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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: A few questions Depends on the genre you're running. For fantasy, yes. For superheroes, you need one of the villian sourcebooks. Not certain what books there are for the other generes, though.
  2. Re: The Addams Family Lurch is the real powerhouse of the family. Lifting cars is just the beginning. Consider: He was always just offscreen when someone 'rang' for him. Precognition? Or Teleportation (only when out of sight)? Or Both (which I favor, since he always seemed to have what was needed close at hand)? His COM may have been rather low, but his PRE had to be phenominal. His EGO probably didn't suck, either. Our Batman-wannabe used him as his butler, in an old New Orleans campaign.
  3. Re: Battletech Elemental Suit Yeah, the elementals themselves were quite large - I think 6'6" was a bit on the small side, as I recall. But a normal-sized person DID use the armor just fine in the novels, with no mention of difficulties based on relative size. In the game rules, there was a brief time where Inner Sphere powers were fielding small units of captured battle armor while they developed their own. Personally, I would say the armor gives +15 STR, not a flat 15 STR. So the STR 25 Elemental in the armor would be significantly more capable than a 13 STR Inner Sphere trooper.
  4. Re: Numb3rs Where did you get that out of my post? Which was: The numbers clues can be used as a shortcut. If the PC's don't pick up on it, or fail the math roll, then there should be other, more traditional clues they can follow (fingerprints, material samples, witness descriptions, etc) to get them going in the right direction. If you're running an investigation game, then this sorta thing should be automatic anyway. NPC's saving their butts doesn't enter into it.
  5. Re: Southern Belle Beautiful. Simply beautiful. She could easily be a (not very) reformed villian-as-PC. Make sure to give her a supporting cast of goons to do the heavy lifting and fighting for her. She'd have a hard time facing more than one hero at a time (unless she had time to get her mental hooks into one of them before the fight).
  6. Re: Dual Strike Or 2-shot AF.
  7. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others I accept your criticism, I did just skim through the PH, and didn't even touch the DMG/MM. And perhaps I am being overly hard on the new system. Sean Waters, on the other hand, actually bought the book, read it thoroughly, and regretted it. He regretted it enough to start this thread. With that, I think he has earned the right to complain a bit.
  8. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others I took some time to look over your thread again... I don't think the thread got a really negative reaction. (Take a look at the COM debate under Characteristics for a really, really negative reaction. On both sides. And I'm probably one of them.) Granted, some of the posts were pretty negative, but I saw a number of 'neat idea' and 'I'd like to see this' posts too. It's just that the negative ones were a bit more...enthusiastic in their postings. And Steve eventually shuts down all the threads other people set up on that forum. It looks like he wants to keep things focused on the threads he set up, to minimize the amount of stuff he has to wade through when he sets up to actually do 6E. For that matter, when he shut it down it sounded to me like he is contemplating using some of the stuff from the thread in 6E. Maybe not in the core book, but that's still something to be proud of when it happens. So don't give up just because a few people disagreed with you. (I did, but the thread was already shut down by the time I got onto this board.) That doesn't mean your ideas weren't sound. You might well have an idea that will spare us a lot of debate. Or open a whole new one, but what the heck. It's kinda fun, helping design a new edition of the game!
  9. Re: Order of the Stick On a guess... darn near everyone. It's not like Elan can keep a secret or anything.
  10. Re: Vulnerability: You HIT me / You HURT me And don't forget to burst into tears right after being hit. Then when they come close to apologize and comfort you, you can cold-cock 'em. Heroes hate that!
  11. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others I hope you're participating in the 6E discussion? That's our best hope for keeping 6E HEROs from turning into the tabletop version of the video game...
  12. Re: Jedi hdp and lightsaber In my opinion, the blast doors being that thick (well over a meter) jut gave them a lot of BODY...
  13. Re: Battletech Elemental Suit No, it clearly doesn't apply. Kai is described as being of average size, and uses the Clan Elemental suit with only minor fitting issues. While it probably would take longer to fit a suit to a normal person, clearly it is not impossible.
  14. Re: Numb3rs It could still work. The GM just has to give some more traditional clues to work with. The numbers thing just means they get to cut through all the running around and go straight to the climax of the plot.
  15. Re: Vulnerability: You HIT me / You HURT me As far as a picture goes, search for drawings online, save one that looks close, and photoshop it to make alterations. It's easier than you might think.
  16. Re: Vulnerability: You HIT me / You HURT me Take both the DCV and the Damage Reduction. If you need points, well, you could limit one or the other to "Only vs. men/lesbians (-1)"...
  17. Re: Adaptive Invisibility I think the intent of the power is to cover all of those too...
  18. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others ... Okay, so you got me. It is a matter of taste. That's why I've been staying off the 4E threads that seem to endorse the new edition. This one is titled "Learning from the mistake of others" and I choose to comiserate with other people who also don't like the new edition. And I try to leave the people who do like it alone. So please, allow us old fogies to dislike the new changes.
  19. Re: Handcuffs on a budget Eh. It just strikes me as silly to obsess about the exact rules mechanics of entangle over a pair of handcuffs. It wouldn't even be an issue for a character with a 45 STR, he could just go over there and tear the entangle off. Or with a 45 AP attack power he could use that to blow it off. And given that most campaigns have at least a 45 AP limit, what difference does it make? If it makes you feel better, I can house-rule that removing the handcuffs takes an attack action... Oooh! I've got it: 45 STR (standard effect); OAF (Key, -1), Only to 'break' handcuff-based entangle (-2), 1 Recoverable charge (-1&1/4). 8 points! And since it is technically a full-phase action (since you're breaking them out exactly), that takes your attack action to perform. Simple.
  20. Re: An A-team for the 21st Century IIRC, an "A-Team" was a generic term for a small group of special forces soldiers sent behind enemy lines in Vietnam. I don't know what the term meant (if anything), or if the term is still in use in the military today.
  21. Re: No Horses For You Unless there's some in-game reason to deal with it, much of that sort of thing is 'assumed to be deat with' in my games. Part of the bedding down for the night procedures includes taking care of mounts (by the PC's or by stableboys), equipment maintenance, personal hygene, etc. It's just things the characters do, without needing to dwell on them excessively.
  22. Re: shadowcats superhero insanity shop: Justice Laundry Superteam Ouch! Those were so bad they're good!
  23. Re: "It really isn't that unusual" Power That works too.
  24. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Steve ruled in the Question forum that the move was included as part of the Abort. Broken as heck!
  25. Re: Vulnerability: You HIT me / You HURT me Good advice there. You might also consider buying 25% Damage Reduction. "Y'all don't want to hurt lil' ol' me, do ya?"
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