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Alternate Earth Characters #1


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Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


So what is different about your character from


The standard reverse morality universe where good is evil and evil is good. The more moral a charcter is the more depraved they will be.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Evil Wraith would be more of a self made man...


Where Wraith had the rest of family die in accidents (paving the way for his inheritance), EVIL Wraith had the rest of his family die in "accidents"...


Evil Wraith would be scheming, and would have *used* his intelligence to find out family history earlier (and go to England to discover his powers sooner), so he'd have about 5-6 years+ experience on the real Wraith.. which he'd need. Instead of Co-operating with Ghosts, he'd be invulnerable to their vengeances and Mentally Enslave them in vast numbers...


If I was feeling particularly suicidal, I'd have him use his vast intelligence on something more than computer skills; say, how does Uber-Mentalist in Power Armour sound?


yeeesh. This cat one sceeeery dude.


The Evil Flippant.. hrm. Flippant isn't really that morally polarized. He became a superhero because a) It's a job, and B) He can no longer be an athlete due to his mutation. "Eeevil" Flippant would actually probably have more of a moral compass (and so have quit because it was the right thing *for the sport*), but be rude and not very empathetic.

Still, all up, I don't significantly change the character sheet.


He's a good guy... but really, good and evil are less important than having something he can be good at, and liked for.

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Evil Twilight would be pretty darn vicious in my opinion. The normal version is pretty shy so the evil one would likely be very brash in personality, though also somewhat cowardly as well as that would be the opposite response to the real Twilight's thrillseeker persona.


Despite that cowardice the evil Twilight would be a stone cold killer. Where the normal version tries to deny the dark half of his nature, the evil version embraces it and seeks to become even more evil then he already is.

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Originally posted by Supreme Serpent

re: evil Husky


(btw, I must say Husky is one of the most entertaining characters on this board)


for the evil Kenneth - "Packmaster"? "Dr.Alpha" (as in alpha male) ? Once you get power armor on, you can't use your own name anymore unless it just happened to be something like "Doom" or "Power" to begin with. ;)


Good point, although Evil Kenneth wouldn't care about keeping a secret ID (other than concealing his age) his secret ID is really more of an attempt to protect his parents who evil Kenneth would have killed to get insurance money years ago. I think the deep seated bravado Husky manifests would come more naturally to the Evil Kenneth the use of his real name while concealing his childlike body would be his own personal joke on the fools who dare oppose him.

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Evil Anthem would have roughly the same powers, only all the years of abuse that formed her powers also made her angry, hateful of the world that ignored her. The only physical changes would be that she would that she would spend less time on gymnastics and more on Strength training; she'd be fairly buff. She'd also be littered with tattoos and wear more revealing clothes than now; Her emblem would likely be an ANARCHY "A".


Evil Uncle Slam would likely have taken his years of killing for the government to heart. Rather than building up a CVK, he'd be more rabid than in his youth. His powers would be less about rendering unconscious and instead focus on killing blows. He'd have more stealth and less presence.


Evil Audra Blue would revel in deconstructing whole corporations over the web, tinkering with people's personal finances, making and breaking millionaires on a whim. She'd not be agoraphobic anymore. She'd likely lead the group of hackers that have spent years trying to recruit her, and would command great respect not through physical presence but through knowledge of how she can F*** up anybody's life. Same powers, new 'tude.


Good question, btw.

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The Submariner-inspired Ace sent his African wife and sons to Canada to escape Nazi racism in the 30's, then later gained powers from Atlantean ruins. The Evil Ace would be a Nazi sorceror seeking the war spells that sank Atlantis.


Plasma gained a Code vs Killing and hatred of terrorists when her secret agent husband was killed by a Viper sniper in a scene stolen from On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Evil Plasma would be a ruthless vigilante sniper, killing Viper agents and enemy supers from cowardly ambush.


Evil Seraph the 1000 point + munchkin flying omnibrick emulates the vicious aspects of the Greek Titans instead of the heroic ones. Instead of an ancient playboy seeking adventure, he's a conqueror who demands to be worshipped as a god, and instead of fighting with a sissy sword, he just mind-controls his enemies and makes them his slaves.


Lin-Si isn't all that good to start with. Evil Lin-Si would be Green Dragon; just change his character image to a Chinese beauty in a slit dress.

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Evil-Earth Starguard...


Well, actually, I could just write her up as the little Demon Princess that she'd be(*), but it's much more horrifying to follow normal Starguard's life path...


... except for one little difference.


When she first accidentally severely injured someone using her powers... instead of taking responsibility for what she'd done, her mentor told her instead that the guy had deserved it. Repression, denial, and irresponsibility -- along with building on what she'd been taught there -- takes it from there.


And thus, the Power Cosmic is now in the hands of a young girl with no experience, no judgement, and an unshakable delusion that she's fit to be Judge, Jury, and Executioner.





