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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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I still snigger when I hear or think about this.


'Now if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that nothing is more powerful than a young boy's wish. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.'


And I saw one today flying over the skies of Plymouth near the dockyard. Why I don't know. There are no American bases in close proximity and no American ships that I can see from the local paper that are visiting.



I'm not sure why the American is telling the British guy this...


The British Army owns 50 Apache Helicopters.


You signed a 3bn deal to upgrade them last summer.


That mouthy prince fellow... Harry is it?... is one of the pilots.




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Just spent five minutes looking for my employee self-services website. (It turned out to be futile, because either I can't remember my password, ot it's expired. No worries, I'll just reset it at work. What else would I do there, anyway?)


--Most impressive result: Typing "Employee Self Services" into the search bar of the company home page returns no hits.

Oooh, you have a search engine? See if you hack into an executive's ID, and once established there, do all kinds of fun searches.
  • child pornography
  • witness protection program
  • nepotism coordination
  • how to find your rear end with both hands
  • management buzzword of the month club
And so on.
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I have been told that there is a filter put in by the prime minister and it shuts out what it thinks is salacious. Consequently I no longer see Enforcer84's posts.


So, Cameron finds military hardware salacious?


Maybe Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round by the Dead Kennedy's wasn't so far off the mark, after all...

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Unusual request time.


What other professions would an American Football team have other than the following:-








Equipment staff





Digital co-ordinators, scoreboard people, catering, transport, executive box staff I know about.

What I am looking for is anything obvious I have missed and nothing too niche. A fan co-ordinator could be part of a publicist job.


In terms of "cleaners," a facilities staff w. ground-keepers would be included.


In terms of "security," stadium security and team security will be separate.


Most teams likely have a security coordinator who does threat assessment and vets transportation, lodging, and insane fans.


For coaching, there is the head coach, defensive coach, offensive coach, special teams coach....


Also, don't forget legal and business departments.


Football teams have huge insurance and liability requirements that require a ton of paper. 


And contracts are handled by teams of lawyers.


What about a sports psychologist?

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In terms of "cleaners," a facilities staff w. ground-keepers would be included.


In terms of "security," stadium security and team security will be separate.


Most teams likely have a security coordinator who does threat assessment and vets transportation, lodging, and insane fans.


For coaching, there is the head coach, defensive coach, offensive coach, special teams coach....


Also, don't forget legal and business departments.


Football teams have huge insurance and liability requirements that require a ton of paper. 


And contracts are handled by teams of lawyers.


What about a sports psychologist?


Many thanks this is exactly the sort of general information I required.


I had looked at job stuff on the Net but some of it was too specific

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Many thanks this is exactly the sort of general information I required.


I had looked at job stuff on the Net but some of it was too specific


It also occurred to me that, at the venue, concessions and memorabilia are major sales items.


The concessions are usually sub-contracted to third-party vendors, so the team will have a business person to run that.


The memorabilia stores at the stadium are sometimes owned and operated run by the team / organization.


If so, you'll have a manager and staff for the store as well.


Incidentally, the Seahawks organization is big enough that has two training facilities.


The larger is 200,000 square feet with 48,000 dedicated to office and business staff.

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I have been Private Messaged informing me that Enforcer84 was trouserless while posting and invited me to partake in smoking in an offshore account. Please tell me this is untrue.

It's untrue. What you interpreted as "smoking" would be more faithfully worded as "set on fire".

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