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Everything posted by BlackSword

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings So last night I got a call for a poll: Q.Would you vote for Claire McCaskill-D or Jim Talent-R? A.Claire McCaskill Q.Do you consider yourself a Democrat or Republican? A.Neither Q.How do you typically vote? A.Libertarian Q.Pro-choice or Pro-life A.Pro-choice Thank you, blah, blah, blah, can you I ask you another question. A. Sure Q. What is the Libertarian Party?
  2. Re: Pulparize It! Remington Steele isn't much of a stretch, its already a PI television show. The main characters are a (former?) con-man who has taken over the role of a private detective, and the actual female detective who is forced to hide behind the masculine identity of Remington Steele because of the chauvenism in the detective business. First season had a second male detective and secretary who was familar with the night life. The second season switched out the supporting cast for a single secretary with a penchant for accounting. Also, while not used for much in the show, there is the ever present limo driver. Its set up perfectly for a modern pulp adventure using the movies of the past, or it can be thrown back to the pulp era with the same cast and motivations.
  3. Re: just ordered the entire set. also have a question There is also a GURPS printing of Traveller and some of the supplements. As far as ensuring your players do not start with 15 Resources, just place an upper limit on the Resource perk during character creation. In the Trinity Universe by White Wolf, they abstracted money to a Resources background. Same system (ie, star rating system of 1-5), and all items in the game were rated on that scale. If an item was the same number of dots you had in Resources it meant that you could just barely afford it, something lower, you could afford easily, and something higher it meant that the charcter would have have to scrimp and save to get it. For something higher than a PC's Resource rating, the player would have to roll to see if they could afford it, and if they failed they would have to wait six months in game before they could try again.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Not all birds fly away when you drive towards them. Some wait til the last second and fly straight up. Feathers everywhere.
  5. Re: Adjustable Hit Locations + Autofire?
  6. Re: Destiny as a Disadvantage White Wolf has several disadvantages related to Destiny. One is Dark Destiny, in which no matter how hard you try your efforts will be futile. There might be some disadvantage called, 'fated' where the PC has a pyschological issues knowing they have some fate awaiting them. 'Marked' for people who believe the prophecy relates to the character so the NPC will behunted, both by those who want the prophecy fulfilled, as well as those who hope to stop it. There could be an unknown "Luck/Unluck" where the Character's actions will always push them one step closer to their fate, for good or ill of the party. For instance the character may be disarmed in a fight, flail around and pick up the Sword of Destiny that was lost in this dungeon centuries ago.
  7. Re: Anatomy of a diorama They've been eating their Wheaties, they got a lot more meat on their bones (well, except for the Lich) compared to the Order of the Stick comic.
  8. Re: Martian Manhunter Question and other oddities ...and can fly, and has laser eyebeams, and go desolid... As much as I like Martian Manhunter, his power suite is Superman Lite, with Mental Powers thrown in.
  9. Re: Pseudoscience Skills in Pulp Games If your characters are ever going to visit the Island of Dr. Moreau, then yes, certain sciences which have been disproven will exist in the game world. Even though it is nominally the real world, there are enough differences that it is Pulp Earth. As Keith said, if we limit it to real world, then Fantasy games would lack socerors and modern Champions would like, er champions. So I would allow mad-scientists, and studies in psuedoscience that have been disproven in the last 60 years.
  10. Re: Unintentional Power-Gaming: How To Deal With It I had something similar with a speedster (though I didn't have the armor-piercing:eek:), in the end I didn't worry about it. To get up to the full damage move-by or move-through requires getting a full head of steam and concentrating on a single foe. But since I could move everywhere and had several AoE HtH attacks, or a good enough OCV to perform multiple move-bys or grab-bys (for disarms), my speedster was much better off in the crowd control position of the team. So I could and occasionaly did get a heinous move-by, I usually had other priorities. Also if your character is a runner a simple way to defeat the attack is to fly up 1". I guess I would say not to lose sleep over it.
  11. Re: Anatomy of a diorama Shouldn't you be posting an update so we can shower you with accolades. Just curious to how your project is going. I haven't done much work with dioramas, and my painting of minis has been spotty at best. I get into run where I start painting, then get in a rut and don't paint for months. I also need a better workshop to work in.
  12. Re: The CyberComedy Challenge I like this idea, The Girl Scouts are actual scouts, a mercenary band that doesviolence for hire. They are trained with a variety of weapons and hand-to-hand styles. They don't have merit badges, their badges represent what campaigns they have served in.
  13. Re: AstroSynthesis? The page linked towas the comments page, the page for the actual product has a download price of $34.95 striked out, and $31.50 in red. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=6768
  14. Re: What kind of aliens? It might also be homogenous to an outside culture.
  15. Re: SF worlds, what's possible, what isn't.
  16. Re: The CyberComedy Challenge Comic Extreme: People will pick popular faces to mimic. Just as the Rachel Green haircut from Friends became the most popular haircut of all time, now you can look like your favorite sitcom character head-to-toe. Hundreds of Rachel Greens (or the characterdu jour) run around town. Convention: Information is power.
  17. Re: SF worlds, what's possible, what isn't. The Martian sky is not blue and it has enough of an atmosphere to support dust storms. (APOD has several other pictures of Mars, but this is first that said it was real-color). As Nyrath says, its not breathable, but the sky is not blue. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap050822.html
  18. Re: Anatomy of a diorama If I remember right several times Belkar went after the lawyers, so just find the picture of him chasing a lawyer saying, "Get out of here, we gave a copyright disclaimer."
  19. Re: What kind of aliens? The problem with this logic is that he applies his own logic to an alien species. Ie, one of his base assumptions is that anyone civilization advanced enough to have space travel will have come to the same conclusion, hence by his logic, all alien species will try to exterminate us. So by circular logic, we should destroy them first. Currently we're at 100% chance of extinction. Just give us time, war, famine, disease, asteroid, or the sun burning out. As long as we stay on this rock the human species is guarenteed to cease to be (unless we evolve into some energy form).
  20. Re: Anatomy of a diorama Very impressive so far Bill, I look forward to reading your progress and seeing the final piece at GenCon. Good Luck.
  21. Re: SF worlds, what's possible, what isn't. Which is a reasonable assumption as we have seen transparent force fields on the Death Star allow ships to pass but keep the atmosphere inside the landing chambers.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings They finally posted results from the Memorial Day 10k. My total time was47:16, making a pace of 7:37 min/mile. Placed 83 out of 350 men. And a pic of lots of sweat.
  23. Re: Space elevators The IEEE Spectrum article mentioned the estimated cost was $200/kg for a single elevator, and theoretically being driven down to $10/kg as multiple elevators entered service.
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