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A.I is here and it will make the world worse.


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13 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:

The AIs just can't quite wrap their heads around those goat legs lol

Which is the part that gives me trouble. Guy doing Tae Kwon Do? Easy-peasy even for my extremely rudimentary artistic skills, I have plenty of pictures to work from. I can sorta-kinda do the goat legs for simple poses. But goat legs doing a high kick gets into perspective and anatomy that defeat me.


As an example, here's a picture I lifted from a DC Who's Who and altered for my own use. Sorry the scan is so low-res, my home tech is all old and crappy. Even if an AI image couldn't be exactly what I wanted, I hoped for something that I could turn around and use as a guide for a hand-drawn image.



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Which brings us back around to Col. Hamilton’s story of the drone that killed its operator. On its face, this is a standard story of how reward hacking can go wrong. On its face, it’s a pretty good argument against the use of autonomous weapons altogether. On its face, it’s pretty weird to think that Col. Hamilton would make up a story that suggested that his entire department should be shut down.

But there’s another aspect to Hamilton’s fantasy about the blood-lusting, operator-killing drone: this may be a dangerous weapon, but it is also a powerful one.

A drone that has the “smarts” to “realize” that its primary objective of killing enemies is being foiled by a human operator in a specific air-traffic control tower is a very smart drone. File the rough edges off that bad boy and send it into battle and it’ll figure out angles that human operators might miss, or lack the situational awareness to derive. Put that algorithm in charge of space-based nukes and tell the world that even if your country bombs America into radioactive rubble, the drones will figure out who’s responsible and nuke ’em ’till they glow! Yee-haw, I’m the Louis Pasteur of Mutually Assured Destruction!

If the problem with “AI” (neither “artificial,” nor “intelligent”) is that it is about to become self-aware and convert the entire solar system to paperclips, then we need a moonshot to save our species from these garish harms.

If, on the other hand, the problem is that AI systems just suck and shouldn’t be trusted to fly drones, or drive cars, or decide who gets bail, or identify online hate-speech, or determine your creditworthiness or insurability, then all those AI companies are out of business.

Take away every consequential activity through which AI harms people, and all you’ve got left is low-margin activities like writing SEO garbage, lengthy reminisces about “the first time I ate an egg” that help an omelette recipe float to the top of a search result. Sure, you can put 95 percent of the commercial illustrators on the breadline, but their total wages don’t rise to one percent of the valuation of the big AI companies.

For those sky-high valuations to remain intact until the investors can cash out, we need to think about AI as a powerful, transformative technology, not as a better autocomplete.

We literally just sat through this movie, and it sucked. Remember when blockchain was going to be worth trillions, and anyone who didn’t get in on the ground floor could “have fun being poor?”

At the time, we were told that the answer to the problems of blockchain were exotic, new forms of regulation that accommodated the “innovation” of crypto. Under no circumstances should we attempt to staunch the rampant fraud and theft by applying boring old securities and commodities and money-laundering regulations. To do that would be to recognize that “fin-tech” is just a synonym for “unlicensed bank.”

The pitchmen who made out like bandits on crypto — leaving mom-and-pop investors holding the bag — are precisely the same people who are beating the drum for AI today.


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It did. Ok let me show you some other A.I art of villians and monster I made.





There is a couple there I would think were real art.

And I repeat my players loved the AI art I made of their characters. Even though I showed them as a joke. 

Like one of them I described as carrying a shiny silver shield and standing in front of a barn.

And then the AI showed the character standing infront of a gigantic shining shield leaned on top of a barn. 

The player thought it was awesome and did not care about the odd fact there was a giant shiny shield back there for some reason.  

Most people dont analyze things. 

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One of the biggest shortcomings I found with trying to do superheroes with Mid Journey was that it wanted to straight up swipe Batman or Superman instead of come up with something more original. Some other models are better about not associating superhero with only those two characters, but most of the them I've tried will churn out bat ears or S shields with regularity.


What AI did you use to generate the above?

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Albanian patriotic superhero, red and black costume, black eagle on chest, 90's style, strong, heroic, heroic pose, vibrant colours, city background, photo realistic, action shot, full body


for the first guy and the two others are


Albanian patriotic superhero, 90's style, strong, heroic, heroic pose, vibrant colours, city background, photo realistic, action shot, full body


Those two are the first I tried to make.

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Sprinfield superhero, white and light blue superhero costume, black hair, blue fire eyes, 90's style, strong, heroic, heroic pose, vibrant colours, city background, photo realistic, action shot, full body




So as you can see this one came out in photo style. I dont like the way the building gives way for the light right under the arm, making it look like its part of the arm but other than that it would have fooled me. 

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4 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:


So, are you just leaving the word out of the prompts? Also, which AI model are you using?

I'm using Midjourney. Here are my prompts:


Muscular man flying, cape, flightsuit --ar 2:3 --niji 5


Daring man flying, cape, flightsuit, zoom themed, by Jack Kirby --ar 2:3 --niji 5


But yes, I find it is overtrained in some words being more specific than they should. Like I ask for power armor and I get Fallout power armor, every time. I have to talk around it, and maybe put a small negative weight on Fallout

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