is at least six months away. The military hasn't even ordered the equipment which would be necessary to distribute the vaccine around the country, much less taken possession of the equipment. 
    We can't even get into a discussion about what tool is being used to deal with the crisis, whether scalpel or chainsaw. 
    This is not "dealing" with the crisis at all.
    Welcome to Fantasy Island, where all your nightmares come true.
  18. Like
    archer got a reaction from L. Marcus in Jokes   
    I'm too sexy for my Swede, too sexy for my Swede....
  19. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Thia Halmades in Jokes   
    An old man is hosting his retirement dinner with his family, friends and coworkers.
    He’d lived a long life- when he was only 25 he went on a mission trip to South America where he met two young boys who he later adopted. Seeing the standard of living in South America prompted him to study medicine- a field he completely excelled in and successfully developed vaccines for over ten diseases. With the little money he earned from his hard work he immediately donated it back into relief funds for all the places he’d visited.
    His coworkers all loved him, ask anyone and they’ll say he was the most positive and bright man they’d ever met.
    This is why during his retirement dinner, an angel descended from heaven to speak with him, stunning the guests into silence.
    “You have lived a giving life, one that many could look up too and many relied on to survive. Because of this, we would like to give you a gift- another ten years of healthy life, all the wealth you could imagine, or unparalleled wisdom.”
    The man debated between longevity and wisdom for half a breath but very quickly decided he wanted unparalleled wisdom.
    The angel reached down, touched his forehead, and left without another word.
    The guests at the dinner, still in a partial state of shock, stare in silence at the slack jawed man. Eventually, his coworker and closest friend spoke up, “Well? How is it?”
    The man replied in an awed voice, “I should’ve chosen the money.”
  20. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Rails in Jokes   
    In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?'
    She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'
    The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'
    She again replied, 'Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'
    The defense attorney nearly died.
    The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, 'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.'
  21. Like
    archer reacted to Lectryk in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    And yet there is an entirely too broad a swath of Americans who will believe this is part of the plot against them/their country/their party because it's too hard to think critically about the narrative they're being presented, and the many holes and questionable sources the information is coming from.  
    It's easier to think a vast Deep State is conspiring in total secrecy (except for the valiant and wily Q, who has somehow avoided all attempts by said Deep State to root out the traitor), to overthrow the duly elected and patriotic government that is fighting for them and their rights, than it is that this story might be false, and that the main person involved may have something personal to gain (just read his quote, again - he wants to protect his family, his rep, etc).
    Occam is weeping, or rolling over in his grave, or whatever expression of dismay you prefer.
  22. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    If he had made the statement then talked to the FBI without contacting (or being contacted by) the Trump campaign first, he would have a hell of a lot more credibility.
    As it is, he looks like part of a desperate last minute gambit by the Trump campaign to discredit the Bidens.
    People might remember that Steve Bannon was recently arrested while on the yacht of a Chinese billionaire, Guo Wengui (who also goes by the names Miles Guo and Miles Kwok).
    What's been less reported in US media is that Guo Wengui has been shopping the story that he had hard drives with incriminating Biden dirt since September and is also close buddies with Rudy Giuliani.
    And that Guo Wengui is using his https://www.gnews.org "news organization" to push COVID conspiracy theories like Dr. Fauci is a willing pawn of the communist Chinese government and that it's a proven fact that COVID-19 is a Chinese bioweapon.
    Guo Wengui has fantasies about setting up his own Chinese government-in-exile, his own cryptocurrency, and a fashion line to sell in the US.
    In short, I have a difficult time taking seriously anyone at this point who tries to tell me that they're coming forward with hard drives or emails about the Bidens. That corner of reality, or unreality, has been thoroughly compromised by very, very rich conspiracy kooks who are actively using their money to push their conspiracy theories.
  23. Like
    archer got a reaction from pinecone in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Breaking down the story as given in the article
    1)FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden's laptop & the emails in question weren't part of a Russian disinformation campaign," Fox News producer Sean Langille tweeted Tuesday evening.
    So some unidentified person in the FBI and unidentified person in the DOJ spoke to a Fox News producer.
    2) The FBI DOES have possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in question." He said it was first reported by Fox News's Justice Department producer Jake Gibson.
    So one Fox News producer says another Fox News producer makes this claim according to the Washington Examiner...who quotes what the first producer said about the second rather than quoting the producer who (reportedly) reported it.
    3) A federal law enforcement official confirmed the report with the Washington Examiner.
