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Silliest Disadvantage Ever


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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Not so much cheezy as just plain silly....but all have come up in play.


Distinctive Features - Leaves a trail of slime wherever he goes. (Belonged to a biology/chemistry gadgeteer. He didn't excreet it, he was just messy)


Distinctive Features - Vibrates when Excited (Sonic based mutant)


My personal favorite was still from Normals Unbound.


The combination of:

Psych Lim - Wants to be cool >and<

Phys Lim - Unable to be cool

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


The rule for whether or not it counts as distinctive is "Can it be seen clearly across a normal-sized living room". If not' date=' then not.[/quote']


In this case I think you're mistaking not distinctive with a distinctive feature that can be easily concealed. Sure he can pull down the brim of his hat to shade those weird looking eyes so you can't see them or hide them behind sunglasses, but that doesn't make them any less distinctive.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


I had a player submit a character with Physical Limitation Dies If He Uses X Power, where X was something like an 18d6 Energy Blast with a couple of advantages and 1 charge.


I allowed it just to see if he'd ever have the balls to use it, then kept bringing up chances for him to use it.


So... nearly a year later, the City has been invaded by an amorphous alien terror based quite sincerely on the Blob of movie fame. Everyone else on the team but the female speedster and Going-to-Die-if-He-Uses-Power-X man is unconscious, the Creeping Terror is advancing through the city absorbing everyone it touches. Power X Man says goodbye, tells her to throw a beautiful wake, steps out in front of the advancing monstrosity, and lets go with the power.


His next character started with bonus points.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever



The classic argument revolves around a situation like the following -- Ironclad is involved in a fight at a museum when Menton decides to get involved. He Mind Controls Ironclad to "Hit Nighthawk with the Ming." Since Ironclad doesn't know what a Ming is (a specific kind of vase near Ironclad), the argument is that he won't be able to obey the command.


I agree that this is a case of "poorly worded command", and Menton should know better. However, assuming Menton got a high enough result to make Ironclad paste a teammate, I would have Ironclad make his best guess as to what he was supposed to use as a weapon and swing away. After all, he knows what 4 of the 5 words in that sentence mean. He's supposed to hit Nighthawk with something, now what should he use ....


If the Ming vase is the closest item to him, maybe he will use it (and only do 2d6 damage -- I can't picture a Ming having more than 1 DEF 1 BODY). Or, he might pick an improvised weapon based on his knowledge of arena combat and clobber Nighthawk with the antique oak table the collection of Ming vases were sitting on, doing close to his full STR damage and really trashing both Nighthawk and the Champions' superhero insurance rates.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


2x Stun and Body from solar powered cold weapons weilded by green and purple froglike martians


2x Stun and Body from octogenarian Norwegian architects weilding hammers.


[Hey, once it's rare, it's rare]


"Sure, take 'em both. Oh, and take 40 points worth of Hunted as well - I'll take care of writing those up."


That guy just gave you two ongoing story arcs for your game - an alien invasion and Thor-as-a-villain.



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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Most of the sillyness when it came to disadvantages in my campaigns stem from Distinctive Features. I can't think of the specific examples, but they all led to the following house rules:



Unless the character's eyes are on fire, glowing brightly, are unusually large, on stalks, or otherwise unusually promininent enough to be seen from a distance, a character's eyes are never distinctive enough to gain this disadvantage.


Would: "eyes are milky gray (almost as if they are filled with fog) and have no pupils" qualify as a DF in your game?

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Or "has cats eyes, i.e. no whites to the eyes."?




Yes to both, but it'd only be worth 5pts or less. Unless in that particular campaign that particular trait also belonged to some species of horrible monstrosity that's reviled by all human society.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Its a distinctive feature, this person cant interact wiithout being remembered


Cats eyes, whatever


To say it isint " Worldmaker" is wrong


As i think you said " if it cant be noticed over a rooms distance its not a limitation"


Worldmaker there are far more poblems in GU than DF.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Its a distinctive feature, this person cant interact wiithout being remembered


Cats eyes, whatever


To say it isint " Worldmaker" is wrong.


Oh really? Interesting... last I checked, the Global Guardians Universe was my gameworld, with its rules decided by me and by the other Gamemasters involved.


Big surprise to learn that its actually some person using the name "Vorsch" who's in charge over all my PBEMs.





As i think you said " if it cant be noticed over a rooms distance its not a limitation"


Worldmaker there are far more poblems in GU than DF.


Please, enlighten me. What other problems exist in the Global Guardians Universe. I wait with baited breath for your response.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Strongly Resembles Latin Pornstar... :whistle:


Uh-huh... and who's fault is that? :idjit:



Besides, that's not a Disctinctive Feature, its a Social Limitation. Specifically, its a variance on Mistaken Identity.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Uh-huh... and who's fault is that? :idjit:



Besides, that's not a Disctinctive Feature, its a Social Limitation. Specifically, its a variance on Mistaken Identity.


Doesn't that depends on just what the Latin pornstar looks like? :)

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Oh really? Interesting... last I checked, the Global Guardians Universe was my gameworld, with its rules decided by me and by the other Gamemasters involved.


