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bubba smith

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Everything posted by bubba smith

  1. it might help to include English translations of code names as needed
  2. one advantage of a fictional city is that you can have a crooked mayor. police chief ect. without worrying about defaming a public official and getting suied
  3. do you mean the one time CHAMPIONS member or the marvel character?
  4. pardon me if I have asked this before but what templates would you use for a jedi or sith equivalent ?
  5. remo Williams starring sara underwood
  6. since it was based on a form of pulp novel the destroyer i'd say remo Williams the adventure begins and its tv spin off pilot remo williams the prophesy
  7. the jungle man archtype obviously
  8. true steve but as a boxer a figured he would qualify as a martial artist
  9. a pure martial artist from DC ?? judomaster[[rip jagger] karate kid [val armor] the original wildcat the goldn age atom [pre super strength]
  10. I hear you talkin' gentlemen pulp CHAMPIONS love it
  11. for clarification the street level reference means batman or daredevil and to an extent spider-man it also can be used to emulate non-costumed action hero, spy or martial arts movies the latter being ninja HERO
  12. perhaps a melding of both ideas would work we ARE discussing foxbat after all
  13. spamming non-combat"?
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