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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: In revenge for posting at almost the same time as the Tribble in this thread, what does the fiery eyed tentacled one do to Cranial Spasm ?
Oh I feel so very loved! And tentacles? So very... very... loved. :nonp:


1.Crosses her name off his Christmas card list, which is a shame, really, because Death Tribble's Christmas cards are always so sweet and comforting.
I never get Christmas cards... It's a sad life I lead. I finally find someone willing to go the distance to mail me warm wishes and I have to go and ruin it by being faster than DT... *sob*


2. Writes a long and detailed letter of complaint, which is so meticulously written that english professors weep for joy and logic professors spend years in complete awe.
Well then... I guess I don't need a Christmas card if I'm getting a letter of complaint. I like those too.


3. Viciously, cruelly, and callously create a new topic about it in the NGD Scenes From a Hat thread.
I seriously hope there's not a "What would a tentacle do to CranialSpasm" thread... That's a total lie. I'd be honored:thumbup:, freaked out:eek:, and a little excited.:D
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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Let me apologize in advance for all of this. Blame carnialspasm...she started it!


A blow up Fence with posable Hermit doll


You know, I just can't decide if that's a good idea or not....


Find a way to harness petty partisan vitriol to generate electricity.


If only. We'd have this whole energy crisis thing whipped.


Rocketta McAwesomesauce


Rocketta McAwesomesauce Pariah. That has an interesting ring to it.


Princess Pariah


We'll probably end up treating her like that, even if we don't actually name her tat.


Toucherandal Shootyu


Damn straight. Reminds me of the Bill Engvall bit: "That little girl right there, she's my everything, boy. So if you get any thoughts about huggin', and kissin', I want you to remember this: I go no problem going back to prison."


NT: Evil' date=' horrible things President Obama really wanted to say in his address to schoolchildren.[/quote']


"Sorry kids, but there is no Santa Claus. There's only Nancy Pelosi and Robert Byrd. And Hillary."


New Topic: Surprise questions Pariah wrote into his Honors Chemistry classes' first exam tomorrow.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic: Surprise questions Pariah wrote into his Honors Chemistry classes' first exam tomorrow.


How long does it take the human body to decompose and how can we speed this process up using various chemicals or compounds. Students may use Rush Limbaugh or Pat Buchanon as test subjects to implement their therories.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic: Surprise questions Pariah wrote into his Honors Chemistry classes' first exam tomorrow.


"Observation and attention to detail are very important skills for a chemist. On the first day of class, what color shirt was the teacher wearing, and how many buttons did it have?"




An amusing story I heard once. A med school prof was talking about the importance of observation and attention to detail, then said, "You can also learn a lot about a patient's situation through alternate methods. For instance," he brought out a cup of yellow liquid and dipped a finger in. "It's a little-known fact that you can taste the difference between normal urine and urine from a diabetic." He stuck a finger in his mouth and sucked on it a second. "Yep, diabetic. Now it's your turn."


He handed the cup to a student, who hesitantly stuck a finger in and tasted it, then passed the cup on.


After the cup made its rounds, the prof said, "Now, those of you that were observant and paid attention to detail noted that I stuck my middle finger into the cup, but stuck my index finger into my mouth..."



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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic: Surprise questions Pariah wrote into his Honors Chemistry classes' first exam tomorrow.


"Timolenes are a class of polycyclic compounds where at least two of the bonds in the compound extend through hyperspace, permitting certain temporal-spatial arrangements otherwise impossible. For instance, most timolenes are exceedingly soluble in water (or methanol, for the hydrophobic ones), so much so that they actually start dissolving before contact with the solvent.


Suggest a suitable structural notation which is both representable on a 2-dimensional medium like paper or a blackboard, and adequate for describing the structure of a molecule whose structure is inherently oscillatory and variable in time. Distraction that poses as a hint: the indeterminacy of the position of the double bonds in a benzene ring poses vaguely similar challenges."


NT: Your child has discovered a bottle in the back of a cabinet of the chem lab at school that is labeled "Antiprotons". What does she or he do with it?

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


"Timolenes are a class of polycyclic compounds where at least two of the bonds in the compound extend through hyperspace, permitting certain temporal-spatial arrangements otherwise impossible. For instance, most timolenes are exceedingly soluble in water (or methanol, for the hydrophobic ones), so much so that they actually start dissolving before contact with the solvent.


Suggest a suitable structural notation which is both representable on a 2-dimensional medium like paper or a blackboard, and adequate for describing the structure of a molecule whose structure is inherently oscillatory and variable in time. Distraction that poses as a hint: the indeterminacy of the position of the double bonds in a benzene ring poses vaguely similar challenges."


WHAT?!? :jawdrop:


NT: Your child has discovered a bottle in the back of a cabinet of the chem lab at school that is labeled "Antiprotons". What does she or he do with it?


Reverses the polarity to create an anti-antiproton beam weapon of some kind.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Your child has discovered a bottle in the back of a cabinet of the chem lab at school that is labeled "Antiprotons". What does she or he do with it?


Use it to power a Supertask Machine. what else?


NT: Unexpected uses for a banana cream pie. (Difficulty: no violence or sex)

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