Evil-Earth Dr. Pain -- hell, Dr. Pain is a highly-altered *Good*-Earth vision of the 'Doctor Pain' villain from Ninja Hero int he first place! (Granted, that one was for a dfiferent genre of campaign, but hell...)


He boozes. He wenches. He takes what he wants and gives out fists in return. He's cunning enough to find allies instead of being Bulldozer II, hence his new career as a VIPER Nest Leader. Someday, he's gonna be kingpin of Dragon Branch, and then he'll *REALLY* have power.


But until then, let's party!


Oh yeah, /and/ smash people. It's fun to hear the bones break.




Evil-Earth Baron von Darien --


... ummm, think "a non-technology-oriented Victor Von Doom meets the Supreme Serpent with fangs". The /normal/ version of the Baron is one of the scariest people you never wanted to piss of -- the mere idea of him without any moral restraint makes me want to find some Extra-Dimensional Movement, *now*.


Expansion -- for one thing, he would /literally/ be the Supreme Serpent -- he's a natural recruit for the original Council of Thirty, and he'd have consolidated his power and had things completely in hand well before Essec ever got out of the ground. *snap* So much for that.





(*) Starguard's whole concept is that she's a teenaged girl with the power of an archangel. A straight mirror of her would be kinda like Dark Seraph's even more evil kid sister.

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Re: Alternate Earth Characters #1


Originally posted by farik

So what is different about your character from Evil-Earth

The standard reverse morality universe where good is evil and evil is good. The more moral a charcter is the more depraved they will be.


My GMs hate the way I waste points. If they wanted an evil version they'd make it themselves.


Evil Mayday would know all the dirty secrets in her town and blackmail for money, bases, equipment, a really top quality chef and penthouse in return for her silence.


She would demand the base be built underneath a new prison scheduled for construction, with plenty of bathrooms, an olympic sized pool and meditation grotto. Then manipulate the criminal justice system to get the very best sent to 'her' prison where she can mind alter them at her leisure, forming a criminal army of the Underworld. Any heroes trying to assault her base will have to fight through both the security and the prisoners. Oopsy, did I mention the cell unlocking mechanism?


Enjoying tech as she does she probably has had noted scientists in the field of robotics and cybernetics kidnapped and housed in some cells to build her android duplicates, Dr Doom style.


Evil ShadowCross would be freaky. As the power hungry manipulative wife of the equally power hungry and manipulative Adam Scott, hubby would be Mayor of New York, then on to Senator when the 'incident' happens. A Good side emerges inside her struggling for dominance. Adam clues in and quietly has her treated with electro shock therapy to erase this new personality before it gets a toe hold, and picks up where the two left off, on the way to the White House.


Evil Sabre secretly uses her scientific genius and powerful battlesuit to make a whole lot of money robbing banks or better yet cruise ships full of rich passengers in the middle of nowhere. Ransom time! Then with enough cash on hand she takes over a small nation with significant mineral and industrial resources and rules with an iron fist. Farms out her intellect and new battlesuit clad army to other would be world conquerors waiting for them to reach too high too fast so that she can turn on them and have it ALL.


Evil LineDrive isnt divorced. He murdered his ex-wives instead and next time married wealthier ones. Anyone who interfered in his baseball career and rise to the top will meet unfortunate accidents or injuries and when time comes to retire, he will have a large bank account waiting for him in Switzerland, and hire himself out to the CIA as a covert assassin. His powers are invisible and his aim is extremely good. His patriotism is still there but the enemies of this great nation cannot be allowed to continue. Axis of Evil? Not for long... China threatening Taiwan? He can be on the next flight out. Heck, why let the CIA in on the gig. He'll do it solo.


Evil Marjorie is exactly the same but the Tremere organization she works for is considerably nicer. Like vampire MENSA. They will still spend all their time jockeying for position with the other vampire Clans and she will still be stuck in the middle of the top ranks due to that darn blood bond.


Alternately, she was an Order of Hermes sorceror before they became the Tremere vampires and extremely old thanks to youth potions. She would not have been taken unawares and forcibly vamped. With her full sorcery in play she alerts the other Mage Clans and they wipe out the nascent Tremere line before it ever gets started. She uses her new status to become one of the most powerful leaders in the Order of Hermes but, like Tremere she notices the magic of the universe is dying, and she with it. Potions cannot keep her eternally alive any longer and so she captures a powerful vampire and experiments until she has duplicated Goratrix' work, becoming the founder of the new Tremere line.


Evil Carmen is an NPC with very minor powers but an extremely high charisma. She surrounds herself with the powerful in a cult of personality and friendship. The Evil Carmen will do the same only her allies and guests will be more ruthless and they will over time become the Illuminati, those who rule the world but quietly. A steel fist in a velvet elbow length glove.


