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The April 2022 Post Apocalyptic World Superdraft


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On 4/7/2022 at 10:13 AM, Hermit said:

Second in Command: Walter "Radar" O'Reilly 



Walter O'Reilly? Didn't The Who have a song about him? Stuck in a teenage wasteland or something like that?



1 hour ago, death tribble said:



If you allow the helicopter would I need petrol for the copter as a separate pick i.e. an option ?


Executive decision: Like food and water, petrol is probably something that can be scrounged by anyone who needs it. It may not be easy to scrounge, mind you....


And I've just finished updating the rosters. Check post #2 of this thread and let me know if I've missed anything.


Great work so far, everyone!

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

Executive decision: Like food and water, petrol is probably something that can be scrounged by anyone who needs it. It may not be easy to scrounge, mind you....

So a fuel dump or refinery (as in Mad Max 2) would be an option that only produces aviation fuel not fuel for all vehicles.

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(Two for one today as i didn't pick yesterday)


The yahoos had Zinc? Templeton smiled as he contemplated the best way to steal it. It wasn't anything personal, he actually considered buying excess food off these folks, and by buy he meant give them some  beans, proclaim them magic, and leave with a whole herd of cattle or something. Unfortunately, at least one of them was some kind of scientist that they called 'The Professor'. Probably a bit harder to con that one. So theft it was. With the death of his team, he was adrift, and he briefly considered joining the group if they'd let him, but... they were taking orders from a pig. How could he take these guys seriously? Nevermind their OTHER , even bigger problem which was glaringly obvious to him yet none of these oddballs had considered.


He expertly picked the lock to their supplies. Some zinc, some food for the road, maybe a tank of gas and he'd be out of  -


There was the click of a rifle behind him. Far too close for the shooter to miss.


Templeton raised his hands in the air and , cautiously, slowly, turned around to see the dorkiest looking marine he'd ever seen. He assumed the guy was a marine judging by his tattered uniform.


The marine gave him a big ole grin, genuinely warm, but still with a loaded gun.


"Surprise Surprise Surprise!" The Marine drawled.


"Ah, I suppose you're wondering why I'm here," Templeton said smoothly.


"Well," The Marine said "not really, looked like you were fixin to take what didn't belong to you."


"Oh, I'd never steal from good folks like you. I came to join you" Templeton continued with practice ease "I'd only be stealing from my new team if I did that. I was just checking on your security here. This lock's a bit rusty. I was cleaning it."


The Marine pondered this, "Well, you know, it's only mannerly to announce yourself afore you make introductions," The gun lowered, "But it sure is nice of you to help us out. I best take you to Arnold or Radar anyway. You'd be surprised how many dishonest people there are when society collapses and we just got to be sure."


"Dishonest people after society crumbles? You don't say," Templeton put on his best shocked voice, "I want you to succeed. If I didn't, would I have come to share with you intel, valuable intel, of where you could find some folks who would be crucial to any chance of rebuilding?"


"These folks scientists? or farmers? Cuz we got some of them," The soldier declared curiously.


"Maybe, but mostly, they're women," The con man answered, "You seem a bit of a sausage fest around here, and I know where you can find some lonely gals."


"Oh I wouldn't use that term around the boss," The Marine tutted.


"Gals?" Templeton blinked.


The yokel shook his head "Sausage fest."


"Ah," Templeton nodded "I can see why. Now about the women?"


"Oh shoot, if they want to come along they're welcome," The Marine almost blushed "We'd keep them safe. Just invite em over and let em decide. My mama always said act like a gentleman around ladies so we wouldn't want them to feel like they gotta."


"Well, there is a catch," Templeton admitted, "You see, they're kind of tied up. Almost literally. " He had considered finding a way to break them out himself, now it occurred to him maybe, with help it could be done "There's a bad guy who has them prisoner."


The soldier looked shocked then a bit angry "Well, SHAZAM, come on, let's go tell the others. We gotta rescue them."


"Sure thing ..." The gun no longer pointed his way, Templeton relaxed, "I'm Templeton by the way. Templeton Peck. I was in the army myself. Friends called me Face-Man."


"Pyle," The marine smiled, "Gomer Pyle. I can tell we're gonna be real good friends, Face-Man."


"And what an adventure that will be," Face plastered on a smile he hoped looked sincere . He was about to work for a Pig. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first time, just more literal than usual. And if it saved those women from that scumball? It would be worth the weirdness.


The Diplomat: Templeton "Face-Man" Peck


The Soldier: Gomer Pyle 




Title: "I Zinc we forgot the women!"

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