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Everything posted by BlackSword

  1. Re: IK Hero? When thinking about the magic system for Iron Kingdoms, I am getting a bit hung up on the d20 system that was attached to the game. I know it doesn't work, but trying to think of various systems to replace it. I do like the idea of rune etching, and think that is definitaly one alternative. In converting the game to Hero, the GM has two choices, go with the higher magic setting d20, or switch it to a grittier lower magic setting. I personally am getting tired of d20 style magic (granted I play a sorceror in one d20 campaign:)), so I lean more towards the lower magic setting. I am thinking that technology, especially the mekanical technology (that which blends gears and arcane energy) developed because while magic is present, its difficult or time consuming to use. In order to make magic more battle ready, it has to be pre-etched on plates that are used by the war-jacks. Wizards would become more focus based. Carry objects such as a staff of fire, which is a specialized focus that shapes arcane energy into fire based spells. For gun mages, get rid of spells cast in the traditional sense, but expand the number of arcane bullets a gun mage can carry, base it on ego. When the Orgoth (I think that was the name of the previous rulers) were in charge, they kept their brutal order by using war-witches. So there are some people that can inherently use arcane magic, but those people would be rare and distrusted. The kingdoms would have developed the warjacks as a technological counter to the innate power of the war-witches. The war-witches would be more akin to D&D sorcerors. They have an innate control of arcane energies, but are limited in the number of spells they have. For Clerics I would adapt so their magic is simplified to mostly healing, buffing and faith type spells. Battleclerics would begin to develop more 'wrath of god' type of spells. Put an active point limit on the healing power that a cleric can buy. Leave it up to the player to role-play who he heals and who he doesn't heal.
  2. Re: Spaceship Size... I use it as a size comparison. But then I also work across the street from an airport and no where near a major port. I threw out what I knew, the information on cargo ships is handy.
  3. Re: Spaceship Size... Here is a 747 Freighter: Basic Dimensions Wing Span 211 ft 5 in (64.4 m) Overall Length 231 ft 10 in (70.6 m) Tail Height 63 ft 8 in (19.4 m) Interior Cabin Width 20 ft (6.1 m) The internal volume is enough to hold 32 LD-1 containers. And the exterior view. http://www.boeing.com/commercial/747family/pf/pf_exterior.html Similar views are available for the external view of most fighter craft, which would tell you how large a hanger you need to store that craft. Info on the shuttle. http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/hsfe_shuttle/facts.html Typically I draw out the vehicle first and then determine the size. For a non-military ship (ie no bunk rooms) I give most crew a 3"x3" room with a 1.5"x3" Jack and Jill bathroom between the rooms. Also need a generic room for relaxing, a mess room, and depending on time in space a place to exercise. Pick out a ratio of size of ship to engines to determine how much of the ship is required for fuel/propulsion.
  4. Re: Your Hometown For Pulp Anything from our international heroes? What can the globe-trotting adventurers expect when they travel the seven seas?
  5. Re: Hero Universe Fourth Millennium: My Take As I said, its my own personal bias against lots of magic in SF. People are obviously interested in it, but its not my cup o' tea.
  6. Re: Hero Universe Fourth Millennium: My Take I like the time line. The only title that I am not a huge fan of is the Space Wizards, but that is my own personal bias against powerful magic in space. I do like the idea of the shattered federation though. Would be a brutal time and place to play in, especially the human survivors that have been cut off from Earth. Actually it might make sense for the home worlds of all the major races to be cut off from the galaxy. Done by the Andromedans as a way to break the will of the major races. (or done by the races powerful enough trying to protect their planets from invasion)
  7. Re: Tactics Skill The way we sometimes do this is allow other players to help. If a character has tactics, but the player is tactically disadvantaged, then the group can give the player suggestions. Frex, I made a comment one time, and then paused and said, my low INT character would never think of that. The GM brushed it aside and said, but it is helping the high INT character by giving the player extra ideas. Ultimataly though it is up to the player to make a decision for his character. If a player is tactical genius, but his character lacks the skill, then its up to the Player to role-play that. This can sometimes be a simple reminder from the GM, "Would your character really think of that tactical manuveur?"
