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"Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


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Hello all,


I was wondering if anyone could help with some Grond plots. There are some great ideas on the from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! thread, which I've added here. But let me know if you have some other originals or if you have some that are related or follow-ups to those posted here. (I'm stating who wrote the plot and their post, but summing up their full post.)


Enforcer84 (post 12)

Grond controlled by grey collar; Foxbat intervenes; stop Grond save Foxbat.

Grond and Giganto battle over the right to be the most powerful being on the planet.


Lord Liaden (post 88)

In isolated forest, Grond rampages lumber company; heroes intervene, discover Grond protecting legendary Sasquatch; what will the heroes do?


Rerednaw (post 109)

Binder recruiting fresh blood; Grond applies


Zakueins (post 119)

Menton controlling Grond accidentally releases Grond's super-intellect (30+) gets ko'd.

Grond shows up with 'brick' gand robbing banks intelligently


Twilight (post 120)

(follow up to 119) Grond wearing 1930's gangster outfit w/cigar & fedora

"Grond smash, schee"


Tech (post 139)

Rich kid gets caught cheating on art-contest; encounters Grond who wants place to stay; trade-off to help kid get back in contest


Death Tribble (post 182)

Grond vs Ripper; WWE anyone?


Death Tribble (post 194)

Grond smashes L.A. premiere of "The Hulk" movie; there's only one green-skinned Goliath!


Kirby (hey, that's me! post 228)

Grond rampage; stops for Ho-Ho's, Twinkies, etc. Eventually, Foxbat hears of this and tries to coerce Grond into crimes


Kirby (post 238)

(follow up to post 88) Grond *is* a lumberjack

Grond sighting in downtown; heroes discover Grond is actually a construction worker.


Kirby (post 239)

(alteration of post 139) cheating kid meets Grond; Grond wants to learn art; kid 'sicks' Grond on teacher, but teacher teaches Grond art


Kirby (post 240)

(follow up to post 194) After incident, Grond hired by Hollywood if PC's escort Grond do community service.



An idea I was just thinking of was the PCs vacationing in Hawaii or tropical Island somewhere. While on the beach, lifeguard blows whistle and points to the ocean. Grond is swimming in. He wanted to get away from the discomforts of North America.


If anyone else has Grond plots, especially ones you may have used (and how they turned out -good & bad) I would appreciate it.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Your challenge has prompted me to think up another one :D :


Honey, I'm Home! In his aimless wandering, Grond stumbles across Evelyn Potter, ex-wife of Sydney Potter, the man Grond once was. Some dim memory of his past life prompts Grond to seize Evelyn and carry her off. The PCs are called in to recover her, since Grond is beyond the authorities' power to deal with.


When they finally catch up with Grond, however, Evelyn refuses to allow them to harm him. (Note that Grond's identity as Sydney Potter is common knowledge.) Can Evelyn reach the man inside the monster and get him to let her go? What will the heroes do if she can't?


(I think I'll go add this to the "Plot Seeds" thread.) ;)

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Grond's Paw

Adapted from the tale of Androcles and the lion, a hero assists Grond with an injury and he becomes fixated on them. He begins to show up at scenes of fights the character is in, and with his great strength proceeds to pummel opponents way too much. Characters can try to turn him hero, but eventually there should be a falling out that causes a hulk-like rampage.


Grond's New Pet

Alternately to the idea above, the enamored Grond abducts the hero and treats them like a stuffed animal, squeezing the stuffing out of them -Particularly fun with indignant heroes. ("I will love him and hug him and squeeze him!")


Grond at the Carnival

Lonely and freakish, Grond is brought into a local circus as a sideshow attraction. He is happy and whiles away his time until the heroes arrive. Their reminder of what he is causes him to rampage.


Grond in the Ring

Grond becomes the darling of the underground gladiatorial circuit.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


I remember fondly the Grond vs Ripper scenario. I had just gotten a new toy at work, a beautiful full-color laser plotter. My coworkers were using it to print full-size engineering documents. Fools! That kind of hardware deserves a real task...GIANT STREET MAP!!!