Big surprise to learn that its actually some person using the name "Vorsch" who's in charge over all my PBEMs.


Please, enlighten me. What other problems exist in the Global Guardians Universe. I wait with baited breath for your response.


I dont think i ever uttered the words " Im in charge of your GU Universe"


I have looked at character designs on the GU site and some of the Builds highly suspicious, Primary stats EC quite common. This may have changed since the last time i looked but basically, i disagree !


Its your Universe Your in charge , if the critique that having cats eyes is not DF then i retract it unconditionally.


You run the largest PBEM super game on the net, succesfully, if I dont like some of the things you allow thats my problem, OK.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


I have looked at character designs on the GU site and some of the Builds highly suspicious' date=' Primary stats EC quite common. This may have changed since the last time i looked but basically, i disagree ![/quote']


Here are our house rules regarding Frameworks:


Guardians House Rules: Frameworks[/url]


Unless otherwise specifically altered or contradicted in these house rule pages, the rules found in the 5th Edition Hero System apply at all times.


The Veto Rule: Jack and Becky reserve the right to refuse to allow any Power Framework, even if the Framework in question is otherwise legally constructed.


Consistent and Tight Themes: All Power Frameworks, without exception, must have a consistent and tightly conceived theme. Throwing a bunch of powers together without a common thread is not permitted. The exception to the tight concept rule are Variable Point Power Pools. Though players should try to have a backing concept, the concept "Can Do Almost Anything" is a legitimate theme for VPPP's.


Restrictions: The following may never be purchased through any Framework.


Automaton Powers


Find Weakness



Naked Advantages



The following are not allowed in Multipowers or Elemental Controls, but are allowed in Variable Point Power Pools.


Endurance Reserve

Enhanced Senses

Life Support other than Full Life Support.

Skills: Note: Skill Levels are permitted in a Framework under one condition, and that's if they are bought as powers that cost Endurance to use.

Special Defenses.



All other powers and talents are permitted in a framework, assuming that the power or talent in question fits the concept of the Framework.



Additive Powers: Powers bought within a Framework are not additive to other powers within that Framework unless they are purchased in the same slot. In such cases, the power with the higher active cost takes precedence.



Advantages and Limitations on Control Costs of Frameworks: Advantages and limitations that are common to all slots of a Multipower or Elemental Control are taken on the Control Cost of the Framework and automatically are applied to each slot in that Framework.



Focus Destruction: Multipowers, Elemental Controls, and Variable Point Power Pools count as single powers each for purposes of focus destruction.



Elemental Control:


Elemental Controls are only appropriate when it groups together powers that are separate in game terms but in real terms are the manifestation of a single power. The player should try to describe that single power in a sentence: "The character has the ability to..." or "The character is/has..." Overly vague descriptions are not suitable.


Buying Characteristics in an Elemental Control:


Only one characteristic may be purchased in an Elemental Control by a single character.


In addition, only a single instance of the characteristic in question may be purchased by the character.


The purchase of a characteristic within an Elemental Control must fit into the concept of the Elemental Control, and dependent upon the approval of the auditors.



Because the different slots of an Elemental Control all represent different aspects of a single power, all adjustment powers (Drains, transfers, dispels, and suppresses) which affect a single power in the Elemental Control affects all powers in the Elemental Control equally. Exceptions can be made according to the special effects of the Drain.


Linking Powers in an Elemental Control:


Two slots of the same Elemental Control cannot be linked.


A power purchased in an Elemental Control may not be linked to a slot in any other Framework. Elemental Control slots can only link to "freestanding" Powers purchased outside of any other Framework.


Two or more powers may be included in the same Elemental slot, as long as they are linked.



Drains, Transfers, Dispels, And Suppresses Only Affect A Single Elemental Control Slot is a +1 advantage taken on the control cost of the Elemental Control






Characteristics purchased through a Multipower are required to take the Limiation No Figured Characteristics.


Multipower slot changes occur at the end of a phase, not the beginning.

Linking Powers in a Multipower:


Two slots of the same Multipower cannot be linked.


A power purchased in a Multipower may not be linked to a slot in any other Framework. Multipower slots can only link to "freestanding" Powers purchased outside of any other Framework.


Two powers may be included in the same Multipower slot, as long as they are linked.



Multipower slots which are purchased as "ultra" must always have their full active points allocated, regardless of how much of the power is actually used.


If you take the charges limitation on an entire Multipower, the charges limit the total number of times that you can use the Multipower; ie: 4 charges on a Multipower containing an EB and a RKA, means that you can fire the RKA four times, the EB four times, or any combination between, but you cannot fire the RKA four times and the EB four times.


Full Phase Delay To Change Slot is a -½ limitation.


Half-Phase Delay To Change Slot is a -¼ limitation.




Variable Point Power Pools:


Jack and Becky want Variable Point Power Pools to be very rare. To that end, when your character comes under audit and has a VPPP, the first question you will be asked is "Can you not create this character using a Multipower." If you don't have a convincing answer as to why you must have a Variable Point Power Pool, you will be asked to rewrite the VPPP as a Multipower.


Power Pools must follow the same exact standards as Elemental Controls as far as tight theming is concerned.


