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Everything posted by BlackSword

  1. Re: Weapons of the Gods Mini Review
  2. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I just finished reading The Forever War, it was enjoyable and a good read. A few times I wasn't able to put it down. On the ending I am split, on the one hand I am glad it was a happy ending (pre George Martin's kill 'em all style), but the on the other hand it did feel a bit contrived. It wasn't too contrived as I had the same thought (see spoiler).
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings This Spam thread title: Free LG Chocolate Phone (mp3 player, video and a phone!!) My first thought was, what is a Lawful Good Chocolate Phone? Spam on Gamer boards, not so good.
  4. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? Then how would you define a "Modern Preternatural" game? Its really splitting hairs to distinguish supernatural and paranormal as separate genres.
  5. Re: Darkness and Evil -- Examing the Metaphor As has been said before, Darkness is usually considered bad because it has been ingrained in us while light is good. the symbology is very strong in western cultures. Because of that it might be difficult to get over the ingrained process. However, it might be easier to combine the suggestion of the Tao with the Western view. The universe is set up as the Tao, light and dark are balanced, neither is good, neither is evil, they simply are. The light gods (or their followers at least) decided they wanted the whole pie, and pushed the gods in the dark half out and tried to bury their memory. Now the gods of light 'rewrite' the history (as Robyn pointed out) and make Light = Good, Dark = Bad. But the universe needs balance, without the dark gods, the light gods are out of balance, as is the universe (or at least the planet). The PCs need to discover the true nature of the dark gods and work to re-establish the balance.
  6. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? Beat me to it. This was one of the series I was thinking of. I tend to think of Modern Paranormal as slightly off our own world. I could walk out of my job, take a wrong turn down an alley get attacked by a vampire and (hopfully) have some agency swoop in and save me. Suddently I have left 'the real world' and entered 'the paranormal world' but the transition was so minor I didn't even notice it. The agency may be FBI X-Files Dana and Scully reviewing an odd case, a super-secret military team trained to fight the paranormal/supernatural, Buffy and her Scooby Gang, or an occult group who stays hidden from the rest of the world ala Nightwatch. I think in general its a broad category so the GM would have to set the ground rules.
  7. Re: Mass Combat System My group uses a derivative from AEG's War d20 supplement. WotC has a book titled Heroes of Battle which has more battlefield oriented rules (and campaign ideas) as well. I know neither of those probably help your situation for running a mass combat this evening though. Here is my post summing up the house-ruled system we use. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=733967&postcount=35
  8. Re: WWYCD in the event of an approaching army Gregor is an in your face fire sorceror. He would inspire the townsfolk to get weapons, stand up and fight. He would do his best to improve the defense or more perferably rely on a soldier or someone with better training. When the army approached he would (in the words of the GM) do something unholy. Alishaer would also inspire the townsfolk to take up arms. He is more face first than subtle, but has good knowledge of tactics so his knowledge would likely keep him from striking the army head on. As a Paladin he would refuse to kill anyone no matter how much they begged. Those who refused to fight he would ensure they would be kept safe. Then he would kill anything that threatened his wards.
  9. Re: Planet Building Help Needed I don't think so. The primary cause of seasons on Earth is the tilt of planet, not the distance from the sun. The long day-night periods would play a greater effect, on the far side of the Jupiter-like planet, the moon will receive almost no solar radiation and be reliant on the Jupiter planet for heat, as well as heat stored in surface and water. During the 'day', those on the Jupiter side will be in sunlight for a long period of time. I know Jupiter does have a small amount of radiation, but not sure what effect it has on its moons. On the sun-side of Jupiter, the night side of the planet will be bright due to reflection from the gas giant. On the night-side of Jupiter, the gas giant's planetary eclipse should be dark.
  10. Re: Shadowless Sword (review and comment)
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings I am sure they will find some blooper reels and behind the scenes cuts to make a few tribute shows. But eventually he will fade and Jeff Corwin will take the spotlight on Animal Planet. Or that Dog Whisperer guy.
  12. Re: DC Animated Ground Rules In one of the early Teen Titans episodes they are eating pizza in costume at a pizza resteraunt. I think they were well regarded and accepted in the city.
  13. Re: Dragon's Gate for SA:CoH I ordered if from my FLGS and got it within a few weeks. If its been 3 years then I think you have a viable customer service complaint, if not then I would recommend posting to the GRG site as opposed to the Hero forums as its not likely anyone here can do anything.
  14. Re: (Non-Hero) Potential Champions Setting.... I am playing in a Necessary Evil campaign right now (using Savage Worlds rule-set). Its a fun and interesting setting, we have taken a different approach in playing it almost like Keystone Villains, we sometimes stumble through a mission and come out on top as opposed to having a solid villainous plan. It makes it nice a weekday game as its light hearted and a good break from the office, though I am sure it could be played in a much darker, serious style. I have not read the setting so my only exposure is what the GM has given us in play, but the setting is pretty solid and a nice twist on the supers universe, also there is apparently a series of adventures tied to the setting as the GM said he has been running some of his own stories, and some prewritten adventures.
  15. Re: Weapons of the Gods Mini Review Random thought on this, though I haven't gotten very far through Weapons of the Gods, as for Qin, it would be fairly straightforward to call Qi = Force Points, and Taos = Force Powers and make a wuxia Jedi game. After the prequels it has to the potential to make Jedi fun again. A few things would have to be added (Force Push, Choke, etc), but I think I have an idea for if I ever do a Star Wars game.
  16. Re: Weapons of the Gods Mini Review
  17. Re: Spacecraft size There would be a number of variables. How long it takes to travel between locations would would determine how much food and fuel stores a ship would need. The technology for getting into orbit might effect it as well, depending on what sort of manufacturing facilities there are in solar system. If most production is still performed on Earth, then ships will be small due to cost of moving manufactured parts into orbit. If and how gravity is generated. Using a spinning system, the size would be influenced by comfort level for the crew. The other option is to accelerate at 1g towards the destination, then flip the ship 180 degrees and decelerate at 1g for the rest of the trip. Will the interplanetary ships be atmosphere capable, or have smaller landing craft (or use general use landing craft at an orbiting space facility).
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings True, but the heart also works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for numerous years without a break (hopefully). If the brain gets tired there is always MTV or Paris Hilton's latest reality stunt.
  19. Re: Space Wizards: Bows & Firearms I think LL has hit the nail on the head. Provide detailed write-ups for weapons and equipment that are unique to the setting, and provide a table that summarizes the most common weapons in the setting (which may come from other referenced sources). Refer to the Hero System Equipment Guide for more detailed references and a larger selection. This is nice because it should provide everything someone needs to play the setting in the setting book, but also references other books for more detailed or larger lists of potential equipment. As for what is available, I would run the gamut from slings and fire hardened spears on primitive worlds (or people from primative cultures that somehow got aboard a ship) to the latest blasters from either the few tech savvy cultures in the setting, or left over from the previous era. Wookie bowcasters (with the serial numbers filed off) are a must.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings There was one lady at the gym who ran a lot and I started talking with her, one day she casually mentions something about her husband. Opps. So I just continued to talk to her as we both had a shared interest in and running and the worst case is I become friends. Then there is the other lady who is more like what OddHat said, she is dating someone, she is fairly nice and we have several shared interests so I still talk with her, figuring again, worst case I make friends, and best case something might happen in the future. Once I get a 20% down payment on the hit money she should be single.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings I have only vague awareness of American Idol because the morning show I listen to talks about it (and usually mocks it some), and occasionaly I read Washington Posts's "We watch it so you don't have to," which covers reality TV.
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