Grond and Ripper were both in Stronghold which was in the campaign city. Some enterprising, but short-sighted security guards got together and decided to make some money. They transported the titans to a concrete-enclosed arena for the fight of the century. The PC's were there on a tip. I had the arena mapped out on an 8.5X11 piece of paper. R&G started fighting and took four phases to breach the walls of arena.


I then removed the arena map and revealed the colossal street map. Oh the carnage!!! The fight didn't last as long I thought but the property damage was amazing. The PC's spent the entire battle trying to minimize structure damage and casualties.


BTW, Grond won. The battle eventually moved to the river where Grond simply had the upper hand. :(:D

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Grond clones

There are several Grond sightings around the city - all at the same time! All the city's hero groups and individual heroes are called in by the mayor. The vast majority of these Gronds are sub-intelligent, non-speaking and somewhat weaker than the real thing. Only two of the Gronds stand out. One is Grond who is both angry at the imposters and curious as to what is going on. The other is a relatively intelligent faux Grond that beseeches the PCs to help him. He states there is a timed self-destruct device inbedded in him and he needs it surgically removed. Will the PCs take him to a hospital to assist? If so, the doctors find several other things wrong and keep him under observation (he will then be fine in a few days). All the other faux Gronds end up dying, freaking out the real Grond, who the heroes must calm down.


Now, the big question: Would you as a GM allow a player to introduce his PC, being a Grond clone, this way if he used only a 350 point version?


This is a modification of a Grond plot seed from CKC, p.154. Telios produces Grond clones from captured tissue; alteration is that one is a success that becomes a player character.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


I have an extended plot revolving around Grond. In my CU he has "retired" to the peace of the Amazon. Grond's hand, which had been severed in a super battle years before, had been stolen from the Paranormal History Museum along with several other items of super heroic lore. Other items had been stolen and my PCs correctly surmized after much debating (not to mention a few choice deduction and knowledge skill rolls) that someone was trying to recreate the accident that created Grond.


Weeks later, new versions of Grond start appearing all over the country and encrypted Advertisements for buying a Grond start appearing all over the Web.


A slight variation off of the Teleios/Clone plot... I am introducing a new Villainess named AKIDNA (as in the Mother of all Monsters) She is a former experiment/ assistant to Teleios!


The plot is progressing nicely and the Team (GUARD Team Atlanta) has already captured one of the new Gronds and are attempting to help reverse the process which created this new Grond.


Any questions, ideas, or comments???... let a guy know what you think!!

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


I have an extended plot revolving around Grond. In my CU he has "retired" to the peace of the Amazon. Grond's hand' date=' which had been severed in a super battle years before....[/quote']

Heh, that's pretty funny. :) When I started reading this, it reminded me of D&D's "Hand of Vecna."


A slight variation off of the Teleios/Clone plot... I am introducing a new Villainess named AKIDNA (as in the Mother of all Monsters) She is a former experiment/ assistant to Teleios!

I like this! Where did you get the name Akidna from? Did you make it up, was it from a Godzilla movie, or somewhere else? (I'm guessing the "Mother of all Monsters" is a reference for you.)

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


I believe that Akidna is from Greek and Roman Mythology and she actually was the mother of all monsters... I don't have my Edith Hamilton at hand to look it up though.


The PCs are unaware of her exsistence yet but that is going to change soon. Teleios is not interested in being one uped by one of his own creation and he is going to inspect the Grond knock off that my PCs have captured.


(Golden Grond... grond with a radiation field that does drain con and stun as an AoE centered on Grond. When GG was captured he reverted to human form and began to die from radiation poisioning... the PRIMUS medical staff was able to buy some time and the head physician decided that he needed to be reverted back to Grond to save the mans life. Reverie, the team telepath swam through his memories to try and determine his idenity and because of this a pseudo psychic bond has been established between GG and Reverie unbeknownst to Reverie. Golden Grond has been reverteed and while he is still savage, he is also calmer and he pays special attention to Reverie.... more fun to ensue!!)


