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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Ah, the cardinal rule of science fiction. Trot out enough Treknobabble and everything's feasible.
  2. Another option of uncertain legality is to build the power 'Always On' and 'Only When '. For example, for Mindy, above, buy Desolidification, Persistent, Always On, Only In Shadow. If she's not in shadow, she's solid. If she's in shadow, she's intangible, and can't mix and match the two. (I say uncertain legality because the idea of something being Always On, yet not Always On, strikes an odd chord that makes a loud 'Buh?!' sound. Or, it's simply Zen Hero.)
  3. How about Mental Illusion: Feel No Pain? Since pain is technically all in the mind (no brain, no pain), then a Mental Illusion sounds like just the ticket. They still take damage, they literally just don't feel it.
  4. Another theory as to why nukes Affect Desolid may involve transdimensional physics. I mean, in comic books, every time a nuke goes off, whoever's standing over the thing looking at the timer count down gets blasted into a parallel universe.
  5. I have one quote and one non-quote (as it were) from my last Champions game ... Foxbat and a cobbled-together team (Exoskeleton Man, Hummingbird, Tachyon and Riptide) are attacking a science fiction convention where Patrick Stewart and a few others were featured speakers; on the stage during Stewart's speech was the TNG Enterprise transporter room. Foxbat wants to steal it, because that means he can simply beam into any place on Earth to rob it (yes, Tachyon can do this for him ... but let's not get technical). When Tachyon is asked why they're there, and he tells the heroes why, the PC asks "Is he really that stupid?" Tachyon's response? "Foxbat's not stupid, he's crazy. There's a difference." During the fight, Foxbat starts to work the console when the fight goes south for his team, and as I predicted, our triggerhappy member of the team took a shot at him, and hit the console. Foxbat goes flying back, onto the console ... and vanishes in a blue transporter effect. All my players went dead silent for almost three minutes. If this were a video game, the text box would read "..." I was so proud of me ... they never saw it coming.
  6. To properly survive an atomic bomb blast, a PC needs only one thing ... A player willing to pass the GM twenty bucks.
  7. Almost never, to be honest ...
  8. Heh ... now I'm half tempted to use that, just so I can dump my little 36d6 into a frisbee then look around shouting "More dice! MORE DICE!" and watching my players turn pale.
  9. If and when I start my Star Hero game, if I have a Planetbuster show up, I'm not going to bother statting out its big gun. It's gonna be 100 percent pure plot device. If you're in front of it, your ship disintigrates, your planet explodes, the sun supernovas, and you are dead with a capital corpse.
  10. Actually, I had a villain who equipped all his agents with that power. Basically, the agents wore complete, full-body armored suits that had special materials in them. The agents' guns had sensors that detected that material, and those sensors were linked to the safety. If the gun was pointed at any of that material, it would not fire. Thus, the agents could simply stand in a cluster, pull down the trigger on their autoblasters, and spin in a circle and not suffer any friendly fire while dumping a ridiculous amount of firepower into the air.
  11. I thought that you countered Concealment with a Perception roll?
  12. If you're into classic bits, the 'evil clones framing the good guys' schtick is always a good one, but you mentioned it. And, yeah, it is kind of a cliche'. Another fun idea might be to mix all the DNA into *one* clone, creating a single superbeing with the combined powers of the entire team (reminiscent of B.I.O.N. from the Legion of SuperHeroes, who was even stronger than Laurel Gand from having combined Daxamite, Kryptonian, and Ultra-Energy derived superstrength). Hmm ... or pull a bit of a Thunderbolts. Give each cloned hero a new codename, and introduce them as the city's newest, best protectors and see how long it takes your PCs to notice that this new team, which *always* seems to get to the scene before them, has the same powers as them ...
  13. I have not seen that show in so long ... I'd almost forgotten it existed. I think I just might have a place for something like that in the game I'm concocting ... Of course, the first time I mention Rangers, half the players are going to think Babylon 5 Rangers, and the other half are going to think Power Rangers.
  14. I now start taking bets on how long it'll take before we start seeing Champions write-ups of these 70's cartoon superheroes.
  15. Random Note: Actually, the Super-Soldier Serum wasn't quite a drug. It was a self-replicating virus (not sure just how that works, but it's what Mark Gruenwald said).
  16. Well, you pays your money and you takes your chances.
  17. Quick question ... in the description of Restrainable, it gives the idea of 'By things other than Grabs or Entangles', and uses Cybernetics which can be shut off or EMP'd. Do you think that would also be applicable to a robot/android/synthezoid/reploid type of character, or is that stretching things a bit?
  18. Look on the bright side; in his first appearance, he had short sleeves and looked even dippier. And I, personally, would call his armor colors two different shades of purple, but that's just me. Back to the subject, if I'm recalling that issue of FF right, everybody in the audience saw Galactus as a member of their own species wearing the same armor and helmet.
  19. I know about Naked Advantage, but is taking a Naked Limitation on something legal? The character I'm tooling with now has cybernetic eyes; as in, complete cybernetic replacement. Meaning, if he gets EMPed or his 'borg parts are shut off, he's completely blind. I was trying to determine if taking a Naked Limitation (-1/4 for the 'lesser' Restrainable as FREd defines it) on Normal Sight (which, also according to FREd, is worth 25 points) to get a -5 point total. Is that right?
  20. I'd actually be tempted to do this as a Distinctive Feature. While it wouldn't be 'distinctive' if one person was there, if two people saw him differently, it could cause some confusion. "Quick, stop that guy in the red costume!" "WHAT guy in a red costume?" Probably only a 5 pointer, though.
  21. Religion almost never comes up in my games, regardless of whether it's fantasy, sci-fi, or superheroics. Other than inserting a different name for when you exclaim the name of your personal diety, there's really no big difference.
  22. In Superheroic games, I use the Hit Locations to determine Killing Attack Stun Multipliers, and if the target has partial armor coverage (I have an excellent system created by an old friend of mine that works better than activation rolls). I don't use any of the other effects of the Hit Location chart for damage, though ... I just like evening out the Stun Lotto. In a Heroic game, I use the Hit Locations chart for everything, and apply the additional damage effects.
  23. I would allow a character to use an action (either Held or Aborted To) to shield his eyes or cover his ears or pinch his nose to protect himself against a Flash. However, he's stuck blind (or deaf, or, uh, smell-less) until his next action (the same time a Dodge would cease being in effect). So, rather than completely negating the Flash, he merely reduces the duration.
  24. Invisible Power Effects. The theory with putting Invisible on Multiform is that the person will change forms, but nobody will be able to tell. And, if we're taking votes, I vote for 'evil'.
  25. Quicksilver had his own book for a little while ... the Knights of Wundagore were ordered by the High Evolutionary to be Quicksilver's entourage, mostly to protect his daughter Luna, as I recall ... though as 'Knights', they went about on the occassional 'crusade' and kicked some bad-guy backside. They were the exception to the rule; most of the New Men remained in Transia, though.
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