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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Most of these suggestions are way too intangible. A gadgeteer who provides would-be supervillains with the gear they need to live out their dreams. (The Tinkerer, The Silent Partner)
  2. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) In surprisingly near future, faster-than-light travel is developed and nations of earth are given parts of the Galaxy to develop. Canada gets four decent stars, but also a large nebula filled with dying and just born stars. We call it the Hudson Nebula. One ship goes into the Hudson Nebula in pursuit of a Russian space probe, planning to salvage and sell it, but discover that there's an alien artificial intelligence in the nebula that claims it as its territory and is angry. It agrees to play a baseball game in order settle whether it will tolerate humans coming into its kingdom, but each of it's players is from a different alien species and one is a giant bipedal dinosaur. Perhaps an Albertasaurus. I figure we'll have to walk it because its too hard to reach its strike zone.
  3. Re: The Red Queen Effect and Superhumans Of course that assumes that firstly, mutants in general are in fact all that much tougher a meal than for a germ than any other biological organism, and secondly that those mutants who do have super-immune system like Wolverine, let any bugs escape un-murderized in the first place. Even if they did, Wolverine is nearly unique. There aren't enough people with his regeneration power to create an infection reservoir. If he becomes host to a super-bug, said bug would have to be so virulent that it would nearly instantly kill any normal person it comes into contact with, and oddly enough a bug that deadly is harmless on the species level, because it doesn't leave its host alive long enough to spread it. So no, I'm not real worried.
  4. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Actually an acceptance that mass produced technology is always inferior to a hand-made prototype. The military may very well have units of guys in power armour, but they'll always suck compared to the unique creation of the original inventor.
  5. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) A young woman asks me to look at her tablet which seems to have been hacked. I look at it and say "Oh, here's your problem. It's turning into a portal to Hell" and shut it down. But there's a gigantic display screen nearby which also turns into a portal to Hell. An amazing number of people seem to have been prepared for an invasion from Hell and pull out some kind of energy blaster to shoot them while I and a companion find a Naga, which is a biotechnological chimera of armoured fighting vehicle and snake with several serpentine heads. We take our Naga and smash it in through the wall of a government center in order to talk to the ruling council demanding they give us access to the secret weapons archive. When we get there, we shoo away all the bureaucrats who were frantically shredding stuff and start looking through the records. I find the records for a Lamda Cell, which is an asteroid-sized living factory which would spawn an endless stream of fighters to attack the demons. However it has the slight drawback that nobody knows how to control one if we grow it. So, I figure I'll look for another option, but a human-appearing demon comes into the room and attacks me. I quckly stab it in the neck and the eyes, but it regenerates the damage. Then my companion returns and flicks what looks like a little tangle of noodles or roots at the demon's mouth. The roots grow and consume the demon in the process of growing into a rather pretty tree covered in bell-shaped blossoms.
  6. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/amleth.html
  7. Re: Future Guns: Projectile Obsolete?
  8. Re: Small Town Superhumans? I considered running a Smallville game, I'd call "Perfectly Normal". The PCs would be adolescents in a town named Normal that, 16 years ago had been the vicinity of the mysterious deaths of a reclusive former rock star and his house guests in Normal's equivalent of the Luthor manor. Several years before the start of the campaign things got worse when a serial killer started killing the children of the town, who were, not at all coincidentally in the same age range as the PCs. The BIG SECRET would have been that that the rock star had been trying to immanentize the eschaton with a magical ritual, and as a result there was a baby boom of kids each of whom would eventually develop superpowers. But he'd built his hideaway there because it was already a magical place, so it also had vampires, werewolves, a mad scientist experimenting on people, a coven of witches... And of course there would be an undercover government operation attempting to investigate and exploit the weirdness
  9. Re: Small Town Superhumans? Meaning of course that the heroes are solving a problem that they themselves create. Just like Wesley Crusher.
  10. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.rpgnow.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=4062
  11. Re: Supervillain Monologues Since coming to your world I have learned so many wonderful new concepts. "Collateral Damage" for example. Destruction of structures and lives that, while not desired as an end in itself, one does not in particular care about, because it is an inevitable result of the means to achieve a valued end. I have no desire to see any of your kind, benighted though they might be, come to an untimely end. But if the sacrifice of some small proportion of your population to remove this obstacle to the rational governance of the empire be required...well, "collateral damage"...
  12. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.investigatingatheism.info/whoswho.html
  13. Re: A Thread For Random Links Not for real. http://www.fuse.tv/2012/04/exclusive-kansas-woman-accidentally-creates-national-megadeth/motorhead-hoax
  14. Re: Ctrl+V A passing familiarity with "Green Arrow: Year One" (OK, technically there were bad guys and there were their enslaved victims, but the slaves weren't going to get him off the island.)
  15. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity The Geezer Bandit begs to disagree. http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Geezer-Bandit-Three-Year-Anniversary-Crime-Spree-FBI--164891286.html
  16. Re: Ctrl+V http://drudgeretort.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/sandusky_embed1-460x307.jpg
  17. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity
  18. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ?
  19. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? I just read the first two Fu Manchu books. The mixture of xenophobia and xenophilia is quite bizarre. Also Smith and Petrie are bumbling goons who constantly need Karamaneh to bail them out of jams.
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