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What are the most annoying player habits!


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Originally posted by BoneDaddy

Weird stuff, but strangely engrossing. Phil & KJ are great artists, with a genuine sense of the absurd.


Have you checked out Girl Genius? Any review?

I love GG. Its fun steampunk/gaslamp fiction. THe first couple of issues are black and white but now they're in color.

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Originally posted by Eyendasky80

I feel compelled to comment, but can't think of anything that would do an energy blasting hoo-hoo justice. Is hoo-hoo hyphenated?


Do a Google Search for 'Kekko Mask' or 'Kekko Kamen'.


Japanese anime (and live-action) superheroine who wears a mask, and boots... and that's all.


She actually has a 'Power Pussy' attack. Nuf sed.

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Originally posted by Brandi

Do a Google Search for 'Kekko Mask' or 'Kekko Kamen'.


Japanese anime (and live-action) superheroine who wears a mask, and boots... and that's all.


She actually has a 'Power Pussy' attack. Nuf sed.


I thought it was "Muff-o-cation"? She jumps on her target's shoulders and squeezes his head between her thighs.


And I really really shouldn't be revealing I know that much about the show.

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Originally posted by nexus

I thought it was "Muff-o-cation"? She jumps on her target's shoulders and squeezes his head between her thighs.


And I really really shouldn't be revealing I know that much about the show.

That's the translation given, it's probably a conceptually similar pun in Japanese - Go Nagai is mildly addicted to puns, it seems. In the unlikely event hasn't figured it out yet, yet, the show is a parody. Of quite a few genres.
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Speaking of annoying player habits and anime....it gets somewhat annoying when my group plays a serious campaign and all of a sudden a player brings an anime character into the world. It wasn't until I started role-playing that I discovered what anime was, and subsequantly, discovered how much I hate it.

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Originally posted by SomeAsianKid

Speaking of annoying player habits and anime....it gets somewhat annoying when my group plays a serious campaign and all of a sudden a player brings an anime character into the world. It wasn't until I started role-playing that I discovered what anime was, and subsequantly, discovered how much I hate it.


I agree 1000 %.


Only good anime was Speed Racer , after that it all went downhill.


My biggest problem with anime is its weed-like strength in infecting other genres and mediums.


Case in point , this very thread has been quasi-hijacked with bad anime porn -to-hero conversions.


Just kidding (but not really)

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Originally posted by nexus

I thought it was "Muff-o-cation"? She jumps on her target's shoulders and squeezes his head between her thighs.


And I really really shouldn't be revealing I know that much about the show.


Not to mention the two or three live action movies done with this "Idea":eek:

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I'm not a huge anime fan, but I must confess I actually get a cheap thrill out of watching anime fangeeks getting disappointed when their characters don't live up to their expectations. Especially the DBZ fans. "What do you mean I didn't blast Bulldozer into another dimension?" Or my other favorite ... "He can't attack me while I'm powering up, it's against the rules!"


My response: Hold up big black book of people-whupping. "Does this cover say 'Big Eyes Small Mouth'? No. It says 'Hero System 5th Edition'."



Admittedly, this tends to follow with any 'I ripped this idea out of something and converted it to Champions' character, including established-comic-character knockoffs.

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Being one who is a director for an Anime Convention .. there's gotta be something out there that you like, not all of it is the DBZ crap.


But, the player who insists on playing an anime character is usually the one I hate the most. I usually suggest they increase the dosage of their ritalin to lethal levels for the sake of humanity.


I don't RPG anime games.. something about running a convention for it make the idea of wanting to play anime make my stomach churn.

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I almost forgot (or repressed the memory of) the person who decides what your character's personality and disads "should" be and tries to push you into playing that way. In a one-shot game, one player informed another that he wasn't playing his character correctly "because my character's beautiful, so your [male] character would want to go off with her". The male character not only had nothing on his sheet that would add up to "thinks with his gonads", but this was a first-contact encounter in a Dark Champs-style game -- and he's going to run off with some strange woman with unknown powers?


I assume it could happen with GMs as well, but I've only seen it with players. (Specifically one certain player.)

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Originally posted by ChuckB

Only good anime was Speed Racer , after that it all went downhill.