List of Powers: A character with a power pool is required to design a list of powers that are useable in the Power Pool. This list should be a dozen or so powers long to begin with, though the player is free to add more powers to the list as the campaign progresses at any time. During play, all of the powers the character uses in the Variable Point Power Pool must come from this list. Not being able to add to the Power Pool list counts as the Limited Class of Powers limitation, and is worth -½.


Adding Powers to the Power Pool List Requires a Skill Roll is a -¼ taken on the Control Cost of the Power Pool. Usually, the skill involved is Inventor or Power Skill.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


Here are our house rules regarding Frameworks:


15 Combat Awareness: Elemental Control (30) N/A

10 1 Dodging I: Physical Damage Resistance 50%, Resistant (30 Active Points) - Does Not Stop Penetration (-¼), Non-Persistant (-¼) 0

10 2 Dodging II: Energy Damage Resistance 50%, Resistant (30 Active Points) - Does Not Stop Penetration (-¼), Non-Persistant (-¼) 0

15 3 Lightning Reflexes: Speed +3 (30 Active Points)


Charcter Achillies breaks rules, no end powers, easy one to forgive i Know





13 Noncombat Systems: Elemental Control - Battlesuit (-½) N/A

24 1 Booster Flight Boots: Flight 20", 4 x Noncombat - Useable Underwater (+¼) 6

12 2 Piston-Driven Strength: Strength +45 - No Figured Characteristics (-½) 5

13 3 Helmet: Sight and Hearing Group Flash Defense (20 Points) 0

21 4 Magnetic Shaped Charge: Hand Killing Attack 2d6, Affects ED - Area Effect (5" Radius; +1), Time Delay (+¼), ½ Endurance Cost (+¼)(75 Active Points); OIF: Explosives Charge (Fragile; -¾)





This is non combat strength? are you actually never going to hit some one with it? its just i note its in your primary stats ( The EC is defined as Non Combat )


I also notice he has his armour ( the suit ) with oihid, but no other powers they are all OIF , OIF , OIHID , thats fair!


Have you really looked at gun mental ( i just know your going to say yes and he looked fair to me, ie Im wrong)






20 2 Body of Highly Energized Matter I: Constitution +20 (40 Active Points) 0


(this means Con +20)


25 3 Body Of Highly Energized Matter II: Total Life Support (45 Active Points) 0


( no end cost in A EC)


27 4 Energy Absorption: Energy Damage Reduction 75%, Resistant (60 Active Points) - Only v. Heat and Light (-½)


(personally id give heat and light -1 but its still in a EC)


Stats in EC, Total life support in EC, Damage reduction 75% in EC, Just for the unaware Hero rules preclude these builds, ( Apart from GM aproval, sorry worldmaker aproval)


This is only my second character aproved by you on your own game.


Maxi man




15 Atomizing Strength Powers: Elemental Control N/A

15 1 Atomic Strength: Strength +30 6

15 2 Atomic Durability: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30) 0

35 3 Atomic Flight: Flight 20", 8 x Noncombat Movement 5

25 4 Atomic Resolve: Missile Deflection (All Ranged Attacks) - Fully Invisible (+1)


Stat in EC , DR in Ec, No end cost powers in EC MD


Hey im four for Four of your approved charcters, 3 more to go .


you are wrong in the application of the rules of 5th Ed/4th Ed/3rd Ed to your approved characters.


I havent actualy looked at the last 6, are they champions legal?

Bedouin, Stone, Taychon, Bunjie, Guardsman and Warlock


As i say its your game, dont tell me im wrong when your own house is sadly lacking in adherance to the " Official rules " , which i hold in low regard any way.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


I take that back i looked at stone.





15 Man of Steel: Elemental Control N/A

65 1 More Powerful Than a Locomotive: Strength +80 (90 Total) 9

35 2 Able to Leap Tall Buildings: Flight 20", 8 x Noncombat 4

15 3 Diamond-Hard Skin I: Damage Resistance 30 PD/30 ED 0

15 4 Diamond-Hard Skin II: Physical Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant 0

15 5 Diamond-Hard Skin III: Energy Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant 0

30 6 Man of Steel: Full Life Support 0


Give me a beer and i allow it.


as i say i have no problems with the characters you personally allow.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


you are wrong in the application of the rules of 5th Ed/4th Ed/3rd Ed to your approved characters.


Ah, so you are going to dictate what I should and should not do in my own gameworld after all. How utterly arrogant of you.


In case you missed it, I posted the house rules for Frameworks. You know, it was the long post you utterly ignored in your quest to criticize my players and their characters.


Specifically, there is a single sentence:


All other powers and talents are permitted in a framework, assuming that the power or talent in question fits the concept of the Framework.


Funny... despite being "wrong" when it comes to the official rules, all of these characters are "right" when it comes to the rules they were actually built under.


I guess that just makes your criticisms... petty and nonsensical.

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Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever


As i say its your game, dont tell me im wrong when your own house is sadly lacking in adherance to the " Official rules " , which i hold in low regard any way.


Ummm, not trying to be critical or anything, but if you hold the official rules in low regard why are ya hangin' out in the forums here? :confused:

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