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The Mandalorian - Season 2

Iuz the Evil

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I agree but they are so good. I wish the new movies were more like the series.


The cross over stuff from Clone Wars and so on is incredibly cool


The Darksaber was very surprising to see in live action. Death Watch saving Din Djarin. Didn't expect any of that. I do hope the rumors of Ahsoka Tano in season 2 are accurate, that would be fantastic.


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6 minutes ago, Starlord said:

Hearing lots of rumors that Pedro Pascal was fired or quit about halfway through filming.

Mostly (though not officially) confirmed.  He had creative disagreements with the directors....specifically, he wanted to show his face more (a bit of a no-no).


Plus side, he was only occasionally in the suit -- that was normally Brandon Wayne, who I believe is continuing on.

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Thing is, Jango Fett had no problem showing his face to Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Kamino--and presumably Boba Fett didn't have a problem with it either.  I do remember a comic where Boba took off his helmet for disguise purposes, and after he put his helmet back on another bounty hunter commented to effect, "No wonder you never show your face."


To which Fett replied, "This is my face."


So I suppose there are like Orthodox and Reformed Mandalorians--those who follow The Way without a millimeter's deviation, and those who only pay it lip service around the holy days.  Or something like that.  I'm hoping they'll explain that in Season 2--especially since Boba Fett himself is supposed to appear.

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  • 1 month later...

Enjoyed the first episode.  Nice trip back to Tatooine, liked the 'twist' with the Timothy Olyphant character and the deeper look into Tusken Raider society.  Excited to see the next episode thanks to this episode's last scene.  Hope it wasn't just a random cameo at the end and we see more.


PS:  More 50+ minute eps, please.  :thumbup:

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4 hours ago, Starlord said:

Enjoyed the first episode.  Nice trip back to Tatooine, liked the 'twist' with the Timothy Olyphant character and the deeper look into Tusken Raider society.  Excited to see the next episode thanks to this episode's last scene.  Hope it wasn't just a random cameo at the end and we see more.


PS:  More 50+ minute eps, please.  :thumbup:


I suppose if they're going for the whole "space western" motif, they may as well set their adventures on the most western-like planet in the Star Wars universe.  And I'm wondering how much time Mando himself spent there, as he's the only one who can speak and sign the Tusken language--something none of the human occupants on Tatooine seem inclined to do.


Nifty number of callbacks, and not just to the movies.


The Child was thoroughly adorable, as usual.  I thought he might help out in a couple of places, but he didn't.  I do find it kind of ironic that he's so popular, given the backlash over the Ewoks when Return Of The Jedi came out.  ("They're too cute!  It's too disgusting for words!  George Lucas has ruined Star Wars!")  Now we have this creature that's cuter than the Ewoks and the Porgs put together, and everyone can't get enough of it.  Some people owe Lucas an apology, I think.  


Looking forward to the next episode.

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Baby Yoda is very cute, but he doesn't take centre stage too much, they mostly just use him for comic relief. Ewoks were cute but didn't need to be to fulfill their role in the story, and would arguably have done a better job if they WEREN'T cute. A bunch of badass forest natives who choose to help the good guys? Would have made for a better movie.

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2nd episode was total filler with some disjointed writing.  The first few 'meals' for baby Yoda were funny and understandable, but after the 6th or 7th 'meal' we were all wanting to smack the guy.  Also, the rebels super-nice, then super-awful actions at the end made us go 'wtf'.  Still good fun overall.

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