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Culture HERO


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What particular aspects of the Culture Novels would you like to emulate?


The sentient ships of the Culture are basically AIs on vehicles, unless you're planning on having someone roleplay them... in which case you build them as characters.


A non-Culture Banks novel "Against a Dark Background" has the Lazy Guns, which are perfect example of a weapon with a variable special effect.

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Guest zarglif69
Originally posted by KawangaKid

What particular aspects of the Culture Novels would you like to emulate?


The sentient ships of the Culture are basically AIs on vehicles, unless you're planning on having someone roleplay them... in which case you build them as characters.


A non-Culture Banks novel "Against a Dark Background" has the Lazy Guns, which are perfect example of a weapon with a variable special effect.

There is no smegging WAY a player could play a Mind. They simply don't have enough points.

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Originally posted by tkdguy

All of a sudden, I'm having visions (nightmares?) of Boy George performing "Karma Chameleon" at the inauguration of the Klingon Chancellor.


Oh, I don't know. I can see a trial in:


Give me time

To realise my crime

Let me love and steal

I have danced inside your eyes

How can I be real


Do you really want to hurt me

Do you really want to make me cry



But you should hear Culture Club in the original Klingon.

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Re: Culture HERO


The Culture books make for some fascinating reading. You won't regret the time you spend with them Uhlan.


Sounds like some really cool concepts as far as the tech goes. What's the name of the first book in the series?


And Alhazred :Embrace the Uhlan mentality. Feel it flowing through you. :D

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Re: Culture HERO


Uhlan... the books are not a series, in as much as the events, and characters of each are independent, though set in the same universe.


I -believe- Consider Phlebas was first, then

Use of Weapons

Player of Games (Uncertain,havent read this one)


Look to Windward


And I'm no doubt forgetting a few.


Fair warning, the first few will be hard to find in the US, at least I have had some difficulty.


All are quite wonderful.


And as far as points, I can do a pretty good impression of the GSV Quietly Confident on about 20,000 Points. Could probably trim it down to 7000 or so before I really cut into the concept.

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Re: Culture HERO


Boy George: Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?


Assembled Klingon High Council: YES!!!!


Carnage such that has not been witnessed since the days of Kahless ensues...


NOW I remember what caused the last war between The Federation and the Klingon Empire!

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