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Don't be a hater!

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Re: Don't be a hater!


This thread has been quite entertaining. :D
Ah, so you're a masochist, too? Color me all shocked and stuff... :rolleyes:


So, all this idea-stealing BS means I should harass George Lucas into acknowledging my brilliance, seeing as how I'd "invented" a double-lightsaber waaaaayyyy back when I was playing d6 Star Wars 1e? Please. It was a simple idea. Heaven forbid the notion that anyone else could've come up with the idea independently. Should C-whatever be harrassed into acknowledging the sources (concious or otherwise) of his "own" ideas? Only by his own logic. :slap:


I actually got 5 pages into this thread before I remembered what I dislike about self-important crybabies. Guess I'm a masochist, too. :(


John T

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Ah, so you're a masochist, too? Color me all shocked and stuff... :rolleyes:


So, all this idea-stealing BS means I should harass George Lucas into acknowledging my brilliance, seeing as how I'd "invented" a double-lightsaber waaaaayyyy back when I was playing d6 Star Wars 1e? Please. It was a simple idea. Heaven forbid the notion that anyone else could've come up with the idea independently. Should C-whatever be harrassed into acknowledging the sources (concious or otherwise) of his "own" ideas? Only by his own logic. :slap:


I actually got 5 pages into this thread before I remembered what I dislike about self-important crybabies. Guess I'm a masochist, too. :(


John T

I invented the internet years before Al Gore did. You guys owe me tons of cash from royalties. I'll accept payment in US dollars, otter pops, or topless pics of your pet turtles. :yes:

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Re: Don't be a hater!


I invented the internet years before Al Gore did. You guys owe me tons of cash from royalties. I'll accept payment in US dollars' date=' otter pops, or topless pics of your pet turtles. :yes:[/quote']


How about a couple of turtles kissing:

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Re: Don't be a hater!


I invented the internet years before Al Gore did. You guys owe me tons of cash from royalties. I'll accept payment in US dollars' date=' otter pops, or topless pics of your pet turtles. :yes:[/quote']Sorry, I ate my pet turtle after he died of some scabrous fungal infection. Kinda crunchy, as I recall...


John T

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Sometimes it seems to me that these forums have gotten so that it is impossible to go more than a week anymore without a mean old 5 page thread-o-venom. Some of you just need to relax... eat a popsicle... turn on the AC... step back, watch some cartoons and unwind.


It's like when you have just been spending TOO MUCH TIME around a certain person to the point that all you want to do is chop thier head off. Please don't do that, we need all the heads in their assigned places around here.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


So, in digital hero there's an article about using superhuman levels of PRE as a kludge for Jedi mind tricks and the like. It's a great idea. I remember participating in the thread where it was originally discussed. I think I remember writing the idea of using PRE/2 as casual PRE, the same way STR/2 is casual STR. It's in the Digital Hero article. That's a good thing. I shared the idea originally because I wanted to share it. I feel pretty darned special having my ideas, or derivatives thereof, or ideas substantially similar to mine, disseminated by DOJ. I think it's really flarging cool. I can't be persueded to think otherwise. My ideas rock! Woohoo!


Trying to claim copyright protections for the random spewings on these boards is generally a stupid idea. Sharing ideas willy-nilly and then yelling "copycat!" is likewise childish and feeble.


re: C-- and bannination: Sometimes you really do get a second chance to make a bad first impression.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Ah, so you're a masochist, too? Color me all shocked and stuff... :rolleyes:


So, all this idea-stealing BS means I should harass George Lucas into acknowledging my brilliance, seeing as how I'd "invented" a double-lightsaber waaaaayyyy back when I was playing d6 Star Wars 1e? Please. It was a simple idea. Heaven forbid the notion that anyone else could've come up with the idea independently. Should C-whatever be harrassed into acknowledging the sources (concious or otherwise) of his "own" ideas? Only by his own logic. :slap:


I actually got 5 pages into this thread before I remembered what I dislike about self-important crybabies. Guess I'm a masochist, too. :(


John T

It is always easy to dismiss someone by bringing up a different example that is less specific and easier to explain as a coincidence.
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Re: Don't be a hater!