  8. Re: Favorite HERO mechanics Probably everything has been said, but a few for me. Separate BODY and STUN - Mechanics allow you to knock someout without killing them. STUN comes back quickly, BODY has to be healed over months, or with Powers. Better (IMO) than the clunky HP. Speed Chart - I find it as an improvement to initiative determination used in other systems. At times it can be 'gamed' but any system can do that. Combat - Combat is much more complicated in Hero, more options that effect OCV and DCV, the inclusion of separate stats for to-hit and defense, and of the optional rules that make combat much more tactical than, "I hit him with my sword." Flexible Point Buy - Other game system have point buys, but almost all also have restrictions. For instance, WW with its 'classes' sorry, clans has limits on how points can be spent. Hero lets you be anything. A swashbuckling ninja-pirate who happens to know a little magic to improve his chances in a fight. No 'right' way to build a certain character type, no limitations except for roleplaying and your imagination. Plenty of others good mechanics, which is why Hero is top of my list for a rules system.
  9. Re: Exotic ammo in DC? Heard about an interesting round on the radio this morning, a taser shotgun round. http://news.com.com/A+Taser+shotgun+for+long-range+electrifying/2100-1008_3-6039508.html
  10. Re: IK Hero? I've looked through the quick start rules for WarMachine, but don't have a good feel for how magic works in the miniatures game. In IK, magic is basically d20 with some exceptions. They removed some spells that do not fit in the cosmology of Iron Kingdoms. Healing is more difficult, and ressurrection is rare. Rangers lose their spell casting ability, but they add a new class called the Gun Mage, which is a sorceror who can cast spells through their gun and can make 'touch attacks' with a bullet. I haven't read much of the Warcaster rules, but from what I remember Warcasters can cast spells through their Warmachines. So if a Warcaster has a cone spell, the cone either starts from him, or it can start from his machine. There may be another rule in there about how he casts the spell or any prep he must do. Healing - Don't have the rules with me. But with healing, a caster is limited to a number of HP they can heal per day(formula based on caster level, WIS bonus, and some other factors). If the caster goes over that HP max per day then bad things start to happen. Healers can only heal people up to one degree of separation from them on the alignment chart (hence NG healer can heal, NG, LG, CG, N), beyond that healing can have consequences. The fifth level Raise Dead was removed. Ressurrection has consequences. Much more is made of religion (though the game world only has five deities) and how priests of various religions will help you. For instance a Cleric of Menoth will only heal those faithful to Menoth. Potions - There are still magic potions, but they are rarer than typical d20. Alchemy is the use of magic to help extract helpful chemicals out of plants and imbue the potion with magic properties. Alchemic potions can have side effects. Apothecary is simply brewing plants (with no magic involved) to make various elixirs, again there are side effects. For instance, a healing potion may up your HP, but the rapid healing may temporarily drain your CON and make the character tired. This is one area where I think Hero works a lot better that trying to cludge the round IK setting into the square d20 hole. Magic Weapons - Purely magic weapons are rare. There is a pretty restrictive XP cap on what a caster can spend on their Craft Magic Weapons/Armor feat. Above that XP cap, backlash comes into play which could kill or maim a caster. Most magic weapons are mekanical, they use magic plates to mimic special abilities, and the plates have to be 'charged' in order work. So you have ensure you have a battery charger (an arcane caster) or take plenty of AA batteries on long journies. That's my impression from a single read through of the book.
  11. Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO) The problem with MMORPGs is the other players. I agree with all of your points, which apply equally (except for Canon) to all MMORPGs. Since all MMORPGs companies rely on subscriptions for profit, they won't ban people for being griefers, or stupid names, or all of the other annoyances that make the exeperience less fun for those that do want to play and enjoy the game world.
  12. Re: Tactics Skill They all are valid uses for Hero, but [sheepishly] the group I play in which all those examples came from does not play Hero. My Hero group relies less on tactics and more on smashing.
  13. Re: Tactics Skill Not for Hero, but in other systems, the uses of tactics include: In massive combat, a tactics roll is used to determine the effectiveness of a PC in the middle of a battlefield. PCs with tactics can aid their side towards victory, those without flail around and hope everything turns out of the best. Smaller scale, if the players know an enemy is coming, then a tactics roll can be used to set up an ambush. The enemy will have a penalty for several rounds dependant on how successful the tactics roll was. Regular combat, usually not used except as a coin toss. For instance, looking at several choices, GM "Position A gives you the best tactical advantage, Postion B is an obvious place to go and will give you the chance to look flashy and do something spiffy. Do you have tactics?" Player "No" GM "Then you go to Position B."
