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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Speaking as a Michigander, I cherish our northern neighbors (even if some of them are actually south of some of us).
  2. At other times, people pronounce it "just-us system" and try to treat it that way as well.
  3. A police officer used to park across the street from a local bar and would watch everybody leaving the bar. Those that looked the least bit drunk, he would pull over as soon as they got out of the bar's parking lot. After a few weeks of this, he was sitting in his normal place when he saw a man come staggering out of the bar. The officer watched as the man made his way to a car and tried repeatedly to unlock the door before realizing he was at the wrong car. Staggering to the correct car, he finally got the door unlocked but fell into the back seat. Unable to start the engine from there, he eventually laid down and appeared to pass out. The police officer decided he was going to nail this guy, so he watched and waited as other bar patrons walked out, got into their cars, and drove off. Finally, the man in the car sat up, climbed into the front seat, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. Of course, the police officer hit the siren and lights, and pulled the man over. The officer gave the driver a breathalyzer test, and it came out 0.0 - completely sober. Dumbfounded, the officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the police station. This breathalyzer equipment must be broken". "I doubt it", said the man. "Tonight I'm the designated decoy."
  4. Now I've got to wonder whether scammers are going to set up AI to make calls claiming they're from Microsoft warning you about "viruses", trying to get you to give them carte blanche access to your computer. Or maybe they already have.
  5. Wonder if they'll get jobs in whatever Microsoft division makes those calls I keep getting about viruses on my computer.
  6. I finished the first two seasons of Hogan's Heroes (got the complete series on DVD for Christmas). Lots of fun, and it's always great to see Schultz and Klink doing their clueless thing. Especially enjoyed the episodes with Colonel Crittenden guest-starring. There are a surprising number of episodes per season, so I still have quite a few more to go. I've also been watching Monk - am currently into Season 7. (Never liked Sharona, so I started watching the seasons after Natalie replaced her.)
  7. Here's the Media pages for my prior (Boston) campaign. It includes two plucky female reporters, plus some male reporters (including the son of Jimmy "Gyro Jim" Dugan). BostonMedia.pdf
  8. My go-to response when someone's (justifiably) complaining about something major is, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
  9. For mooks / minions / agents, I combine groups of them into single meta-characters for combat purposes, with higher stats based on how many "doublings" they have. So an 8-man group of agents has 3 Doublings (2 x 2 x 2) and gets +3 OCV, +30 STUN, and +3 DC on attacks, but only rolls once to attack and do damage. As they lose STUN, their numbers are halved and their OCV and damage drop appropriately. I have different rules for dealing with AoE attacks, odd attacks, and so on. It requires the GM to do a little work, but some of that can be figured out beforehand, and the work you have to do on the fly is more than balanced out by not having to track and roll for 8 different characters every time their Phase comes around.
  10. Favorite comment: "Get outta here with your sensible, measured & informed response to rampant speculation. This is THE INTERNET, g*******! Rampant speculation is what we do!!"
  11. Have to admit - I read that as "Battle of Narnia."
  12. I have it on good authority the Lions will win. You see... Hell has frozen over (at least for the rest of the week).
  13. They declare that members of the School Board must be made of wood.
  14. We had a way-early TV video game where we had to put semi-transparent static-cling film overlays on the TV screen to represent the play area. Can't remember whether that was Pong or something else. Edit: Did a little research online, looks like it was the Magnavox Odyssey.
  15. He has no Enhanced Senses, and no Movement powers. I'd think at least Nightvision would be good to add, and some additional Running and Leaping. Personally, I'd put the two Aids and Healing into a Multipower, and then do an Aid to Running and Leaping as an additional slot. I think you have to keep the Resistant Protection out of the Multipower because of the Continuing Charges, but I believe the others can work fine in there as-is. 30 Hyde's Little Helpers: Mutlipower 60 points, OIF (OIF, drug, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (12, -1/4) [12 Charges] 2f Hyde's Strength Increase Drug: Aid Fixed Effect Strength+30AP (Fades 5AP/Turn)(+0), Focus (OIF, drug, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3, -1 1/4) [3 Charges] 2f Hyde's Haste Drug: Aid Fixed Effect Speed +30AP (Fades 5AP/Turn)(+0), Focus (OIF, drug, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3, -1 1/4) [3 Charges] 2f Hyde's Healing Meditation: Healing 6d6, Simplified, Focus (OIF, drugs, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3, -1 1/2) [3 Charges] 2f Hyde's Mobility Increase Drug: Aid Fixed Effect Running and Leaping +18AP (Fades 5AP/Turn)(+0), Expanded Effect (2 Powers)(+1/2), Focus (OIF, drugs, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3, -1 1/2) [3 Charges] This should save you 22 points overall. With some of those points, and being a big fan of bad puns, I'd add another Illegal Medication: 18 Hyde's Hide and Seek Drug: Invisibility to Sight and Smell / Taste Groups, No Fringe, Focus (OIF, drugs, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3 Continuing Charges Lasting 5 Minutes Each, -1/2) [3 Continuing Charges, 5 Minutes Duration] With the remaining points: 4 Hyde's Better Eyesight Drug: Nightvision and Infrared Perception, Focus (OIF, drugs, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Charges (3 Continuing Charges Lasting 5 Minutes Each, -1/2) [3 Continuing Charges, 5 Minutes Duration] Edit to add: Oops, I just saw the Running and Leaping in the Hyde Formula. So omit that Mobility Increase drug, unless you want to really boost his mobility. Or maybe give him an Aid to his Presence instead.
  16. I think you just need to chill a little.
  17. What has Iceland ever done to you?
  18. Does this mean Brent Spiner is going to be elected to the US Congress?
  19. Let's be honest here - if Trump was on every state's ballot, there were no ongoing criminal trials involving him, and he were to lose the 2024 election - there would still be alternate slates of electors, election challenges, CONSTANT objection to seating delegates when the time comes to certify the delegates, as well as CONSTANT baseless claims of a stolen election in the years following the election. As support to this claim, I submit as evidence: the 2020 election and the last 3 years. When dealing with a toddler prone to tantrums, giving in is not the way to go. You nip that **** in the bud.
  20. I came home from shopping and told my wife that two girls were checking me out at the mall. I told her, "They were really admiring my waistline and my rear end." "Oh, really?" she said skeptically. "Sure," I replied. "One looked at me and said, 'What a waste!" And the other said, 'Yeah, what an a**!'"
  21. And the synagogue soon had no squirrel problem at all after the first bris.
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