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Props and your PCs

Iuz the Evil

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Re: Props and your PCs


I use music to soundtrack my games. I'll also hunt around for sound effects compilations, or those 'nature compilations' on CD. Usually the week before the game, I'll try to have all that stuff ready for me to grab as needed. I keep my laptop around the gaming table for easy access and pipe the soundtrack through the stereo in the other room so it doesn't get obtrusive. I've found that if I don't make a mention of the music being 'a soundtrack', I'll usually get better roleplay out of my players.

I use pics I swipe online, or simple stuff I can make in Poser, or manipulate in Photo Shop. Many times, those will work better in a description for me.

I don't use miniatures or a hex grid unless the combat has a particular tactical feel to it. I've found that when I bring out hexgrids, people tend to stop roleplaying.

I'll make handouts for letters, codes or journals... One of my favorites was making out a collection of letters & correspondence between a guy and his fiance whose relationship went sour due to paranormal abilities.

Oh... and I guess this would be considered a prop. I use 'Books of Doom' in my game. Each player has a spiral bound notebook that the game begins and ends in. Anytime characters are seperated or doing something on their own, the game gets played out in the Books of Doom. No one is allowed to read another player's book. Responsibility for any information gained while 'flying solo' is strictly up to that player then.


That's my 2 cents.

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Re: Props and your PCs


Almost forgot a really amusing prop I used to use in a fantasy themed campaign, I think I may revive it for Champions sometime. Sound effects w/ a CD remote. I picked up a 4 CD compilation set of 100 sound effects per CD, ranging from "Lion Roar" to "lightning" to "machine gun" (from the sound it was really more like an assault rifle than a .50 cal). I'd queue up the ones I wanted and skip forward or back then hit play in response to events that occurred in the game.


Used the "lightning" one a LOT actually, the "lion roar" less frequently but also was handy. I'm gonna have to dig those out & dust them off.

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Re: Props and your PCs


Very rarely I will use some music, however it is usually just too inconvenient to pause the action and get something like that going.


I use paper props a lot. In our old Dark Champions game I used to put together the front page of the news paper every so often. I did it in MS Publisher. In my next campaign I'll likely do the same. I also do things like the occational official report that the players manage to get their hands on.


I have done clues in the past. A matchbook with a new cover that I printed out and glued on. I did a series of wine bottles with labels that hid clues once (sparkling grape juice actually). I have done old and tattered maps before. Sometimes I'll find an old trinket or babble laying around that I can incorperate into a game. I did a voice recording one time. I have stolen pictures from magazines, back in the days before it became really easy to find pictures on the internet.

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Re: Props and your PCs


Oh... it was awesome! Neil had the UNTIL logo up there, first screen said classified and for-your-eyes-only type bureaucraticspeak. Raven had a logo that he had found... then each faction had pictures... many of them pics that I had done for private commissions. We are talking alien invaders, Atlanteans, Raven, Fiacho & various Eurostar clones, a whole smorgasborg of dangling plot hooks and the beginnings of "relationship" maps between all these disperate elements.


I really felt like my PC was at a debriefing in a dark room in UNTIL HQ in Paris. It was really quite cool.


For the record, Neil doesn't own a projector, but signed it out from his job.


So Storn....not to sound like a broken record but any chance of you posting this? :)


By the sounds of it we would be eternally greatful!!!


Pleadingly, on bended knee, with sugar on top?


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Re: Props and your PCs


We use a battlemap and miniatures like most groups but that's about it. Occasionally, I've had to improvise(I once used a coke can as a minature to represent an oversized opponent). I've played with groups that liked atmosphere music, which is okay. Conan soundtrack. Lots of classical(definitely recommend Mussorgsky).

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Re: Props and your PCs


We do use a map, and villians are coins, and heroes are basically cardboard heroes - one of the group is an artist and does quick little sketches of the characters, so I scan them in, shrink 'em way down, and make a triangle out of the picture twice and the base. We use that on the map.


No mood music.

No lighting.

No props.


We on a semi regular basis have a newspaper that is the main stories in the news, but it is just typed out, not made up like a newspaper - it is mostly informational.


