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    bigbywolfe reacted to Armitage in It's time for Christmas.....   
    Some people like to talk about "the war on Christmas".
    If Christmas didn't want a war, it shouldn't have crossed the borders of Thanksgiving to attack Halloween.
  2. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to TheDarkness in The Flash   
    Comic book storylines that have existed for more than ten years, with or without time travel, have equal or less continuity than time travel stories.
  3. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Sociotard in It's time for Christmas.....   
    Get your tinseled toes off my Thanksgiving.

  4. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Pattern Ghost in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Sounds like a standard felony traffic stop. The error wasn't with the officers, it was with the person who made the data entry error. We did the exact same thing when a plate came back as stolen when I was an MP, or when the driver had felony warrants.
    From the article:
    So, it only took ten minutes to sort out the error. No mention that the guy was handled roughly at all. No brutality here.
  5. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Cygnia in In other news...   
    Seems like a no brainer. Let's hope other areas follow suit.
  6. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from death tribble in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
  7. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to mattingly in "Neat" Pictures   
    This is my favorite Joker cosplay, from my blog post on costumes.

  8. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from L. Marcus in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
  9. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Old Man in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
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    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Burrito Boy in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
  11. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to BoloOfEarth in The Flash   
    Complete aside:  I just watched most of the current season of the Awesomes on Hulu (if you're not familiar, it's an animated superhero show that's mostly parody but has some great characters), and they briefly introduced a villain named Backstory.  His hook was that he has the most torturous, convoluted backstory.  I don't think they ever did finish telling it.  IMO a great way of poking fun at that trope.
    Props to zslane for his theory on Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost.  I was not looking forward to her turning into Killer Frost because I don't want her to stop working with The Flash, Cisco, et al.  But an other-world version of Caitlin as Killer Frost would be acceptable to me.  (And if losing Ronnie a second time isn't enough of a tragic, emotionally-wrought "moment" to totally rock her world, I don't know what one is.)
  12. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Hermit in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    I respect your conviction even if I may not agree with your opinion. Folks complain about fumbles in football games, They complain about how a beloved character is being written in current comic books. They complain about a lot of unimportant things. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that they'd also complain about the big stuff too. Some on this thread might be doing more than that for all we know. Protesting, writing emails, or even just trying to learn more about the specifics of each situation. The last, I know that more than one has done. We're not just 'OMG! RAAAAGE' We're "WTF? Wait, how did ...." 
    and that quest for knowledge aspect of it renders it more than simple complaint imo.  We're not instantly accepting things. For example, I recently asked for verification if anyone had heard that girl in the most recent incident had thrown the first punch, to my mind something that might explain (even if it might not excuse) the escalation. But innocent people are dying, and some not so innocent are dying when even if they are scum, they didn't deserve it. Complaining about it might not get a damn thing done, but it's a lot better than sticking our heads in the sand I think.
    If some cop is being railroaded unfairly, I want to hear about it. I really do, just like if some citizen is set up for a fall for something he or she didn't do either, I want to know. But I'm not going to learn diddly about the truth by closing my eyes and wishing the bad  news away.
    That's my take on it, and I know you have yours which I can respect.
  13. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Andrew_A in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    So your point was to enter a discussion about a serious and systematic problem in our culture and downplay the seriousness and pervasiveness of said problem?  Sounds more like an attempt at satire gone wrong than "levity". 
  14. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Zeropoint in "Neat" Pictures   
    I still think that Mark Hamil's joker was the best one. Heath Ledger was good, and that whole franchise was an interesting take on the Bat-verse, but the "Batman: the Animated Series" version is going to be hard to dethrone as THE Joker for me.
  15. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Ragitsu in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    I've seen dissenting opinions (mostly minor, but they exist) on particular stories and further explanations given/requested here. Automatic echo-chamber, this is not. A place to highlight and converse about a specific societal ill, it is.
    You've also got police officers of all ranks, current and former, speaking out against extreme behavior. The comfortable "us versus them" division is not as sharply definite as some people think. Plus, if that were really such an elephant-in-the-room (at least here), we wouldn't be asking for competent and empathetic law-enforcers instead of asking for their total removal.
  16. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Ragitsu in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    I get that you're not serious, but...taxpayers raising legitimate concerns about a function of government with the power to end lives (be it literally, or effectively) that is increasingly revealed to be abusing it's power and generally averse to greater transparency in public matters are hardly a medieval Transylvanian mob.
    Now, if you want to discuss folks saying "kill all police" or "get rid of publicly funded police", then i'll be right there with you.
    That's good to hear. I don't know if anyone else in most any other profession would get off with just being fired and not having formal charges pressed against them, but at least it's a clear message that behavior of that sort has no place in an institution we should feel fully comfortable with.
  17. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Andrew_A in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Pattern Ghosr, he didn't do things how he was trained, that's why he was fired.
    When apprehending a suspect, once physical contact is made you maintain control of the individual until they are secure. You never let the person go unless you have to for your own safety because they have a weapon or something.
