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2022-23 NFL Thread


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19 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

Oh dear.


Tua declared OUT for Sunday.  Self-reported concussion symptoms.  


On the MNF lead-in, Booger asserted "sit Tua for the rest of the season."  And I have to agree.  They're showing a hit from the 2nd quarter.  He stayed in the rest of the game.  No one spotted it...but today he's self-reporting?  There WILL be an investigation.


This is VERY concerning.  Potentially 3 concussions over a span of, what, 4 months, is scary as HECK for long-term problems.


BEST of luck to him.


If Tua had another concussion and nobody on the team noticed it, there needs to be some serious examination of procedures and protocols. That's assuming that the problem was not noticing, rather than covering it up.


19 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

EDIT:  Schefter on Hackett.  "There has never been a head coach who lost the fans faster."  The week 1 disaster...and then, never giving the fans a reason to hope.  


Spot on for Schefter.

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That was the gist of the comments from Booger and Steve on Countdown.  Steve said you *can't* expect self-reporting (I think he meant during the game) or another player calling out a potential problem...it's against the culture.  

No one's gonna want more game stoppages, but they'll take a short stoppage for evaluation purposes over watching another spasming player.  Yeah, the protocol still has huge problems.

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Schefter's point wasn't who was a worse coach;  as Pariah noted, Meyer's was certainly a candidate for most embarrassing attempt at being an NFL head coach...and he may well have lost his team faster, altho that's hard to say.  But Hackett lost the fan base in his very first game as HC.  The only way to challenge *that* is coaches who got fired before they ever coached a game...and that means they lost ownership backing, most likely, rather than fan backing.  


Also, we kinda have to give Jeff Saturday a pass on "most embarrassing" because he's in an impossible position, and if anyone should be embarrassed, it's Jim Irsay.


Here's some names we forgot.  Did you remember that Lou Holtz tried to coach in the NFL?  It was awful.



I can pretty safely guarantee everyone's forgotten *several* of these.

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If Tua can't play...and I actually hope, as has been noted, he doesn't play...the last WC spot in the AFC just became wide open.  Chargers locked the 2nd WC tonight.  Miami is 8-7.  There are 5 teams at 7-8...Jacksonville, Tenn, Pats, Jets, and Steelers.  There's 2 spots, one of which is limited (AFC South).  Miami, Tenn, and the Pats and Jets are all REELING...1-4, 0-5, 1-4, and 1-4 in the last 5 respectively.  


This feels almost equally symbolic to the AFC South, but it's predictable.  Adding that 7th WC team guarantees mediocre-to-poor teams will be hanging around far too long.  Way, way back when, there were discussions of a good percentage of a given field should qualify for playoffs.  The numbers?  Between 25 and 40%.  Less than 25% and isolated losses can be too great a factor.  (The CFP has this issue.)  Greater than 40%, and the regular season is probably too diluted.  The NFL and the NBA have this...altho the play-in aspect for the NBA is at least an interesting approach.  There's a reward for the top 40%...direct entry...and a 2nd chance mini-round.  MLB is at 40% with 6 teams;  it's still debatable if 5 was better, but they're also constrained by their divisional structure.  6 is probably best.

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6 hours ago, Pariah said:


If Tua had another concussion and nobody on the team noticed it, there needs to be some serious examination of procedures and protocols. That's assuming that the problem was not noticing, rather than covering it up.


It's not that uncommon for concussions to manifest delayed symptoms.  It might also explain why Tua started flinging balls to random teams in the second half.

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10 hours ago, Old Man said:


It's not that uncommon for concussions to manifest delayed symptoms.  It might also explain why Tua started flinging balls to random teams in the second half.


No, it's not uncommon, but as I understand it...it's also Not Good.  And the possibly 3 separate concussive incidents, in combination with this?  Also Not Good.  


And yeah, if his brain was fuzzy, those picks become much more understandable.

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I'm not sure what the over-under is on the Broncos-Chiefs game, but after the Broncos'  performance in Los Angeles the other day, I'm tempted to take the over just because I think the Chiefs will probably score that many points by themselves.

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DraftKings has it KC -13.5, and the O/U is 45.  The specifics are 15.5 for Denver and 29.5 for KC.


I think this isn't a good game to bet, because who knows where the Bronco locker room will be, and whether they'll show up or not.  Given that no one expected Hackett to last, firing him might ease some of the tension.  And if Wilson has another bad start, yeah, we could see a duplicate of the Ram game.  The Chiefs have also played several relatively shaky games this year.

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I think it was hype/expectations surrounding the signing of a possible HoF QB that would produce a really good offense that has magnified the situation.  Historically the Broncos offense isn't good but it is not actually THAT bad.


They are averaging 15.5 pts this season and that wouldn't put them in the worst 30 teams since 2000.  Just 4 years ago Arizona averaged only 14.1.


FYI - the Cleveland Browns have 6 seasons where they scored the fewest points in the league since 2000.

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The Denver Broncos have enlisted the assistance of Condoleeza Rice, who has never been involved in any questionable decisions based on poor intelligence, in their search for a new head coach.  DC Ejiro Evero, who turned down the interim HC position, will be interviewed for the permanent HC job.


I have to hand it to the Broncos, if they're trying to out-Raider the Raiders they're making a good go of it.

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2 hours ago, Old Man said:

The Denver Broncos have enlisted the assistance of Condoleeza Rice, who has never been involved in any questionable decisions based on poor intelligence, in their search for a new head coach. 


To misquote Ambassador Londo Mollari, "What does intelligence have to do with football?"

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That might be an interesting bit of speculation.


1.  How many teams will have new (as in, not on their current roster at all) starting QBs next season?

2.  How many rookie starters will there be?


Obviously, #2 will be lower than #1 but...quite a few.  The Draft Gurus think this is a QB-rich draft...and there's lots of teams in desperate shape at QB.

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