So' date=' in digital hero there's an article about using superhuman levels of PRE as a kludge for Jedi mind tricks and the like. It's a great idea. I remember participating in the thread where it was originally discussed. I think I remember writing the idea of using PRE/2 as casual PRE, the same way STR/2 is casual STR. It's in the Digital Hero article. That's a good thing. I shared the idea originally because [b']I wanted to share it[/b]. I feel pretty darned special having my ideas, or derivatives thereof, or ideas substantially similar to mine, disseminated by DOJ. I think it's really flarging cool. I can't be persueded to think otherwise. My ideas rock! Woohoo!


Trying to claim copyright protections for the random spewings on these boards is generally a stupid idea. Sharing ideas willy-nilly and then yelling "copycat!" is likewise childish and feeble.


re: C-- and bannination: Sometimes you really do get a second chance to make a bad first impression.

It's a good thing he didn't do that. He never claimed copyright protection nor did he spew randomly nor did he call someone a copycat.


He did claim that he believed that someone from DOJ used his idea about Mentalla as a plot seed based on the fact that he posted it on boards members of DOJ participated on and the plot seed's specificity. He also brought up some other tidbits, I think, to show a pattern.


Is their room for doubt about his conclusion? Yes. Is there a need to describe his premise in ways that exaggerate that doubt? No, and you have definitely done that.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


It's a good thing he didn't do that. He never claimed copyright protection nor did he spew randomly nor did he call someone a copycat.


He did claim that he believed that someone from DOJ used his idea about Mentalla as a plot seed based on the fact that he posted it on boards members of DOJ participated on and the plot seed's specificity. He also brought up some other tidbits, I think, to show a pattern.


Loyalty to a friend is a good thing, usually. Blind loyalty can be a problem.


That may very well be the case, but I believe it's closer to "Hey, that's a cool idea. [cut][paste]"



I don't know, but that's accusing someone of being a copycat, or basically plagiarism. Trying to say he may not have used those excact words is pointless when his accusation above stands pretty plainly. you think thgis isn't a serious



Those are the only ones that came directly from me. There are many others that I noticed when I flipped through those books ("Hey, I remember when so-and-so posted that"). I believe there are one or two others that came from others in my gaming group.


You innocently dismiss that as 'establishing a pattern. To about everyone else, it reads as "they copy ideas from others wily nilly". Many others. Just two or theee from hsi group alone. Not being able to back any of it up and his revealed past really doesn't do much for credibility either, but thats incidental to the point. His accusations were serious, the type you don't make against a company on its public forums without having hard evidence.



I can think of half a dozen plus ideas that were lifted, almost word for word from threads on the old boards. It's a "I remember when Bob posted that on the boards" thing. It's simply presented as DOJ's own ideas. That's a good way to anger your customer fan base real fast.


If you think any writer won't be insulted, offended, or feel legally threatened by that, I'm not sure any discussion is going tyo satsify you. Yourt friend made damaging, reputation affecting accusations in public. He had nothing of merit to base it on. Add in hidden identity and past misconduct/axe to grind, you have an indefensible position that is so spurious, so embarassingly petty and fabricated that it's damaging and embarassing by association with it. Replace this incident with the same postings but someone elses name, and tell me you wouldn't approach it differently.


Maybe he';s your friend, but your friend blew it. Admitting so, or simply standing silent in the face of his debacle isn't betraying your friend. Pissing inthe wind on his behalf isn't going to really help you either, and isn't a requirement of friendship.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Well said.


To keep this from being a "me too":


To keep this from being a "me too" I'll start by saying I like a lot of the new things as of 5ER, but there are a handful of new things that are problematic.


things that used to be "fun", that no longer are in the 5th edition system:


players like rolling dice. Mega-skills have a place' date=' but allow for more hand waving. Let them roll dice, just don't tell them what its for.[/quote']


This is a genre issue, I think. For most supers-heroic games you're absolutely right. For many genres, ar low end supers games, a lot of the new skills add a great deal from. I run a "low powered" supers game (you'd have to look at the characters and decide how "low powered" it really is) that's more "commando/espionage with powers" hero. It works very well for what I do. I think a lot of additions, not just powers, have added to "point creep" though.