    So a random federal law enforcement official (who remains nameless) from some agency (which remains nameless) spoke to someone (who remains nameless) at the Washington Examiner which is publishing the story and is presumably is free to name their own reporter in a news story in their own newspaper...but chose not to name that reporter.
    4) Separately, Langille tweeted that Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum "is told by a Federal Law Enforcement Official that the emails are 'authentic.'
    So a random federal law enforcement official (who remains nameless) from some agency (which remains nameless) spoke to a Fox News anchor according to one of the previously mentioned Fox News producers. This random federal law enforcement officer from some agency (which remains nameless) may or may not be the same person as the random federal law enforcement officer from some agency (which remains nameless) who spoke to the Washington Examiner.
    I read a hell of a lot of news. The Washington Examiner would have had to have gone through some significant effort to make this "confirmation" sound sketchier.
    In contrast, when I Google "FBI Hunter Biden email", I see links to articles by Forbes, Business Insider, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, The Hill, The Daily Mail, a Fox affiliate, the CBC, etc. readily available and all talking about how the FBI is investigating the laptop as part of a Russian intelligence operation.
    Maybe the conservative echo chamber is correct. I wouldn't bet on it based on the readily available information.
  24. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Coronavirus   
    Experts were calling for a couple of weeks of shutdown to buy enough time to start mass produce masks, gowns, and other PPE. To use the Defense Production Act to crank up producing millions of tests. And to set up contact tracing.
    The president and the vice president, by their own admission on multiple occasions, were assuming that the virus would magically go away if we waited until the weather was a bit warmer. 
    Yeah both the administration and the experts were looking to buy time. But they were looking to buy time for completely different reasons.
    You still can't go into a Wal-Mart or a Home Depot and have a reasonable expectation that they'll have disposable masks for sale...NINE freaking months after the president knew there was a pandemic coming. Testing is still hard to come by and what little testing the feds did, they've scaled back. Contact tracing is still a dream by the people who want to control the virus rather than a plan being implemented by an administration which, by their own admission, wants it to spread.
    The president, VP, and administration, as we were starting out, were intentionally withholding information from the public which the people could have used to protect themselves. And were also deliberately spreading disinformation about how deadly the virus is.
    And none of that has stopped. The administration is still not telling the truth, as we saw last week with the congressional committee which dumped the weeks of White House data which it was sharing with Congress behind the scenes. 
    The president is holding maskless events with no social distancing. Is saying there's a cure to the virus when one doesn't exist. Lying by saying a vaccine will be here in a couple of weeks and the military is prepared to distribute it around the country. The vaccine is at least six months away. The military hasn't even ordered the equipment which would be necessary to distribute the vaccine around the country, much less taken possession of the equipment. 
    We can't even get into a discussion about what tool is being used to deal with the crisis, whether scalpel or chainsaw. 
    This is not "dealing" with the crisis at all.
    Welcome to Fantasy Island, where all your nightmares come true.
  25. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Ragitsu in Coronavirus   
    Experts were calling for a couple of weeks of shutdown to buy enough time to start mass produce masks, gowns, and other PPE. To use the Defense Production Act to crank up producing millions of tests. And to set up contact tracing.
    The president and the vice president, by their own admission on multiple occasions, were assuming that the virus would magically go away if we waited until the weather was a bit warmer. 
    Yeah both the administration and the experts were looking to buy time. But they were looking to buy time for completely different reasons.
    You still can't go into a Wal-Mart or a Home Depot and have a reasonable expectation that they'll have disposable masks for sale...NINE freaking months after the president knew there was a pandemic coming. Testing is still hard to come by and what little testing the feds did, they've scaled back. Contact tracing is still a dream by the people who want to control the virus rather than a plan being implemented by an administration which, by their own admission, wants it to spread.
    The president, VP, and administration, as we were starting out, were intentionally withholding information from the public which the people could have used to protect themselves. And were also deliberately spreading disinformation about how deadly the virus is.
    And none of that has stopped. The administration is still not telling the truth, as we saw last week with the congressional committee which dumped the weeks of White House data which it was sharing with Congress behind the scenes. 
    The president is holding maskless events with no social distancing. Is saying there's a cure to the virus when one doesn't exist. Lying by saying a vaccine will be here in a couple of weeks and the military is prepared to distribute it around the country. The vaccine is at least six months away. The military hasn't even ordered the equipment which would be necessary to distribute the vaccine around the country, much less taken possession of the equipment. 
    We can't even get into a discussion about what tool is being used to deal with the crisis, whether scalpel or chainsaw. 
    This is not "dealing" with the crisis at all.
    Welcome to Fantasy Island, where all your nightmares come true.
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