Her teleport booth network will include an orbital space station, a moon base, and another larger space base under construction armed with nuclear missiles, weather manipulation technology and heat lasers.


A benevolent tyranny, a new golden age will begin, a Renaissance of Art and Literature but anyone who steps out of line will be dealt with and she will possess nuclear weapons to make sure heroes keep their distance. Some hidden near major cities, others in areas where highly destructive earthquakes and tsunami will result in the devastation of California and Japan at the very least. Washington DC will not be a target as the president will be one of her close friends, but New York City, London, Rome (the Vatican), Mecca, and Jerusalem will be on the short list.

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Well, in our real campaign Zl'f is unbelievably straight and squeaky clean (Even with a 20 COM, she's only been on one date), so she'd be one real sick bitch as an evil mirror image. She'd dress in leather and spikes, or possibly just a thong. Far from a Code vs Killing, she'd probably torture kittens for fun. She'd almost certainly go for edged weapons, like dual saw-bladed katanas. (I don't need to explain why a 9 SPD, 43 DEX psychopath with swords is a Real Bad Idea, do I?)

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Heh. You're still one date ahead of Starguard. :)


(Who's also 20 COM -- and 30 PRE, defined as 'cuteness', with a Distinctive Feature that makes any Presence attacks based on fear or intimidation or awe pretty much useless...(*))


(Granted, you've been playing a few years longer...)






(*) OTOH, Presence attacks defined as "the kicked puppy look" or "Please?" have been known to melt stone. :)

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Evil Checkmate - not that hard a stretch. With his intelligence, he came pretty close to being a villain anyway, just for the challenge. He decided against it in the 'real' universe, due to the risks, but Evil Checkmate probably looked at the risks as making the game far more worthy.


He wouldn't be married, that's for sure. He'd have little or no difficulty enslaving women to bear his progeny. He wouldn't make the usual mistakes, either. They'd all be trained to question, to think, and eventually to take over for him. And he'd let them, too.


He's already fairly ruthless, as some of my answers in other threads have indicated. That would just be taken to a darker extreme.


Evil Guardian - I think she'd basically be a man-hating amazon type if she were evil. She'd basically hunt men like others hunt lions.


Evil Control - Does not bear thinking about. With the ability to control energy, and a range that has, on more than one occasion, passed worldwide, he'd have the entire world under his thumb without much difficulty at all.

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Originally posted by Chuckg

Heh. You're still one date ahead of Starguard.

Well, Zl'f's date was in the line of duty. We needed help to rescue our team brick Silhouette, who had been able to send us a clue via computer (Our brick is also our team scientist and computer whiz). We needed quick computer expertise to track down the source, so Zl'f (in her Secret ID) agreed to go on a date with a 16 year old Norwegian computer geek if he could help her. He did, so she had to go with said geek to a science fiction convention in Oslo.


The horror...

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The funny thing is, Helene might actually have /fun/ going on a date with a 16-year-old computer geek to a science fiction convention in Oslo. :)


Unless he gets grabby hands. But given that everybody else in the campaign is just waiting for their first chance to trot out their "Eight Simple Rules For Dating My Teenaged Superheroine Teammate" skit, and one of them has a 45 PRE and an intimidation attack that could take out an army(*), that's probably not gonna happen. :)





(*) Addendum -- it's a 750 point campaign, and his character concept combines elements of Thor, Black Adam, and Nuada of the Silver Hand. Nobody takes him lightly.

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Barabas would have made his fortune as a free gladiator, burned Rome on his own, made himself emperor, waded through the Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Gauls, Picts, Vikings, Egyptians, Huns, Russ, etc. He'd very likely rule humanity with an iron fist until some evil super usurped his throne of heads. Then he'd be imprisoned for a few centuries, until he was forgotten about, and escaped. Rinse, repeat.

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Originally posted by Chuckg

The funny thing is, Helene might actually have /fun/ going on a date with a 16-year-old computer geek to a science fiction convention in Oslo.

Zl'f has zero interest in science fiction, so it would have been boring enough. At least she didn't have to wear a chainmail bikini or Xena costume. Still, given that she was the best looking female in the room by several orders of magnitude and so was mobbed and groped by pimply faced nerds for nearly four hours, she considers it one of her least favorite experiences ever. She'd rather fight Eurostar again. Alone.


The GM of this scenario, Blackjack, took great pleasure in describing the entire incident. I tell you, the man is evil! :)

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Master Adonis would have taken his creator’s teachings about Adonis being the ultimate human designed to unite humanity under his rule. Master Adonis would take Adonis’s need to be loved and transformed it into a desire to be worshipped. He would have used his natural charm to become the head of a cult. Master Adonis would have learned some interesting new tricks for his no range telekinesis. Like instead of a HA, he would have an HKA. Also he would have learned to use it to manipulate people’s pleasures and pain centers. He would have captured several other superior beings and used his power to break them to his will turning them into Pavolvianly responsive slaves to him. He would have entered into politics where his good looks and charm will also serve him well.

