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Best/Worst Galactic Champions


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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


I like the ethical complexity of Sage. I think he would make a very interesting PC in a long term campaign.


I also have a fondness for immortal demigods, as well as Jack Kirby's New Gods/Eternals, so Thalya appeals to me.


If this were an actual comic series, Bulletproof would probably be the stand-in for the reader: a regular Joe from an era not far removed from our own, suddenly transported to a fantastic future of wonders.


Now, I know that you wanted to focus on the Champs themselves, Meta, but I have to say something about a couple of others: I really like the Big Giant Head. :D It is the ultimate logical result of Mechanon's evolution and his obsession. I like to introduce "epic destroyers" into my campaigns occasionally. Also, there's no reason Mech couldn't be used both this way and as he has been in the contemporary CU; with so much of the universe full of organic life, Mechanon might have launched avatars to many inhabited worlds. Only particularly defiant planets would receive a visit from "the Head." In fact I'm seriously considering changing my own plans for Mechanon in my campaign to conform to this.


The new Firewing's motivation is what I would have preferred for the original, what the Wisdom Stones hoped for with Ariax Thone - to light a fire (pun intended) under the Malvans, inspire them to reclaim their former glory. His level of power is suitably epic for this purpose, and would have made Ariax Thone the "world-threatening" menace he's reputed to be in the modern day CU.


All of course IMO, YMMV etc. :)

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


I agree. The Head works. If the tone of Galactic Champions is supposed to be like the Silver Age Legion of Super-Heroes, then you're gonna need at least big cosmic planet-sized threat.


And given a choice between Mechanan 3000 and something like the Sun-Eater, I'll take the Head any damn day of the week.

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


While I can see the advantage to sticking Firewing 3K's power level on Ariax, I think I still like the old Firewing's character better. Yeah, he's not what the Stones of Wisdom wanted, but he was also a more complex character. I like characters that have ideals, beliefs, and desires that conflict, and I like "villains" the have the ability to be something better. Ariax is both.


I'd like to think that he went out in the final battle against Tyrannon, having learned a lesson from his old rival Drogen Lar, that honor comes not merely from fighting for fighting's sake, but in fighting for something worthwhile. . .

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


Perhaps Ariax is merely sleeping... Soon to be awakened. To see how this...this pretender to his name prances around the galaxy. Perhaps he'd join forces, in a desire to rekindle the spirit of Malva? It'd be interesting....

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


I think Gavis Gan is interesting--his momentum/inertia powers would give speedsters fits.

Bulletproof is a pretty cool concept--he is 'balanced' as a member of a team, but as a solo hero he would be remarkably combat ineffective against other 700 point opponents. 11d6 just is not going to get it done against 50 PD.


Sage is a little too "vanilla" as a mentalist for my tastes, but YMMV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


Going more by concept and background than the mechanics of the powers here...


I think my favorites are probably Bulletproof and Charm.


While it's not always a good idea game balance wise, the "Invulnerable Hero" was one of my favorite concepts for awhile. The sort of guy who falls off a roof just because it's faster than the stairs etc.... and lo and behold, BP does the same darn thing :) That and the man out of time routine just kicks. Being a Cap fan, I would say that :)


Charm... well, I like Kalshari, and the idea of a theif gone good, when done well, appeals to me (I have one player who's done similar). In some ways she's kind of got a female Han Solo meets Robin Hood thing going. What's not to love?


I can't say that I really hate or even dislike any of the others.

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


Bulletproof is a pretty cool concept--he is 'balanced' as a member of a team, but as a solo hero he would be remarkably combat ineffective against other 700 point opponents. 11d6 just is not going to get it done against 50 PD.


The thing about Bulletproof is, he needs to be played by a tactically smart player. He's the king of using the environment as a weapon, and in GC, there are usually plenty of high-tech devices and vehicles that can be blown up, crashed or otherwise used as weapons, especially if you're willing to take the pain alongside your opponent. When Jason played the Golden Age version of the character in our original DoJ campaign, he was famous for getting "behind the wheel" of any number of vehicles he only had a rudimentary idea of how to operate, and promptly crashing them, causing massive amounts of damage only he could walk away from. (As the joke became more stretched, it started to get that Simpsons vibe where any impact would cause any vehicle to explode in a fireball, including cars, boats and even a camel.) dw

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


The thing about Bulletproof is' date=' he needs to be played by a tactically smart player. He's the king of using the environment as a weapon, and in GC, there are usually plenty of high-tech devices and vehicles that can be blown up, crashed or otherwise used as weapons, especially if you're willing to take the pain alongside your opponent. When Jason played the Golden Age version of the character in our original DoJ campaign, he was famous for getting "behind the wheel" of any number of vehicles he only had a rudimentary idea of how to operate, and promptly crashing them, causing massive amounts of damage only he could walk away from. (As the joke became more stretched, it started to get that Simpsons vibe where any impact would cause any vehicle to explode in a fireball, including cars, boats and even a camel.) dw[/quote']

I played a character named "Mr. Impervious" in a Space game though remarkably enough he didn't wreck any vehicles in such a fashion. Before becoming impervious he was a pilot, so pride of equipment etc... Though he was a decent MA & shot with a gun. The schticks for him were either having a brick wind up a haymaker (old style) after saying "Let's see how impervious you really are", being thrown from the battle, and the press was always gushing over how brave he was going in without powers, etc...

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


The thing about Bulletproof is' date=' he needs to be played by a tactically smart player. He's the king of using the environment as a weapon, and in GC, there are usually plenty of high-tech devices and vehicles that can be blown up, crashed or otherwise used as weapons, especially if you're willing to take the pain alongside your opponent. When Jason played the Golden Age version of the character in our original DoJ campaign, he was famous for getting "behind the wheel" of any number of vehicles he only had a rudimentary idea of how to operate, and promptly crashing them, causing massive amounts of damage only he could walk away from. (As the joke became more stretched, it started to get that Simpsons vibe where any impact would cause any vehicle to explode in a fireball, including cars, boats and even a camel.) dw[/quote']


Yep. Another good roll for Bulletproof is munching agent types, who almost always have much better offense than defense. Useful against Cyclops-type eggshells with hammers, too.

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Re: Best/Worst Galactic Champions


I think Gavis Gan is interesting--his momentum/inertia powers would give speedsters fits.

Bulletproof is a pretty cool concept--he is 'balanced' as a member of a team, but as a solo hero he would be remarkably combat ineffective against other 700 point opponents. 11d6 just is not going to get it done against 50 PD.


Sage is a little too "vanilla" as a mentalist for my tastes, but YMMV.


I agree. Gavis Gan is exactly the kind of character I hoped to see in GC. He could easily be taken as is and put in the Legion of Super Heroes. Sage is definatly a 'vanilla' mentalist, but I agree that his personality is cool.



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