We are minamalist that way.

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Re: Props and your PCs


I run my game almost entirely from my laptop these days. Herodesigner character sheets/combat records, mp3 playlists for theme/background music, and photo references. I'd use a die roller program but I prefer the feel of dice in my hand.


My group uses a formalized system of photoreferences dubbed "Bodycasting". Basically, every PC and significant NPC is described as looking like a particular celebrity (actor, musician, athelete, model, public figure) in the real world who becomes thier physical model in the game. We keep computer files of pictures of people we like to cast in games and draw from them in the same way a casting director might cast a movie. "I need a tall, sexy, femme fatale type. How about Famke Janssen?"


It really adds a sense of (cinematic) realism when you can not only describe a character as being cute/intimidating/scuffy/distinguished/what-have-you, but show them a picture and let them react according to thier own preconceptions.


With programs like Photoshop, we can even "morph" pictures for aliens and fantasy races.


I have a little turntable thing I stole from work that I set my laptop on during games. If I want to show my players a picture, I just spin my computer around, then spin it back to look at my notes. :D

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Re: Props and your PCs


Almost forgot a really amusing prop I used to use in a fantasy themed campaign, I think I may revive it for Champions sometime. Sound effects w/ a CD remote. I picked up a 4 CD compilation set of 100 sound effects per CD, ranging from "Lion Roar" to "lightning" to "machine gun" (from the sound it was really more like an assault rifle than a .50 cal). I'd queue up the ones I wanted and skip forward or back then hit play in response to events that occurred in the game.


Used the "lightning" one a LOT actually, the "lion roar" less frequently but also was handy. I'm gonna have to dig those out & dust them off.

That's funny, I think I have the exact same sound effects compilation. I bought it for sampling (which you're not supposed to do with it, but ah well).


As to this thread, I use pics (stuff I cull from the web and sometimes mod) and maps primarily. I have considered music but I just feel music is such a personal thing and plus I can't be sure of the different directions a session might take.


As to Powerpoint and/or projectors, I think too many of our group have worked in corporate environments (as have I) and would cringe at seeing anything resembling it - but it is a great idea otherwise.


As to Redmenace's multimedia event - WOW! Now that is impressive. I just can't see going to that much work, myself.


As supporting material, I do also occasionally put bits about the world or the like on my website. I try to keep up with some flavorful news and editorials, but haven't spent the time on it lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Props and your PCs


If I were to ever achive my dream job of being a professional Champions GM, I would have many spiffy props. But, as it is I have time and budget problems.

In the past I have gone so far as to put together a cardboard tower for multi-level super battling. I also used an old plastic Testors model of the space shuttle which was the right scale. Mostly I try just to get minatures that look like the PCs, and something close to represent NPCs.

Newspapers,are nice when I have time. Pictures I have swiped are pretty easy to print off and show. Or at least a scanned picture of the major NPCs, to show off.

My games are usually run away from my home so I can't be carrying a lot of stuff.

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Re: Props and your PCs


I run my game almost entirely from my laptop these days. Herodesigner character sheets/combat records' date=' mp3 playlists for theme/background music, and photo references. I'd use a die roller program but I prefer the feel of dice in my hand.[/quote'] Yeah. i just started co-GMing with Lappy, and he's very supportive. MP3 playlists, in particular, rock. I built up a good half-dozen playlists, which I switch between depending on scene (combat, intense combat, location, party). i've ripped almost my entire CD library on here, and go through all the relevant soundtracking folders to construct each one. Takes a while, but works brilliantly in play.


I have to get hold of one of those sound effects CDs... that'd make a great playlist.


Oh, and if you want sounds of furious machinegun fire and bombs and stuff, find someone who has the Pacific Assault game. There are mp3s on there that include background noise for some intense WW2 battle sequences. (Actually, I think these files come with the demo, too.)

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Re: Props and your PCs


One thing I've learned about props is to not to overuse them. I like to make slideshows with Movie Maker, but these and video clips should be kept short and sweet, or you'll bore your players. The same thing goes with music. If it's constantly playing, it will stop enhancing the game and become background noise.

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