Players don't like being the supporting cast. The change to high damage' date=' low defense for shorted combat leads to players watching from the sidelines. Typically a PC lasts about 2 successful hits it seems under 5th.[/quote']


This also adds to point creep for games that use the books as a baseline, because "traditional" players are looking for work arounds. On the other-hand, in my game the third hit from someone in your leage will usually take you out (unless your built to soak damage), but the players don't sit on the sidelines that much. This is because they take full advantage of maneuvers that help them avoid being hit, and they make much more use of teamwork and advanced planning. They frequently cover teammates who need to take recoveries (who are usually assuming cover for a phase) and the like. My combats run just as long, but for different reasons. For a silver-age power level supers game, however, this would really suck.


(most) players don't like having to do math on the spot (not me). By having differnt Meta-rules for various constructions' date=' the rules become less intuitive[/quote']


For me this is more of a long term problem for the system (over the years) than on the spot. I hate all constructs that I have to do bookkeeping for at run time. Most adjustment powers, for instance, assume "standard effect at 3.5" in my games. I do think this issue needs to be considered with a long view for how it effects system development, however.


It's my game' date=' it's my "interpretation of the" rules. Steve Long has been dragged far to deeply into making myriad rulings, and then much effort is spent enforcing those rulings on this forum. Step back a level, make a Meta-rule that is appropriate to a multitude of situations and let the GM's interpret.[/quote']


Call me a ditto-head. He has added some cool ideas to the system, though.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Knee-jerk responses or putting yourself in the place of only one side of a conflict can also be a problem.


True. I'm glad your recognizing your hindrances in this matter so you can come up with a suitable personal resolution to them.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


Its like going in for a brake job. The mechanic gives you a tool box. You tell him' date=' no, I want a BRAKE JOB. He opens the tool box and hands you a wrench. In this analogy, the HERO rule book is the toolbox, and the genre books are the wrench--they dont get the job done, and the Gm still has to do ALL of the heavy lifting.[/quote']

Your last paragraph is pure gold. It's exactly why I love the Hero System. To follow your analogy, the settingbooks are the Break Job, and if you don't like them, you still have a wrench and a tookbox to rework it the way you like. It's one of the thing that many of Hero System nay-sayers overlook (not necessarily you, or that you are really that much of a nay-sayer, but nay-sayers in general).

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Re: Don't be a hater!


#2: Lifts from the boards without attribution -- I can flip through several of the first DOJ books and pull out information that was posted on the old boards. From house rules to campaign ideas and plot threads' date=' I can think of half a dozen plus ideas that were lifted, [i']almost word for word[/i] from threads on the old boards. It's a "I remember when Bob posted that on the boards" thing. It's not attributed, there's no "thanks to the guys on the Hero board for their great ideas!" It's simply presented as DOJ's own ideas. That's a good way to anger your customer fan base real fast.


If it hasn't been mentioned alread (and I know I'm behind on this thread), please direct your attention to the credits page of every Hero System book published by DOJ.

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Re: Don't be a hater!


I'm sorry for posting something that isn't related to this thread but I think the entire thread has run its course. :)


I just looked at a few responses between two board members. The exchange reminded me of the exchange between Luke and the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. You know, "Faith in your friends is your weakness..."


Originally Posted by incrdbil

Loyalty to a friend is a good thing, usually. Blind loyalty can be a problem.


Originally Posted by Agent X

Knee-jerk responses or putting yourself in the place of only one side of a conflict can also be a problem.


Originally Posted by incrdbil

True. I'm glad your recognizing your hindrances in this matter so you can come up with a suitable personal resolution to them.


I am not trying to start anything. I just thought the exchange was familiar. Maybe I am just weird.


Now, who is the Emperor and who is Luke?

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Re: Don't be a hater!


If it hasn't been mentioned alread (and I know I'm behind on this thread)' date=' please direct your attention to the credits page of [i']every[/i] Hero System book published by DOJ.

Not to quibble, but are you talking about the thanks to the Digital Hero playtesters? Note, I'm looking at the playtest versions of Hidden Lands & Villiany Amok.


Though VA mentions "Nothing arises in a vacuum" in the dedication. :D

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