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Everything posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: Charlton Action Heroes Heh, folks are still debating it. Only Julius Schwartz knows for sure and obviously he ain't talkin no more (shame to he was brilliant). Plas made it fairly well in the pre flashpoint DCU, even making Batman's List of "Never Wanting to Fight *insert name here*".... I think the DCnU made a big mistake NOT bringing Ted Kord Back. On the other hand in order to do that they would have had to fix this crappy time span they have all this new stuff crammed into, and that's before you get into the problems of maybe having Dan Garrett around as well... I don't get why DC has this thing going where they constantly throw a new coat of paint on something that Always Fails, instead of running with what their fanbase is actually asking for.... Creators Pet Projects. I expect at least 12 more attempts to get enough people liking Jaime Reyes that he actually gets a steady fanbase going..... So yeah I miss the BBII. Charlton rolled out some strong characters. ~Rex
  2. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online? It's Cryptic. They don't do that. Now that Perfect World owns them, they'll do even less. BUT, you can play a Jedi clone there now on the f2p set up .... ~Rex....considering dumping his gold account...... may give it another month....
  3. Re: Charlton Action Heroes Heh, they (DC) ended up inventing Elongated Man, because they had forgotten that they owned Plastic Man at the time. Some of my favorite Characters in comics are Charlton Comics characters. Would be an interesting write up challenge. For Teh Bunneh: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41405[/ATTACH] And for Narf the Mouse: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41406[/ATTACH] ~Rex
  4. Re: reference material for Street Heroes Heh, I almost kicked myself for not mentioning the Master but I went back to look at my Post and there it was. I Should kick myself for not mentioning American Ninja, and or Any of the bazillion Martial Arts TV shows and Movies I got sitting on the shelf. Excellent mention. Now, I just need my Wildcat TV Show. ~Rex....or Monster Hunter International. One can hope.
  5. Re: reference material for Street Heroes There were two other pilots that came out about the same time as Exo Man that for the life of me I can't remember the names of. ONE, was a scientist working on Cloning, that made a zillion clones of himself in the process of trying to hide it all from the government. The other was a guy that got electocuted/struck by lightning and had to get a recharge in a weird tube/coffin looking thing but otherwise, had electrical powers. I remember that one specifically because of the watch thingie he wore to keep track of his charge. Both of those shows were actually rather well done. Eventually I'll remember the name for them. Both have Highlights on Youtube though I've found them before..... The thing to keep in mind for a Street Level heroes Game is, that these heroes primarily Deal with Crime on the Streets. The Heroes being powered or not, almost always are dealing with the mafia, the Yakuza, the Teletubies or some such thing. They're not really dealing with Galactus or Kang or Darkseid. Now they may have their own arch enemy at the to of the food chain in a costume or not (IN a costume if the Hero is costumed, Not if the Hero is not usually), but mostly, big nasty hordes of mooks... My Street Level stuff is still rather point heavy. I like my players to be able to pull off Wildcat, and basically have a Heavy Weight Boxer in a Cat Suit that's not gonna get killed by 10 guys with sticks and guns. My own setting I'd really like to find a pile of folks to play in but alas, have not had any luck, is built around that kinda thought. Sure you got guys with powers, even some with a LOT, but most of the guys could be side to side with Wildcat and The Atom, or Daredevil and the Punisher. Normal Crime is still a real threat, Much like it was for guys like The Bat-man back in the day (or, The Spider, or The Black Bat, etc etc etc).....So I guess what I'm saying here at near midnight on the third day with no real sleep is that Street Level or Street Heroes is more an Attitude and or Flavor (Like Pulp), then a specific Point Cap and or "Genre Time" .... I can think of some Street Heroes, without a doubt Street Heroes, that would have to be built on more points then a passable Superman if you wanted to represent them perfectly. Either way, lot of potential source material. If folks need to make a judgement call as to what's Street and What's not....just ask yourself, What Would Wildcat Do? [ATTACH=CONFIG]41397[/ATTACH] ~Rex
  6. Re: reference material for Street Heroes Oh I could go one for Hours really if I wanted to tap my Golden Age and even more Pulp Knowledge, heh..... If you look at the Line Up for the All Star Squadron for example Most of it's members were Street Level Heroes, and most of those without evenminor powers. You would end up starting somewhere Around the Atom (Al Pratt, DC comics), and ending up around oh, with Marvel's Zara of the Jungle ..... So I kept the list brief, heh.... ~Rex
  7. Re: Hero System 5E vs HS 5E revised Just buy the 6E books. Better Game. ~Rex
  8. Re: reference material for Street Heroes Heh, as much as I hated that show it's a Good Pick. So would the original pilot for Exo-Man from way back in the day..... ~Rex
  9. Re: refrence material for Stree Heroes Ah....ok ..... let's roll out some great Street Level TV shows both young and old .... Person of Interest (currently running) Dark Justice (off Air) NightMan (both TV show And Comic) The Equalizer The A-Team Knight Rider Chuck Fringe Burn Notice The X-Files Castle The Mentalist Human Target Nikita Supernatural Break Out Kings Flash Point Birds of Prey (tv and Comic) Pain Killer Jane Alphas (yeah super powered but super lite) Heroes Tru Calling 11th Hour Toss in Dark Angel, Moonlight and Forever Night for a bit of an urban power boost.... maybe slip in some The Master, and Kung Fu (both series) for some Martial Arts goodies... Blood Ties and Prey .... Threshold Could go on for awhile there hell you end up with Viper, Airwolf, and Streethawk not to mention Manimal, Werewolf the TV Series, Friday the 13th The Series, Warehouse 13, The Incredible Hulk Spider-Man and Captain America, heh. Sure, some powers but power lite again ..... Leverage Comics the list is longer but, I'd go with: Batman (entire Bat Family), Secret Six, Daredevil, Captain America, the upcoming Winter Soldier, Moon Knight (pre Bendis), The Punisher, Battle Scars, the old Checkmate Comic, Brubaker's Incognito and Criminal Series....this list could get really long, heh. Especially if I go into DC's Golden Age... Bring on Wildcat, the rest don't measure up ...Except for The Phantom, Doc Savage, Tarzan, John Carter, and more then a few others heh...... Novels: Pendeltons Mack Bolan, Dale Brown's Tin Man, Could do the Entire "The Destroyer" series since Remo Williams is always fun, The Locator (now a TV Show albeit with a different name), Preston and Childs "The Relic" series. Sabberhagen's Dracula books (yeah I know supernatural but brilliant stuff), The Shadow, the Spider, Doc Savage, The Avenger, etc etc etc etc .... There's a start before going into Technical stuff like Janes Book of Infantry weapons and the like. ~Rex
  10. Re: refrence material for Stree Heroes Comic Books? ~Rex
  11. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine Ferro Lass is a good one provided she doesn't have the....uhmm.....Appearance challenged issues of the Ferro Lad brothers..... ~Rex
  12. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine Zirconia! ~Rex
  13. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine I like the sound of Ms. Mithril myself ....still partial to Knockout but then it's Kirby. Don't believe there is a Paragon in the Classical CU but I'm a bit rusty on that aspect, having been invested in my own stuff for so long..... ~Rex
  14. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine Yeah there's a lot of Mineral Terms that could work here and there. Also a lot of bad Pun orientated names. Paragon pops up in comics here and there as well, even as both a Good Guy (male) and Bad Guy (FemParagon female) in the FemForce comics, heh.... When in doubt though, swipe something from Kirby. Seems like a brisck-ish sorta girl, so Go with, Knockout. ~Rex
  15. RexMundi