  14. Re: Jedi and evil actions Was being a bit hyperbolic and jocular with the kidnapping comment, but it still leaves the question out there about non-Jedi force users. Its 2006, the internet should be able to transmit all sublty. In the case of the Dark Side being Selfishness and Greed, I agree that all intelligent beings will tempted. In some cases its obvious. Darth Sidious was just an evil bastage seeking to gain ultimate power and dominance in the universe. Anakin/Darth Vader (should I spoiler that;)) was manipulated so that even noble emotions were twisted to produce decidely unnoble means and ends. But part of the Jedi training seems to imply the controlling emotions in order to avoid temptation. Is this just simply because of their extra power? (part of this is just thinking outloud) If Mundane Blacksword is crossing the street and someone ignores the crosswalk, the most he can do is curse, and maybe call the police. If Darth Blacksword is crossing the street and someone ignores the crosswalk, the car explodes in a fiery special effects laden explosion. Is Mundane Blacksword still a servant of the Dark Side, just impotent in his ability to alter the world to his evil delight. If the Force is truely nuetral, then there is no Dark Side, just simply a person using the force for selfish vs altruistic goals. I do agree that Force Powers are nuetral, it is dependant on how it is used. I would say the power discussed is 'Control Pain' encompassing both relieving pain and inflicting pain. Even infliction of pain could be 'not Dark Side.' If Jedi Mind tricks are considered 'Light Side Powers' when used to distract someone, then inflict pain could be the same. Causing an itch, or a thumbtack like pain in someone's foot could distract them and allow a way past them besides cutting them down.
  15. Re: Jedi and evil actions In Lucas-land, force sensitive children are kidnapped at a young age so they likely will not know what their social norm is. (even Anakin was considered 'old' to be apprenticed) It does make an interesting point though, to a Jedi from that culture, it is honorable and noble, it is not 'evil' tempting him to consume his opponent. With the force being nuetral, and the dark side only preys on dark emotions, then doing something that you believe is honorable would not drive you towards the dark side. However, a jedi would also have to act in such a way that he can operate in the broader galactic society, so could not do something too much against the cultural norm. It raises an interesting question for non-Jedi force users. How does the force affect them, and do they have a slide towards the light side or dark side?
  16. Re: So ... uhm ... Pulp ... yeah. Nope, just had a brain fart, will teach me to look things up first.
  17. Re: So ... uhm ... Pulp ... yeah. Some other authors. EE 'Doc' Smith, Skylark of Space is very pulpy. (and the Lensman series) Dashiell Hammit and Raymond Chandler are two key authors in detective fiction. The Rocketeer is good movie on pulp aviation adventure. The Batman Animated series has some pulpy elements, and the episode, The Grey Ghost, is a pulp hero. Any of the old serials such as Flash Gordon are scifi pulp.
  18. Re: So ... uhm ... Pulp ... yeah. The Indiana Jones movies are very pulpish. On-line, Scott Bennie's Friends of Justice characters are a good start for pulp characters in Hero.
  19. Re: House Rule: Banning Multipowers & Elemental Controls? The first adventure should be in a pork meat packing plant. He is at a 2 point penalty for all rolls.
  20. Re: Jedi and evil actions I am willing to give some benefit of the doubt to the movies, and they did show how the road to hades is paved with good intentions, and how noble emotions and virtues can be corrupted by guile (and how they can be uncorrupted). The translation of the Jedi Code into games for the most part has been lacking. The scenario starting off this thread is a good example. Jhamin, TB, and AA all make excellent points that the slide to the dark side is personal and will vary from one character to another. Its all in the role-playing, but the gaming companies want to codify it more so that it is a rule, and at that point defining the jedi morality and the fall to the dark side fails.
  21. Re: Pulparize It! I played the playtest version last year at GenCon. It was quite a bit of fun. It was sped up and designed to be more action oriented. Many characters had 'feats' that gave them a more pulp hero feel. For instance my character could touch objects and psychically read its history. Another character had something like Brobdingnagian appearance, was huge and had extra strength so he could help flip a car over. It had rules for car chases, more advanced rules for combat, and a more pulp theme/metaplot ran through the story.
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