    The officer literally THREW her away from himself, not to the ground, to the other side of the room so he had to walk over to her before cuffing her. In no world is that a reasonable response, and it completely violates their training, he increased her chance of injury and did not maintain control of the suspect both while he was in no danger.
  18. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Twilight in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Pattern Ghosr, he didn't do things how he was trained, that's why he was fired.
    When apprehending a suspect, once physical contact is made you maintain control of the individual until they are secure. You never let the person go unless you have to for your own safety because they have a weapon or something.
    The officer literally THREW her away from himself, not to the ground, to the other side of the room so he had to walk over to her before cuffing her. In no world is that a reasonable response, and it completely violates their training, he increased her chance of injury and did not maintain control of the suspect both while he was in no danger.
  19. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Cygnia in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Pattern Ghosr, he didn't do things how he was trained, that's why he was fired.
    When apprehending a suspect, once physical contact is made you maintain control of the individual until they are secure. You never let the person go unless you have to for your own safety because they have a weapon or something.
    The officer literally THREW her away from himself, not to the ground, to the other side of the room so he had to walk over to her before cuffing her. In no world is that a reasonable response, and it completely violates their training, he increased her chance of injury and did not maintain control of the suspect both while he was in no danger.
  20. Confused
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Superhero Cosplayers   
    Why? She doesn't even look angry and even if she did why would you interpret it to be an emasculating attitude aimed at men instead of aimed at criminals?  Unless you are trying to invoke the "women with short hair = butch, man-hating lesbian" stereotype I don't understand what you are interpreting as looking "like she'd rather stomp on [your] crotch".
  21. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Meganeura in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    Hello there!
    How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)? It's the name of one of my characters on Champions Online - she's in my avatar as well.
    What was the first tabletop RPG you played? Dungeons and Dragons... Probably 3.5? I'm relatively new to the tabletop scene (at least, compared to some of you who seem to have been at this much longer than me!)
    What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed? None yet... But I'm in the process of setting up my first game - of Champions! I'm really looking forward to it.  I've never done this before, but it should be a lot of fun.
    What are you currently playing/GMing? See above.
    I'm totally here because of the Champions Online MMO - when I learned it was based off a tabletop RPG I took it upon myself to track down the books - ended up with a pile of 6E books and an urge to start a campaign. Still in the planning stages, but I hope to start by early November.
  22. Like
    bigbywolfe got a reaction from Pariah in A Thread for Random Musings   
    I don't mind a bit of snarkiness, I'm guilty of it myself often enough and in this forum most people are pretty good natured about it. But lately I've noticed a trend of people saying something "clever" and when someone asks for clarification because your oh-so-clever comment was vague, to respond with more jokes/snark, and often condescendingly, without ever answering the question/clarifying their original point.
    That isn't conducive to having a conversation or even to making a joke. Language is used to communicate, if you aren't capable of making an understandable point at least don't mock the people trying to figure out what the hell you are trying to say.
    I know the line between snark and jackassery can be pretty thin, but some people just seem to dive across it and act like anyone that doesn't get the "joke" is stupid. It gets old.
  23. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Markdoc in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    This is just introverted gibberish. Change a few pronouns and a few activities and the article could have been written by a woman. In fact, I've read very many, very similar articles that were written by women, except they were about societal pressures to be feminine. Which makes the point, that it isn't about masculinity - or femininity, or even gender roles, for that matter: I've also read similar screeds on being Catholic (or not, in a catholic environment). It's about how we react to social pressure to conform to a specific role (or roles, because we are all expected to assume multiple roles).
    It's a pity. The author starts out promisingly, writing "Speaking for myself—the only person I can reasonably speak for—being a Man never seemed like an attainable goal, let alone a desirable one. This has something to do with me and who I am, certainly ..." and then goes on to ignore his own starting premise and write as though his own experience is universal. I understand his experience, because it's very similar to my own. But his conclusions and his reactions - even though entirely understandable to me, based on shared experience - are diametrically opposed to my own. So his own experience is not universal. Nor is mine – nor are the experiences of my many geek friends that run the spectrum. They are all equally valid … and only a tiny subset deal with anxiety issues. And it is a pity, because there are a few insightful comments mixed in with the gibberish.
    So masculinity isn’t an anxiety disorder. He has an anxiety disorder about his masculinity. That’s an issue he’s going to have to solve or learn to accommodate himself. I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic, but locating the real root of a problem is the first step in resolving it. Trying to externalize it, the way he does here is actually only going to deepen his issues, because the world is not going to change to accommodate his personal problem.
    Cheers, Mark
  24. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Cygnia in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    The Cool Girl Trap: Or, Why Sexism in Tech Isn’t Going Away.
  25. Like
    bigbywolfe reacted to Enforcer84 in In other news...   
    Piling on my poor best friend's state today I saw this. And laughed and laughed.
    to quote a IMGR comment section: "Florida Man, Florida Man, Florida Man hates Sanity Man. They have a fight, Florida wins, Florida Man."
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