Actually, there's some pretty good stuff out there, but it's usually not what the self-described otaku are getting themselves all sticky over. (Well, actually, Cowboy Bebop has a pretty good following here.)

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Originally posted by Brandi

Actually, there's some pretty good stuff out there, but it's usually not what the self-described otaku are getting themselves all sticky over. (Well, actually, Cowboy Bebop has a pretty good following here.)


I know I made a sweeping generalization but I think that Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon have caused enough damage to warrant it.


Not to mention Anime's very , very , very creepy cousin , Hentai.

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i was gaming with my two friends for the last 7 years,one of the worst things with both of them was that I said "here, read these two pages and think about 3 things, a characterconcept, a name for that character and maybe a little backstory... we will start with characterconstruction in two weeks and then game after the creation"


well, 3 weeks later (because one of them totaly forgot about the gameday or had another thing to do on this day... well i always tell them 2-3 weeks in advance about the start of the game and made everything clear that they will have time and are willing to play but it never worked) we meet at my home... i give em their charactersheets and ask "what characters they want to play" and the answer is always "ehm... yes... I don't know..." (or something similiar to this) No concept, no name not an idea of a backstory even if i give them 20 pages of worldinfos and lend them some of my books (they don't have their own books, well they not even have their own dice... grrr)


well you can guess this first session is totaly screwed because of 3-5 hours of charactergeneration... arg... :(


these guys are a real pain in the ass sometimes, especialy when their amnesia attack comes up... "last time we met you were talking with the boss..." "what boss... i can't remember one" "the boss of this gang... and so..."


oh and these guys can't read their own charsheets for fuc*sake, not because they can't handle the system NO!!! it's their handwritting... these guys can't read their own handwritting 50% of the time... arg...


well, after 7 years I quit gaming with them 4 weeks ago... the mentioned things are only the light props i have with them at the end of this long time. Short version of one of the greater problem... I will make it a rule for my next group (if i ever find a new one): bath before gaming... there are people out there with hygieneproblems that are way over the top...

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Originally posted by ChuckB

I know I made a sweeping generalization but I think that Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon have caused enough damage to warrant it.


Not to mention Anime's very , very , very creepy cousin , Hentai.


I'm going to point out that Anime is Japanese for "Animation" and is a medium, not a genre.


Hentai is a genre of Anime, in the exact same way that Porn is a genre of Live Action Movies. (with the exact same thinly veiled and badly done plots.)


Action is also a genre of Anime, as is Mystery, Time-Period, Noire, Sci-Fi, etc... (Mecha is a sub-genre of Action and/or Sci-Fi.)


Certain conventions will repeat themselves in many different genre's because these are Cultural Conventions to Japan. Much like you may see certain things common in all American Movies because they are common Cultural Conventions to America - you may not even notice them since you almost expect them to be there. Most often these are character archetypes, but are not limited to that.


When most people say "I'm not into Anime" I roll my eyes because this is a lot like saying "I'm not into movies." Which is possible, but highly unlikely - I'm sure there's a movie out there the afformentioned person likes .. and I can almost garauntee that I will be able to find an Anime you will enjoy.

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Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

I might find an anime I enjoy if they wouldn't draw all the characters with those GIGANTIC FREAKY EYES. The poorly drawn art reallllly detracts from the experience for me.

Ah... that's actually a cultural holdover from the pre-existing manga styles and the first Western cartoons to reach Japan - the Fleischer Studios' Betty Boop series. Most anime does indeed have that trait in its art (where do you think "Big Eyes, Small Mouth" got its name?), but again it's not universal, just very common. You won't find it, for example, in the works of Hayao Miyazaki or to a large dgree Leiji Matsumoto; I can give you a list of titles for either.


Remember that almost all animation everywhere is stylized and exaggerated in some way; if you look at "Fire and Ice," where Ralph Bakshi uses extenesive rotoscoping, you'll see that a lot of the character action seems stilted and stiff, because it's too realistic for the medium. Japanese animation simply uses different stylizations than Western.

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Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

I might find an anime I enjoy if they wouldn't draw all the characters with those GIGANTIC FREAKY EYES. The poorly drawn art reallllly detracts from the experience for me.