Thanks for input Kirby!! :):) Any ideas or questions anyone?

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Here's a couple--


*Grond somehow regains the mind of Sydney Potter, and he remembers the incident with Teleios' Grond-clones (assuming it happened in your campaign). He manages to track down Teleios, and threatens him with death and destruction unless he can restore his humanity--he wants to be Sydney Potter again. The PCs catch up with Grond, and he tells them what he wants and asks their help in making Teleios do what he wants. Will the PCs agree, and if they do, how will they ensure Teleios doesn't have a trick up his sleeve?


*Grond has been reported battling mystical supervillianous elements--he's wrecked several DEMON-hames, sent Zorran the Artificer fleeing for his life, and even forced Temblor of the Crowns of Krim to retreat. No one can explain it until an archeological expedition to an ancient temple discovers a sealed room with a staute of Grond in it that is found to be several thousand years old. Inscriptions on tablets found in the room speak of a "demon-slayer demon" --a monster invoked for the purpose of fighting other monsters. Perhaps Grond is more--much more--than a mere freak of science. . .

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Heh, that's pretty funny. :) When I started reading this, it reminded me of D&D's "Hand of Vecna."



I like this! Where did you get the name Akidna from? Did you make it up, was it from a Godzilla movie, or somewhere else? (I'm guessing the "Mother of all Monsters" is a reference for you.)


I think the actual name is Echidna....and it comes from a monster in Greek mythology.



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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


1. Grond and five whacky friends frequent a NY coffee house for 11 years participating in whacky hyjinx... at least 3 years longer than anyone cares for.


2. Grond joins a team of forensic investigators, lifting vehicles off of accident victims, clearing debris, and moving bodies, in CSI: Millenium City.


3. Grond is called in as the tall silent sidekick to the wisecracking elderly detective on Law and Order: Super-Victims Unit.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Here's a couple--


*Grond somehow regains the mind of Sydney Potter, and he remembers the incident with Teleios' Grond-clones (assuming it happened in your campaign). He manages to track down Teleios, and threatens him with death and destruction unless he can restore his humanity--he wants to be Sydney Potter again. The PCs catch up with Grond, and he tells them what he wants and asks their help in making Teleios do what he wants. Will the PCs agree, and if they do, how will they ensure Teleios doesn't have a trick up his sleeve?



I ran a variation of this many years ago. We had Grond get his mind back following a serious mental whammy. Basically over the course of several encounters it was noted that Grond was getting smarter and more articulate. Finally he quit appearing in public, but his "hide out" (I don't remember where I had him stashed) was accidentally discovered. Grond was catching up on decades worth of art and literature. He was somehow brought out for a major clash, teaming up with the heroes to take on a major villain (after which he promised to turn himself in to the authorities on the condition he could continue pursuing his new love of literature, art and science). He was played most excellently by a newcomer who wanted to learn the rules. He really managed to bring some personality to the monster. The PCs were already trying to figure out how to get him on the team, or at least keep him from prison.


During the climatic battle Grond was trapped in an electrical barrier and had his mind fried--again. He turned himself in as promised, already having trouble understanding the philosophies he was currently reading. The last image the heroes had of him was of a very despondent Grond trying vainly to read through the Greek classics before he completely lost his mind.


A month later an angry and unintelligent Grond broke out of Stronghold to return to his life of villainy. The heroes never did look at him the same way after that.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Dude, that is awesome!


Does he still show up? Or is tha campaign no longer with us?



Unfortunately that campaign died a good six years back, I think. It marked the end of my FtF gaming era, followed shortly by the demise of my twelve-plus-year D&D campaign. For about eight years we had a great group that did round-robin GMing. I had just seen whatever that movie was where the guy got really smart, then lost it all again. I think Jack Lemmon was in it. Anyway, that and the "Intelligent Hulk" storyline of a decade+ past gave me the idea.


I was originally gonna use The Monster (remember him?), but another GM already used him for a different story line (which itself was a rip-off of Phantom of the Opera).