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Alannah: 6000 year old High Priestess of Thoth and mortal enemy to Set. Keeper of the Books of Knowledge, Books of Magic, Books of Divinity, and the Book of the Dead. Personality is sorta like Polgara from the Belgariad. Keeps very close watch over her family line and is every inch the Matriarch of her family. A evil version would be High Priestess of Set and the world would've never escaped the Dark Ages. :eek:


Nemesis: He was trained by Buddhist Monks in Tibet to be their ultimate weapon against Chaos and Evil. He has the power to sense any vulnerabilities, susceptibilities, and weaknesses in his targets and adjust his attacks to take advantage. Very ruthless and efficient in his work. A evil version would've been trained by a group like Viper and would be the perfect assassin.


Sebastian: He's a playboy sculptor. He has the ability to animate anything he sculpts to do his bidding. A real ladies man, he has flocks of beautiful women surround him at all times. Early in his career, he was a real practical joker but has matured with age. The evil version would be like Mordru from the Legion of Superheroes. He would ruthlessly enslave his women and use their powers to serve him in his conquests.


Lariat: She's a brick with the ability to stretch energy tendrils from her body. She is also the head of a corporation that manufactures bullet proof clothing that looks like ordinary clothing. A cold efficient woman, the evil version would use her powers for industrial espionage and sabatoge to her rivals.


Syphon: A powerful fighter/mage, he is equally comfortable in hand to hand combat, or casting spells. A pure engine of destruction, the evil version wouldn't necessarily conquer the world, but he would do whatever he wishes with no regard for anyone who gets in his way.


Clea: A probability manipulator and the luckiest woman on the planet (16d6 Luck), she's a light-hearted woman who loves parties. Midway through her career, she realized that her luck powers were really a manifestation of temporal powers. She has now broadened her powers to travel through time and other temporal powers. The evil version would be a Black Widow type who would trap and ensnare men with her charms. Once she had no use for a man, she'd kill him or discard him like a cheap pair of shoes.

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

Zl'f has zero interest in science fiction, so it would have been boring enough. At least she didn't have to wear a chainmail bikini or Xena costume. Still, given that she was the best looking female in the room by several orders of magnitude [snip]


Having actually /been/ to an SF convention or two, I can say that even with a COM 20, while she would still have been the most beautiful woman in the room, she wouldn't have been the /only/ beautiful woman in the room...


And that was in the states. In Oslo, you'd only expect that ratio to go /up/. :)


(Sorry, I just get mildly annoyed by certain stereotyping of SF conventions.)


OTOH, yes, if you have zero interest in science fiction, they're slow torture.


(Helene's a bit of an otaku, though...)

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Originally posted by Chuckg

Having actually /been/ to an SF convention or two, I can say that even with a COM 20, while she would still have been the most beautiful woman in the room, she wouldn't have been the /only/ beautiful woman in the room...


OTOH, yes, if you have zero interest in science fiction, they're slow torture.


Not necessarily, there is at least one Con (I forget which one, DragonCon?) where some of the costuming borders on walking porn.

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Originally posted by Chuckg

Having actually /been/ to an SF convention or two, I can say that even with a COM 20, while she would still have been the most beautiful woman in the room, she wouldn't have been the /only/ beautiful woman in the room...


And that was in the states. In Oslo, you'd only expect that ratio to go /up/.

Heh. I have a friend from the Army who is firmly convinced Scandinavians drown their ugly children at birth because the people are all so beautiful/handsome. I remember him telling me Brigitte Neilsen (Stallone's ex) was only an average-looking Danish woman.


And being a geek, I've been to a couple SF conventions myself. (We're having one here in March, and I've been asked to GM a Champions adventure.) There were a few pretty girls, but nobody even remotely approaching what I'd consider a COM 20. Lots of 10 and 12 COM, but also plenty of 6 and 8 too.

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Evil is good....


Ohh I like this one too...



Evil Paragon: Already exists in the world called Paradox. Where Paragon is a Icon of Good, Paradox is pure choas unleashed. So he'd basically destroy small countries, blow up children, do move throughs on nuns.


Evil Patriot: During the 40's evil Patriot would have been a nazi, but as the cold war progressed he would have turned to the communist ideal. But his biggest fun would have come during the decadant 80's when Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll reigned supreme. He'd have mansions and hookers and drugs and Nike endorsements (Just think of the Dallas Cowboys circa 1995).


Starknight: Angered by racism in the 70's and 80's he would fly to South Africa and destroy the entire country by dropping a piece of the moon on it. Then he would take over the Nation of Islam and begin a pogrom of Black Supremecy, eventually forcing all whites to live in concentration camps. But he wouldn't be very bitter.



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