Accepptable complaint .. but have you looked at the extremely unrealistic drawing styles of Western animation, especially in the last 5-10 years? Most men have massively wide shoulders with large square jaws, most women resemble an hourglass with absolutely no jaw, just pointy little chins. And facial proportions are usually off to some degree (mouth to large, eyes to far apart or small).


Every area has it's drawing methods and motifs.


And not everything falls into those stereotypes, I can think of plenty of Anime that do not have the Big Eyes syndrome. Just as plenty of American Animation does not have the Square Jaw Of Doom syndrome.

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FATAL...Good Lord I'd almost managed to forget about that.




Peeves from my gaming (most already stated)


Consideration: If I tell you the game is at 1, you say I'll see you at 1, and then don't show up until 4 without letting me know about it, don't be surprised if I'm mad.


Consideration Part 2: You live three doors down from me, please do not bring dishes over from your house and ask me to wash them for you. You have your own house after all.


The annoyance: Yes, I know you like new RPing experiences, but playing a guy who decides that the flesh eating zombie was a hoax and decides to do nothing while everyone else is loading guns deserves what he gets.


The Professional Nudge: I'm pretty sure I said the goal of this game was to have a group that did things together, not to have 5 other PC's that have to keep coming up with reasons NOT to kill you...


Consideration Part 3: If I call and tell you it's noon and I'm going to eat now so that we can get started promptly at 1, please don't come over, BS for an hour and then order food. Especially not since you live 3 doors down from me and should have been able to take care of all of this on your time.


The Rules: You've been playing that character for what, a year now? And you still don't know how to roll a to hit? Or what your spells do? Or your powers? Or your feats? Yes, that is a nice drawing of a horsie. Please take your dishes and go home, the game is over for tonight.

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hi, sorry if it has already been mentioned but one of my worst player habits is :


the "other GM" : this guy is also a GM to your game. He gives GM-only information to the other PCs, tells to the other players that [major official NPC] should not be roleplayed like this, corrects the informations you give to the party at any occasion, etc ....

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Originally posted by altamaros

hi, sorry if it has already been mentioned but one of my worst player habits is :


the "other GM" : this guy is also a GM to your game. He gives GM-only information to the other PCs, tells to the other players that [major official NPC] should not be roleplayed like this, corrects the informations you give to the party at any occasion, etc ....


I'm sorry, but I would have to kill this person if they pulled that in my game. I understand if I have to NPC on of their old characters for some reason and they were unhappy with my portraiel of said character, but if I'm sharing GM duties for the same game, and this mook craps on my GMing this way, it would be a real short game.


I agree, very anoying, I just read it and had to reply with a death threat, I fell for you if this is actually happing with your game. Send this person to FL, I'm Italian, want some legs broken? ;)

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Originally posted by ghost-angel

Being one who is a director for an Anime Convention .. there's gotta be something out there that you like, not all of it is the DBZ crap.


But, the player who insists on playing an anime character is usually the one I hate the most. I usually suggest they increase the dosage of their ritalin to lethal levels for the sake of humanity.


I don't RPG anime games.. something about running a convention for it make the idea of wanting to play anime make my stomach churn.


I will admit, I like DBZ. Correction -- Dragonball the manga not the over-done and drawn-out anime. It's over-the-top martial arts fun on par with scads of HK films (like Swordsman II among others).


As for "playing an anime character," I'm not sure how that works. Are you talking about someone who wants to play a (say) Super-Saiyajin in a superhero game? I can see how that can be annoying, although on the other hand, I did the same thing in a PBEM game (where I played version 1.0 of NINJA HERO's Kayli the Destroyer). She worked out really well, mainly as I didn't force any anime conventions I can recall (except maybe not getting hit during her power-up sequence -- but then, I did have her power-up logically, usually *before* getting to the fight scene).


As for playing anime games... once again I'm not sure where you're coming from. You against people playing say, the crew of the Bebop in thier own game (I can see this being a bad idea in an instant), or are you against even the mere idea or running a game in the Tokyo of BGC or the world of El Hazard with totally new character concepts?

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