    Re: Spartans Damn, I got beat to it. I've used that one as a base for a lot of quick builds in my Fantasy game as well. Shoulda posted it right off the bat..... ~Rex ...needs a Crayon......Someone build me a Crayola Factory.....
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Caught up on all the Back episodes of Person of Interest. Talk about a show with Game Potential. ~Rex
  17. RexMundi


    Re: Spartans That's what I thought but even then you have to go, Graphic Novel or Movie. Either way you are talking about a field of guys all at the Captain America/Batman level of Physicality, so 175, may not be enough points, heh. 175 seems more Historic. That being the case as we all know there are a LOT of differences 'tween the source material then. ~Rex
  18. Re: Getting my head around the state of Hero Games. Agreed. Should make for some interesting times ahead. ~Rex
  19. RexMundi


    Re: Spartans We going for the Real Spartans or the representation from 300? ~Rex.....wonders.....Leonidas vs Themistocles. There's a Deadliest Warrior match up...
  20. Re: Getting my head around the state of Hero Games. Not sure about the 1st half of Number 3, but that's pretty much the gist of it here or there. Giant thread on the board somewhere about it. Eventually a Smart Person with connections will answer or direct a link at the thread that does. ~Rex
  21. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy I prefer HERO for my Fantasy games... Because I can replicate Everything Ever done in a Howard, Tolkein, Anderson, Cook, White, Hardy, Freidman, Lee, Le Guin, Leiber, Moorcock, Weber, Drake, Knaack, Brust, Wagner, Martin, Zelazney Vance, Smith, Dunsay, etc etc etc etc...... Combine it all, and make it work with a tailored system of combat and as Mr. Long pointed out, a Magic (or lack of) that fits and works perfectly.... ~Rex....
  22. Re: Star Trek Online gets Free To Play at 17. January 2012 Star Wars Galaxies wasn't able to hit water by falling out of a boat. I'm predicting F2P for the current Starwars MMO....at about the same time frame WoW did it, in a similar restricted fashion. Folks respond well to bait if you chum the waters enough. ~Rex....says this F2P for STO will actually get him to look at the game at least, even if it's no where near as cool and as fun as the StarFleet Command series was.
  23. Re: Power Time! Heh, it's funny, so says the diehard Hippie GF anyway. Rep worthy. ~Rex
  24. Re: Star Trek Online gets Free To Play at 17. January 2012 Everything is going to go free to play with micro transactions eventually. They make more money that way in the end and cast a much wider net for players. The problem is, the sheer WHINNING the F2P do if there are Pay to Play folks getting more stuff or bennies then they do. Kinda funny that. ~Rex
  25. Re: Power Time! I would go on a Hippie slapping spree of Epic Proportions. ~Rex
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