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Grond holds a press conference. He announces that his transformation has finally completed and allowed his mind to come back to him. Now with his mind restored to him, and with the memory of the years of his mindless rampage, he has come to the conclusion that the world needs a place to tend to the needs of Metas. While he regrets the destruction he caused in his mindless state, he is committing himself to this new project, creating a true Meta nation.



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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


I was running a solo campaign. The PC was an armored brick that was extremely intelligent.


I usually would start my games with a description/title in a form of a Comic Book cover. This one, I remember, had the Hero badly beaten with a shadow of a four armed giant. The Hero, suit non-functional, looking up at the object making the shadow, shouting "Nooooo..." - I don't remember the title but it would have been something like: When Giants Clash or something non-specific (the cover would give a hint to what would happen but never exactly - in this case, Grond)


During the Grond battle (which the PC was losing) Grond threw him into a set of powerlines.


As well as shorting out his suit, I decided to have some fun. I switched minds (which fit nicely with the cover... although I didn't plan on it at first).


Grond was now in the PC's body (with a broken suit) and the PC in Grond's body.


It was fun. He picked up Grond/himself and ran to his secret base (where he had trouble fitting through the door). All the while Grond was trying to escape with his (new) normal STR.


Our PC had to get used to his casual STR (ooppss a little to hard) and his size (duck before going through the door)


It was a lot of fun and we actually played a few game sessions like that. Made him go on a quest to find some materials to switch back (he found out it isn't any fun being hunted by the whole world)


He eventually switched back but I had a little of him still left in Grond and a little of Grond still left in him. They had a psychic link which was used from time to time (I made it a disadvantage - nightmares, overwhelming anger for no reason, difficulty concentrating - Not all of the time, just at the most inappropriate moments :)) On the other side, Grond was fighting a bit more intelligently (so the reports would say).



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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


*Grond has been reported battling mystical supervillianous elements--he's wrecked several DEMON-hames' date=' sent Zorran the Artificer fleeing for his life, and even forced Temblor of the Crowns of Krim to retreat. No one can explain it until an archeological expedition to an ancient temple discovers a sealed room with a staute of Grond in it that is found to be several thousand years old. Inscriptions on tablets found in the room speak of a "demon-slayer demon" --a monster invoked for the purpose of fighting other monsters. Perhaps Grond is more--much more--than a mere freak of science. . .[/quote']

:whistle: Ooooh, I really like this one. I was trying to do a San Angelo game (no aliens, VIPER, PRIMUS, UNTIL, nor Mechanon or Dr. Destroyer; however, there was going to be DEMON) and this would work perfectly for it. If I'm able to start up a campaign again (either in San Angelo or somewhere in the CU), I'm definitely going to keep this one on the burners. :yes:

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots



I think the actual name is Echidna....and it comes from a monster in Greek mythology.

Hmm... (looking up echidna in the dictionary) "Also called spiny anteater." That's not it, I hope. (Looking further in the definition.) Ah, here it is: "Echidna a mythical creature which gave birth to the Hydra and other monsters [from] Gk echidna , akin to echis viper."*


Very interesting. I have The Olympians sourcebook from 1990. I am now contemplating a plot idea: Grond and some PCs are engaged in conversation/destruction/something when some people shouting Greek just appear. Everyone disappears in a flash. What's going on? Grond & the PCs appear in the midst of a battle. It's the Olympians versus the Titans, and both sides are trying to get Grond on their side :jawdrop: (the PCs are mostly inconsequential in this bidding war :cry: ).


What will Grond do? What will the PCs do? It's just like Ragnarok. Except that no one is Norse. And if you die you don't go to Valhalla. And other minor inconsistencies. :o


Of course, if you don't have access to The Olympians is just doesn't matter. :(


*Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 1996 (p. 617)

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


1. Grond and five whacky friends frequent a NY coffee house for 11 years participating in whacky hyjinx... at least 3 years longer than anyone cares for.

Heh, aside from the silliness of the post, I think this one could sort of work with some changes. Maybe work it so that one of the PCs is accused of a crime and there is video proof. The PC is taken to Stronghold and finds out that on his level, there are just a few prisoners who actually get along sitting around on the couches each day and Grond is one of them. Instead of "Friends," it could be called " 'Mates." :think: Maybe?

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


The heroes never did look at [Grond] the same way after that.

I like plots like this. I do find it very entertaining and challenging when the GM throws in a villain that could change his/her ways with some good interaction with the PCs.

I was in a campaign where this theory happend, twice. In the first, we rescued Icicle and she became a good super (but only after her homework was finished :thumbup: .) Then, one of the players (who always managed a way to screw things up for us) decided he wanted to show he could do the same thing. He asked the GM if he could bring in a teen DNPC that he wrote up a background for. It turned out his background for her included being a test subject for a new assassin brainwashing technique. So we had the joy of trying to change this. Pile on to this that the player rarely took time to educate outside of anything but combat (and he was horrible on tactics to boot).

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


IAs well as shorting out his suit, I decided to have some fun. I switched minds (which fit nicely with the cover... although I didn't plan on it at first).


Grond was now in the PC's body (with a broken suit) and the PC in Grond's body.

Very well done! This has great potential for all types, speed characters, mentalists (oh, that would be funny!) energy projectors, etc. Maybe let the player be "Grond" for a week or so.

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Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


Very well done! This has great potential for all types' date=' speed characters, mentalists (oh, that would be funny!) energy projectors, etc. Maybe let the player be "Grond" for a week or so.[/quote']

Oh, I did. It was some time ago. We did it for a few game sessions.


One session consisted of him trying to call in sick to work only he couldn't pick up a phone without breaking it. He had to overcome the STR vs.(his old) STR roll to control the casual STR (didn't know how else to do the lack of control - seemed rational... he was used to his STR so that's what he based everything on).


One other session UNTIL had located him. Although 'GROND' was sounding extremely intelligent, his voice was still 'GROND'.


During the fight he commented that he understood why Grond was always pissed.


It is one of those games that became a 'Game Folklore' told and re-told years after it had happened.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots


A Plethora of Grond (or "Grond Clones for Sale")


A Grand a Grond: Grond sightings pop up about once a week, but in different areas. About every other sighting results in Grond damaging the local area. Why are Grond sightings becoming so common, and why is it that only one reporter keeps covering this? Do the heroes smell pay-off?


A Grand Grond: Grond comes into a lot of money and tries to make purchases, but everyone keeps refusing him out of fear. Each refusal leads to a grand ole' Grond smashing. Can the heroes defuse the situation?


Grande: After a series of weaker Grond clones have been spotted, another one shows up in Mexico (or Spain), speaking only Spanish. If he survives, will he become a hero berating the "American" Grond, or will he become a villain, with the US being asked to "fix their problem?"


A Grond to Grind: Several bricks have been attacking Grond lately, each one being defeated. It seems Grond is heading toward the campaign city, but villainous bricks keep attacking him, wearing him down little by little. Should one be caputred, it turns out that Bulldozer is offering one million dollars (where'd he get that money?) for any muscleman who can take Grond down. This is all a cover-up; Bulldozer was hoping the attacks would go unnoticed by the public. He has been covertly witnessing each attack in hopes that he could (publicly) defeat Grond, after Grond was worn down, of course.


Grond-eh?: Another Grond clone, but this one more apt to 4th ed (9' tall, about 340 points but with a higher intelligence and ego) shows up in Canada. He proudly sports the Canadian colors, but doesn't know his own strength. Grond-eh starts fighting crime but always hospitalizes the criminals, if they're lucky. Will he be named the Canuk Crook Killer, the Maple Leaf Murderer, or can the heroes calm and train this newest of heroes?


A Grond Opening: It's time for the hero recruitment drive. Either suggested to the PCs, or an NPC hero team starts advertising "Heroes Wanted." One day, Grond shows up asking for membership. Is this legit? If so, how will local authorities respond?

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